class:vsn Class to contain result of a vsn fit justvsn Wrapper functions for vsn kidney Intensity data for 1 cDNA slide with two adjacent tissue samples from a nephrectomy (kidney) logLik-methods Calculate the log likelihood and its gradient for the vsn model lymphoma Intensity data for 8 cDNA slides with CLL and DLBL samples from the Alizadeh et al. paper in Nature 2000 meanSdPlot Plot row standard deviations versus row means normalize.AffyBatch.vsn Wrapper for vsn to be used as a normalization method with expresso predict,vsn-method Apply the vsn transformation to data sagmbSimulateData Simulate data and assess vsn's parameter estimation scalingFactorTransformation The transformation that is applied to the scaling parameter of the vsn model vsn Variance stabilization and calibration for microarray data. vsn-package vsn vsn2 Fit the vsn model vsnInput Class to contain input data and parameters for vsn functions vsnPlotPar Plot trajectories of calibration and transformation parameters for a vsn fit vsnh A function that transforms a matrix of microarray intensities.