# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Douglas Bates, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
# This file is part of RcppEigen.
# RcppEigen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RcppEigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rcpp. If not, see .
incl <- '
// double
typedef Eigen::ArrayXd Ar1;
typedef Eigen::Map MAr1;
typedef Eigen::ArrayXXd Ar2;
typedef Eigen::Map MAr2;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd Mat;
typedef Eigen::Map MMat;
typedef Eigen::VectorXd Vec;
typedef Eigen::Map MVec;
// integer
typedef Eigen::ArrayXi iAr1;
typedef Eigen::Map MiAr1;
typedef Eigen::ArrayXXi iAr2;
typedef Eigen::Map MiAr2;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXi iMat;
typedef Eigen::Map MiMat;
typedef Eigen::VectorXi iVec;
typedef Eigen::Map MiVec;
// unsigned integer
typedef Eigen::Array uiAr1;
typedef Eigen::Map MuiAr1;
typedef Eigen::Array uiAr2;
typedef Eigen::Map MuiAr2;
typedef Eigen::Matrix uiMat;
typedef Eigen::Map MuiMat;
typedef Eigen::Matrix uiVec;
typedef Eigen::Map MuiVec;
// float
typedef Eigen::ArrayXf fAr1;
typedef Eigen::Map MfAr1;
typedef Eigen::ArrayXXf fAr2;
typedef Eigen::Map MfAr2;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf fMat;
typedef Eigen::Map MfMat;
typedef Eigen::VectorXf fVec;
typedef Eigen::Map MfVec;
// complex double
typedef Eigen::ArrayXcd cdAr1;
typedef Eigen::Map McdAr1;
typedef Eigen::ArrayXXcd cdAr2;
typedef Eigen::Map McdAr2;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXcd cdMat;
typedef Eigen::Map McdMat;
typedef Eigen::VectorXcd cdVec;
typedef Eigen::Map McdVec;
definitions <- list(
"wrap_vectors" = list(signature(),
List vecs = List::create(
_["Vec"] = cdVec::Zero(5),
_["Vec"] = Vec::Zero(5),
_["Vec"] = fVec::Zero(5),
_["Vec"] = iVec::Zero(5),
_["Vec"] = uiVec::Zero(5)
// A VectorX behaves as a matrix with one column but is converted to
// a vector object in R, not a matrix of one column. The distinction is
// that VectorX objects are defined at compile time to have one column,
// whereas a MatrixX has a dynamic number of columns that is set to 1
// during execution of the code. A MatrixX object can be resized to have
// a different number of columns. A VectorX object cannot.
List cols = List::create(
_["Col"] = cdMat::Zero(5, 1),
_["Col"] = Mat::Zero(5, 1),
_["Col"] = fMat::Zero(5, 1),
_["Col"] = iMat::Zero(5, 1),
_["Col"] = uiMat::Zero(5, 1)
List rows = List::create(
_["Row"] = Eigen::RowVectorXcd::Zero(5),
_["Row"] = Eigen::RowVectorXd::Zero(5),
_["Row"] = Eigen::RowVectorXf::Zero(5),
_["Row"] = Eigen::RowVectorXi::Zero(5),
_["Row"] = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(5)
List matrices = List::create(
_["Mat"] = cdMat::Identity(3, 3),
_["Mat"] = Mat::Identity(3, 3),
_["Mat"] = fMat::Identity(3, 3),
_["Mat"] = iMat::Identity(3, 3),
_["Mat"] = uiMat::Identity(3, 3)
// ArrayXX objects have the same structure as matrices but allow
// componentwise arithmetic. A * B is matrix multiplication for
// matrices and componentwise multiplication for arrays.
List arrays2 = List::create(
_["Arr2"] = cdAr2::Zero(3, 3),
_["Arr2"] = Ar2::Zero(3, 3),
_["Arr2"] = fAr2::Zero(3, 3),
_["Arr2"] = iAr2::Zero(3, 3),
_["Arr2"] = uiAr2::Zero(3, 3)
// ArrayX objects have the same structure as VectorX objects
// but allow componentwise arithmetic, including functions like exp, log,
// sqrt, ...
List arrays1 = List::create(
_["Arr1"] = cdAr1::Zero(5),
_["Arr1"] = Ar1::Zero(5),
_["Arr1"] = fAr1::Zero(5),
_["Arr1"] = iAr1::Zero(5),
_["Arr1"] = uiAr1::Zero(5)
List operations = List::create(
_["Op_seq"] = Eigen::ArrayXd::LinSpaced(6, 1, 10), // arguments are length.out, start, end
_["Op_log"] = Eigen::ArrayXd::LinSpaced(6, 1, 10).log(),
_["Op_exp"] = Eigen::ArrayXd::LinSpaced(6, 1, 10).exp(),
_["Op_sqrt"] = Eigen::ArrayXd::LinSpaced(6, 1, 10).sqrt(),
_["Op_cos"] = Eigen::ArrayXd::LinSpaced(6, 1, 10).cos()
List output = List::create(
_["vectors : VectorX"] = vecs,
_["matrices : MatrixX"] = matrices,
_["rows : RowVectorX"] = rows,
_["columns : MatrixX"] = cols,
_["arrays2d : ArrayXX"] = arrays2,
_["arrays1d : ArrayX"] = arrays1,
_["operations : ArrayXd"] = operations
return output;
"as_Vec" = list(signature(input_ = "list"),
List input(input_) ;
// Column vector
iVec m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Vec m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
uiVec m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
fVec m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Row vector
Eigen::Matrix m5 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Matrix m6 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Matrix m7 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Matrix m8 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Mapped vector
MiVec m9 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
MVec m10 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
List res = List::create(m1.sum(), m2.sum(), m3.sum(), m4.sum(),
m5.sum(), m6.sum(), m7.sum(), m8.sum(),
m9.sum(), m10.sum());
return res ;
"as_Array" = list(signature(input_ = "list"),
List input(input_) ;
// Column array
iAr1 m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Ar1 m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
uiAr1 m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
fAr1 m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Row array
Eigen::Array m5 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Array m6 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Array m7 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Eigen::Array m8 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Mapped array
MiAr1 m9 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
MAr1 m10 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
List res = List::create(m1.sum(), m2.sum(), m3.sum(), m4.sum(),
m5.sum(), m6.sum(), m7.sum(), m8.sum(),
m9.sum(), m10.sum());
return res ;
"as_Mat" = list(signature(input_ = "list"),
List input(input_) ;
// Copy to matrix
iMat m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Mat m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
uiMat m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
fMat m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Mapped matrix
MiMat m5 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
MMat m6 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
List res = List::create(m1.sum(), m2.sum(), m3.sum(), m4.sum(),
m5.sum(), m6.sum());
return res ;
"as_Array2D" = list(signature(input_ = "list"),
List input(input_) ;
// Copy to 2D array
iAr2 m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
Ar2 m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
uiAr2 m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
fAr2 m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
// Mapped 2D array
MiAr2 m5 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
MAr2 m6 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
List res = List::create(m1.sum(), m2.sum(), m3.sum(), m4.sum(),
m5.sum(), m6.sum());
return res ;
.setUp <- function() {
cxxargs <- ifelse(Rcpp:::capabilities()[["initializer lists"]],
tests <- ".rcppeigen.wrap"
if( ! exists( tests, globalenv() )) {
fun <- RcppEigen:::compile_unit_tests(definitions,
cxxargs = cxxargs)
names(fun) <- names(definitions)
assign(tests, fun, globalenv())
test.wrapVectors <- function() {
res <- .rcppeigen.wrap$wrap_vectors()
checkEquals(res[[1]][[1]], complex(5))
checkEquals(res[[1]][[2]], double(5))
checkEquals(res[[1]][[3]], double(5))
checkEquals(res[[1]][[4]], integer(5))
checkEquals(res[[1]][[5]], integer(5))
checkEquals(res[[2]][[1]], (1+0i) * diag(nr=3L))
checkEquals(res[[2]][[2]], diag(nr=3L))
checkEquals(res[[2]][[3]], diag(nr=3L))
checkEquals(res[[2]][[4]], matrix(as.integer((diag(nr=3L))),nr=3L))
checkEquals(res[[2]][[5]], matrix(as.integer((diag(nr=3L))),nr=3L))
checkEquals(res[[3]][[1]], matrix(complex(5), nr=1L))
checkEquals(res[[3]][[2]], matrix(numeric(5), nr=1L))
checkEquals(res[[3]][[3]], matrix(numeric(5), nr=1L))
checkEquals(res[[3]][[4]], matrix(integer(5), nr=1L))
checkEquals(res[[3]][[5]], matrix(integer(5), nr=1L))
checkEquals(res[[4]][[1]], as.matrix(complex(5)))
checkEquals(res[[4]][[2]], as.matrix(numeric(5)))
checkEquals(res[[4]][[3]], as.matrix(numeric(5)))
checkEquals(res[[4]][[4]], as.matrix(integer(5)))
checkEquals(res[[4]][[5]], as.matrix(integer(5)))
checkEquals(res[[5]][[1]], matrix(complex(9L), nc=3L))
checkEquals(res[[5]][[2]], matrix(numeric(9L), nc=3L))
checkEquals(res[[5]][[3]], matrix(numeric(9L), nc=3L))
checkEquals(res[[5]][[4]], matrix(integer(9L), nc=3L))
checkEquals(res[[5]][[5]], matrix(integer(9L), nc=3L))
checkEquals(res[[6]][[1]], complex(5))
checkEquals(res[[6]][[2]], double(5))
checkEquals(res[[6]][[3]], double(5))
checkEquals(res[[6]][[4]], integer(5))
checkEquals(res[[6]][[5]], integer(5))
oneTen <- seq(1, 10, length.out=6L)
checkEquals(res[[7]][[1]], oneTen)
checkEquals(res[[7]][[2]], log(oneTen))
checkEquals(res[[7]][[3]], exp(oneTen))
checkEquals(res[[7]][[4]], sqrt(oneTen))
checkEquals(res[[7]][[5]], cos(oneTen))
test.asVec <- function() {
res <- .rcppeigen.wrap$as_Vec(list(1:10, as.numeric(1:10)))
checkEquals(unlist(res), rep.int(55, 10L))
test.asArray <- function() {
res <- .rcppeigen.wrap$as_Array(list(1:10, as.numeric(1:10)))
checkEquals(unlist(res), rep.int(55, 10L))
test.asMat <- function() {
integer_mat <- matrix(as.integer(diag(nrow = 5L)))
numeric_mat <- diag(nrow = 5L)
res <- .rcppeigen.wrap$as_Mat(list(integer_mat, numeric_mat))
checkEquals(unlist(res), rep.int(5, 6L))
test.asArray2D <- function() {
integer_mat <- matrix(as.integer(diag(nrow = 5L)))
numeric_mat <- diag(nrow = 5L)
res <- .rcppeigen.wrap$as_Array2D(list(integer_mat, numeric_mat))
checkEquals(unlist(res), rep.int(5, 6L))