## lmBenchmark.R: Benchmark different implementations of linear model solutions ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Douglas Bates, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois ## ## This file is part of RcppEigen. require("stats", character=TRUE, quietly=TRUE) require("rbenchmark", character=TRUE, quietly=TRUE) require("RcppEigen", character=TRUE, quietly=TRUE) ## define different versions of lm exprs <- list() ## These versions use rank-revealing decompositions and thus can ## handle rank-deficient cases. # default version used in lm() exprs$lm.fit <- expression(stats::lm.fit(mm, y)) # versions from RcppEigen ## column-pivoted QR decomposition - similar to lm.fit exprs$PivQR <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 0L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## LDLt Cholesky decomposition with rank detection exprs$LDLt <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 2L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## SVD using the Lapack subroutine dgesdd and Eigen support exprs$GESDD <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 6L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## SVD (the JacobiSVD class from Eigen) exprs$SVD <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 4L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## eigenvalues and eigenvectors of X'X exprs$SymmEig <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 5L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## Non-rank-revealing decompositions. These work fine except when ## they don't. ## Unpivoted QR decomposition exprs$QR <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 1L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) ## LLt Cholesky decomposition exprs$LLt <- expression(.Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", mm, y, 3L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")) if (suppressMessages(require("RcppArmadillo", character=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) { exprs$arma <- expression(.Call("RcppArmadillo_fastLm", mm, y, PACKAGE="RcppArmadillo")) } if (suppressMessages(require("RcppGSL", character=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) { exprs$GSL <- expression(.Call("RcppGSL_fastLm", mm, y, PACKAGE="RcppGSL")) } do_bench <- function(n=100000L, p=40L, nrep=20L, suppressSVD=(n > 100000L)) { mm <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p - 1L)), nc=p-1L)) y <- rnorm(n) if (suppressSVD) exprs <- exprs[!names(exprs) %in% c("SVD", "GSL")] cat("lm benchmark for n = ", n, " and p = ", p, ": nrep = ", nrep, "\n", sep='') do.call(benchmark, c(exprs, list(order="relative", columns = c("test", "relative", "elapsed", "user.self", "sys.self"), replications = nrep))) } print(do_bench()) sessionInfo() .Call("RcppEigen_eigen_version", FALSE, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") .Call("RcppEigen_Eigen_SSE", FALSE, PACKAGE="RcppEigen")