A B C D E F G H I L M P Q R S T U V W X misc
tools-package | Tools for Package Development |
add_datalist | Add a 'datalist' File to a Package |
Adobe_glyphs | Conversion Tables between Character Sets |
as.character.Rd | Parse an Rd file |
assertCondition | Asserting Error Conditions |
assertError | Asserting Error Conditions |
assertWarning | Asserting Error Conditions |
bibstyle | Select or define a bibliography style. |
buildVignette | Build one vignette |
buildVignettes | List and Build Package Vignettes |
charset_to_Unicode | Conversion Tables between Character Sets |
checkDocFiles | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
checkDocStyle | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
checkFF | Check Foreign Function Calls |
checkMD5sums | Check and Create MD5 Checksum Files |
checkPoFile | Check translation files for inconsistent format strings. |
checkPoFiles | Check translation files for inconsistent format strings. |
checkRd | Check an Rd Object |
checkRdaFiles | Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them |
checkReplaceFuns | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
checkS3methods | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
checkTnF | Check R Packages or Code for T/F |
checkVignettes | Check Package Vignettes |
check_packages_in_dir | Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies |
check_packages_in_dir_changes | Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies |
codoc | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
codocClasses | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
codocData | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
compactPDF | Compact PDF Files |
delimMatch | Delimited Pattern Matching |
deparseLatex | These experimental functions work with a subset of LaTeX code. |
dependsOnPkgs | Find Reverse Dependencies |
encoded_text_to_latex | Translate non-ASCII Text to LaTeX Escapes |
file_ext | File Utilities |
file_path_as_absolute | File Utilities |
file_path_sans_ext | File Utilities |
findHTMLlinks | Collect HTML Links from Package Documentation |
find_gs_cmd | Find a GhostScript Executable |
format.compactPDF | Compact PDF Files |
getBibstyle | Select or define a bibliography style. |
getDepList | Functions to Retrieve Dependency Information |
getVignetteInfo | Get information on installed vignettes. |
GSC | Find a GhostScript Executable |
help.ports | Start the Dynamic HTML Help System |
HTMLheader | Generate a standard HTML header for R help |
installFoundDepends | A function to install unresolved dependencies |
latexToUtf8 | These experimental functions work with a subset of LaTeX code. |
list_files_with_exts | File Utilities |
list_files_with_type | File Utilities |
loadPkgRdMacros | Load user-defined Rd help system macros. |
loadRdMacros | Load user-defined Rd help system macros. |
make_translations_pkg | Package the Current Translations in the R sources |
md5sum | Compute MD5 Checksums |
package.dependencies | Check Package Dependencies |
package_dependencies | Computations on the Dependency Hierarchy of Packages |
parseLatex | These experimental functions work with a subset of LaTeX code. |
parse_Rd | Parse an Rd file |
pkgDepends | Functions to Retrieve Dependency Information |
pkgVignettes | List and Build Package Vignettes |
print.checkDocFiles | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
print.checkDocStyle | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
print.checkFF | Check Foreign Function Calls |
print.checkReplaceFuns | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
print.checkS3methods | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
print.checkTnF | Check R Packages or Code for T/F |
print.checkVignettes | Check Package Vignettes |
print.codoc | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
print.codocClasses | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
print.codocData | Check Code/Documentation Consistency |
print.Rd | Parse an Rd file |
print.undoc | Find Undocumented Objects |
pskill | Kill a Process |
psnice | Get or Set the Priority (Niceness) of a Process |
QC | QC Checks for R Code and/or Documentation |
Rd2ex | Rd Converters |
Rd2HTML | Rd Converters |
Rd2latex | Rd Converters |
Rd2txt | Rd Converters |
Rd2txt_options | Set formatting options for text help |
Rdiff | Difference R Output Files |
Rdindex | Generate Index from Rd Files |
RdTextFilter | Select text in an Rd file. |
Rd_db | Rd Utilities |
read.00Index | Read 00Index-style Files |
resaveRdaFiles | Report on Details of Saved Images or Re-saves them |
R_DISABLE_HTTPD | Start the Dynamic HTML Help System |
R_GSCMD | Find a GhostScript Executable |
showNonASCII | Pick Out Non-ASCII Characters |
showNonASCIIfile | Pick Out Non-ASCII Characters |
SIGCHLD | Kill a Process |
SIGCONT | Kill a Process |
SIGHUP | Kill a Process |
SIGINT | Kill a Process |
SIGKILL | Kill a Process |
SIGQUIT | Kill a Process |
SIGSTOP | Kill a Process |
SIGTERM | Kill a Process |
SIGTSTP | Kill a Process |
SIGUSR1 | Kill a Process |
SIGUSR2 | Kill a Process |
startDynamicHelp | Start the Dynamic HTML Help System |
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_depends | Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies |
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results | Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies |
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings | Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies |
SweaveTeXFilter | Strip R code out of Sweave file |
testInstalledBasic | Test Installed Packages |
testInstalledPackage | Test Installed Packages |
testInstalledPackages | Test Installed Packages |
TEST_MC_CORES | Test Installed Packages |
texi2dvi | Compile LaTeX Files |
texi2pdf | Compile LaTeX Files |
toHTML | Display an object in HTML. |
toHTML.news_db | Display an object in HTML. |
toHTML.packageIQR | Display an object in HTML. |
tools | Tools for Package Development |
tools-deprecated | Deprecated Objects in Package 'tools' |
toRd | Generic function to convert object to a fragment of Rd code. |
toRd.bibentry | Generic function to convert object to a fragment of Rd code. |
toRd.default | Generic function to convert object to a fragment of Rd code. |
toTitleCase | Convert Titles to Title Case |
undoc | Find Undocumented Objects |
update_pkg_po | Prepare Translations for a Package |
vignetteDepends | Retrieve Dependency Information for a Vignette |
vignetteEngine | Set or Get a Vignette Processing Engine |
write_PACKAGES | Generate PACKAGES files |
xgettext | Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package |
xgettext2pot | Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package |
xngettext | Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package |
.print.via.format | Printing Utilities |