#!/usr/bin/r -t # # Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Douglas Bates, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois # # This file is part of RcppEigen # # RcppEigen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # RcppEigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with RcppEigen. If not, see . .setUp <- function(){ suppressMessages(require(datasets)) suppressMessages(require(RcppEigen)) } test.fastLm <- function() { data(trees, package="datasets") flm0 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 0L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") flm1 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 1L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") flm2 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 2L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") flm3 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 3L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") flm4 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 4L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") flm5 <- .Call("RcppEigen_fastLm_Impl", cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)), log(trees$Volume), 5L, PACKAGE="RcppEigen") fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees) fitCoef <- unname(coef(fit)) fitStdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fit))[, "Std. Error", drop = TRUE]) checkEquals(flm0$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm0.coef") checkEquals(flm0$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm0.stderr") checkEquals(flm1$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm1.coef") checkEquals(flm1$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm1.stderr") checkEquals(flm2$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm2.coef") checkEquals(flm2$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm2.stderr") checkEquals(flm3$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm3.coef") checkEquals(flm3$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm3.stderr") checkEquals(flm4$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm0.coef") checkEquals(flm4$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm0.stderr") checkEquals(flm5$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm0.coef") checkEquals(flm5$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm0.stderr") } test.fastLm.formula <- function() { data(trees, package="datasets") flm <- fastLm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees) fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees) checkEquals(flm$coefficients, coef(fit), msg="fastLm.formula.coef") checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$se), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]), msg="fastLm.formula.stderr") }