\name{NEWS} \title{News for Package \pkg{RcppEigen}} \newcommand{\ghpr}{\href{https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppEigen/pull/#1}{##1}} \newcommand{\ghit}{\href{https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppEigen/issues/#1}{##1}} \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2017-04-29)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.3.3 of Eigen \item Fixed incorrect function names in the examples, thanks to ChingChuan Chen \item The class \code{MappedSparseMatrix} has been deprecated since Eigen 3.3.0. The new structure \code{Map >} should be used instead \item Exporters for the new type \code{Map >} were added \item Travis CI is now driven via \code{run.sh} from our forked r-travis } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2017-03-14)}{ \itemize{ \item Synchronize CholMod header file with Matrix package to ensure binary compatibility on all platforms (Martin Maechler in \ghpr{42}) \item Added file \code{init.c} with calls to \code{R_registerRoutines()} \code{and R_useDynamicSymbols()}; also use \code{.registration=TRUE} in \code{useDynLib} in \code{NAMESPACE} } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2016-08-20)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.9 of Eigen (PR \ghpr{37} by Yixuan closing \ghit{36} from Bob Carpenter of the Stan team) \item An exporter for \code{RowVectorX} was added (thanks to PR \ghpr{32} by James Balamuta) } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2016-02-29)}{ \itemize{ \item Applied another upstream UBSAN fix (PR \ghpr{30} by Yixuan) } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2016-02-23)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.8 of Eigen (PR \ghpr{29} by Yixuan) } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2016-01-18)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.7 of Eigen \item One unit test file tightened to please R-devel CMD check \item The fastLm example will not include the Lapack header if MKL is defined (thanks to PR \ghpr{25} by Alexey Stukalow) } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2015-09-23)}{ \itemize{ \item Corrected use of \code{kitten()} thanks to Grant Brown (#21) \item Applied upstream change to protect against undefined behaviour with null pointers } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2015-07-11)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.5 of Eigen \item Fixed some incorrect error messages stemming from Eigen code. \item Updated package to current \code{R CMD check} standards. } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2015-02-23)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.4 of Eigen \item Update \code{RcppEigen.package.skeleton()} to use \CRANpkg{pkgKitten} if available } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-12-22)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.3 of Eigen \item Added a number of additional unit tests for \code{wrap}, \code{transform} and \code{sparse} \item Updated one of the examples } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-08-19)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.2 of Eigen \item \code{Rcpp::as()} now supports the conversion from R vector to \dQuote{row array}, i.e., \code{Eigen::Array} \item \code{Rcpp::as()} now supports the conversion from \code{dgRMatrix} (row oriented sparse matrices, defined in \pkg{Matrix} package) to \code{Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix} \item Conversion from R matrix to \code{Eigen::MatrixXd} and \code{Eigen::ArrayXXd} using \code{Rcpp::as()} no longer gives compilation errors } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-05-05)}{ \itemize{ \item Applied upstream patch to not trigger g++ UBSAN warning on the cpu id comparison, with thanks to Gael Guennebaud for the patch } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-03-06)}{ \itemize{ \item Better \code{ifdef} on one directory entry feature, with thanks to Brian Ripley. } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-03-03)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated to version 3.2.1 of Eigen } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-03-01)}{ \itemize{ \item Updated and extended \code{RcppEigen.package.skeleton()} to use several examples via \CRANpkg{Rcpp} Attributes; also removed the deprecated \code{namespace} argument \item Updated skeleton package example for \CRANpkg{Rcpp} 0.11.0 or later by removing needed for linking with user library \item Updated files \code{DESCRIPTION}, \code{NAMESPACE}, \code{src/Makevars} and \code{src/Makevars.win} similarly } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2014-01-26)}{ \itemize{ \item Converted three unused unit test files to \CRANpkg{RUnit} and removed \code{Suggests:} of \CRANpkg{testthat} \item Add declaration to import a symbol from \CRANpkg{Rcpp} to \code{NAMESPACE} to ensure proper instantiation with the upcoming \CRANpkg{Rcpp} version \item Retire \code{SHLIB.maker} function } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2013-12-18)}{ \itemize{ \item New maintainer -- with a big thanks to Doug for all his work \item Applied two small patches to deal with non-g++ compilrs \item Clarifications concerning license and authorship of Eigen (as opposed to RcppEigen) code added to \code{DESCRIPTION} at the request of CRAN } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2013-11-13)}{ \itemize{ \item Update to version 3.2.0 of Eigen } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2013-10-25)}{ \itemize{ \item Fix to RcppEigenCholmod.h to incorporate changes in the cholmod_factor struct. These changes are necessary if code compiled against RcppEigen that uses CHOLMOD factors is to be run with versions of the Matrix package >= 1.1-0 } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version (2012-11-29)}{ \itemize{ \item Upgraded to Eigen 3.1.2 \item Fixes to RcppEigenWrap.h and adjustment of tests accordingly. The changes allow RowMajor matrices to be wrapped (thanks to Gael Guennebaud) but cannot handle RowVector types. There will need to be more template metaprogramming done to redirect the case of RowVector, which cannot be changed to a ColMajor form. \item Because of changes in R, -DNDEBUG is automatic. One must override it with -UNDEBUG in the local ~/.R/Makevars to activate the debugging code. \item New (unexported) functions CxxFlags() and RcppEigenCxxFlags() for use in Makefiles \item Fixes related to Rcpp 0.10.* } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version 0.3.1 (2012-08-07)}{ \itemize{ \item Upgraded to Eigen 3.1.0 \item Removed the "unsupported" Eigen module AutoDiff which defined a macro "sign" that conflicted with a function in the R API (which really should be visible as "Rf_sign", not sure why it shows up as "sign" and don't have time to investigate) \item Commented out several tests involving complex vectors and matrices. Again there are compilation problems related to conflicting definitions in the std:: namespace and the R API and Eigen, which I don't have time to investigate. } } \section{Changes in RcppEigen version 0.2.0 (2012-03-12)}{ \itemize{ \item Upgraded the version of Eigen to 3.1.0-alpha2, in which the sparse matrix modules are now in the "supported" tree. \item Added several "unsupported" Eigen modules including \itemize{ \item AutoDiff (a small automatic differentiation package adapted to vectors and matrices) \item IterativeSolvers (iterative linear and nonlinear solver algorithms) \item KroneckerProduct (as the name implies) \item MatrixFunctions (matrix cos, exp, log, sin, sinh, etc.) \item NonlinearOptimization (based on minpack but uses reverse communication - yay!) \item NumericalDiff (numerical differentiation of vector-valued or matrix-valued functions) \item Polynomials (polynomial representation and solution using a QR algorithm) \item Skyline (sparse skyline matrices useful in finite-element codes) \item SparseExtra (dynamic sparse matrices, now deprecated, and Matrix Market I/O functions) \item Splines (multidimensional spline representations and spline interpolation) } \item At present all these modules, including the MatrixFunctions module, are included with RcppEigen.h but that may change if too many people get unexpected results from A.exp() \item The ability to wrap RowMajor sparse matrices and to use as etc. \item Migrated some tests to the testthat package. Currently there is some difficulty with combining testthat, inline and R CMD check. } }