Seurat : R toolkit for single cell genomics

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Documentation for package ‘Seurat’ version

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-- A --

AddImputedScore Calculate imputed expression values
addImputedScore Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
AddMetaData Add Metadata
addMetaData Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
AddSamples Add samples into existing Seurat object.
AddSmoothedScore Calculate smoothed expression values
addSmoothedScore Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
add_samples Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
AssessNodes Assess Internal Nodes
AssessSplit Assess Cluster Split
average.expression Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
average.pca Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
AverageExpression Averaged gene expression by identity class
AveragePCA Average PCA scores by identity class

-- B --

batch.gene Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
BatchGene Identify potential genes associated with batch effects
BuildClusterTree Phylogenetic Analysis of Identity Classes
buildClusterTree Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
BuildRFClassifier Build Random Forest Classifier
BuildSNN SNN Graph Construction

-- C --

calc.insitu Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
calcNoiseModels Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
calinskiPlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
cell.cor.matrix Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
CellPlot Cell-cell scatter plot
cellPlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ClassifyCells Classify New Data
cluster.alpha Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ClusterAlpha Probability of detection by identity class
ColorTSNESplit Color tSNE Plot Based on Split

-- D --

DBClustDimension Perform spectral density clustering on single cells
DBclust_dimension Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
diff.t.test Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
diffExp.test Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
DiffExpTest Likelihood ratio test for zero-inflated data
DiffTTest Differential expression testing using Student's t-test
dim.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
DimPlot Dimensional reduction plot
DoHeatmap Gene expression heatmap
doHeatMap Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
DoKMeans K-Means Clustering
doKMeans Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
dot.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
DotPlot Dot plot visualization

-- F --

feature.heatmap Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
feature.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
feature.plot.keynote Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
FeatureHeatmap Vizualization of multiple features
FeaturePlot Visualize 'features' on a dimensional reduction plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
FetchData Access cellular data
find.markers Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
find.markers.node Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
FindAllMarkers Gene expression markers for all identity classes
FindAllMarkersNode Find all markers for a node
FindClusters Cluster Determination
FindMarkers Gene expression markers of identity classes
FindMarkersNode Gene expression markers of identity classes defined by a phylogenetic clade
find_all_markers Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
fit.gene.k Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
fit.gene.mix Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
FitGeneK Build mixture models of gene expression

-- G --

gene.cor.matrix Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
GenePlot Scatter plot of single cell data
genePlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
geneScorePlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
get.centroids Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
GetCentroids Get cell centroids
getNewScore Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
getWeightMatrix Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- H --

HeatmapNode Node Heatmap

-- I --

ICA Run Independent Component Analysis on gene expression
ica Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ica.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ICAPlot Plot ICA map
ICHeatmap Independent component heatmap
icHeatmap Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ICTopGenes Find genes with highest ICA scores
icTopGenes Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
initial.mapping Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
InitialMapping Infer spatial origins for single cells

-- J --

JackStraw Determine statistical significance of PCA scores.
jackStraw Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
jackStraw.permutation.test Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
jackStrawFull Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
jackStrawMC Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
JackStrawPlot JackStraw Plot
jackStrawPlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- K --

KClustDimension Perform spectral k-means clustering on single cells
Kclust_dimension Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
kMeansHeatmap Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- L --

LogNormalize Normalize raw data

-- M --

MakeSparse Make object sparse
map.cell Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
marker.test Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
MarkerTest ROC-based marker discovery
mean.var.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
MeanVarPlot Identify variable genes
MergeNode Merge subchilden of a node
MergeSeurat Merge Seurat Objects

-- N --

NegBinomDETest Negative binomial test for UMI-count based data

-- P --

PCA Run Principal Component Analysis on gene expression
pca Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
pca.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
pca.sig.genes Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PCAFast Run Principal Component Analysis on gene expression using IRLBA
PCAPlot Plot PCA map
PCASigGenes Significant genes from a PCA
PCElbowPlot Quickly Pick Relevant PCs
PCHeatmap Principal component heatmap
pcHeatmap Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PCTopCells Find cells with highest PCA scores
pcTopCells Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PCTopGenes Find genes with highest PCA scores
pcTopGenes Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PlotClusterTree Plot phylogenetic tree
plotClusterTree Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PlotNoiseModel Visualize expression/dropout curve
plotNoiseModel Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PoissonDETest Poisson test for UMI-count based data
posterior.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
print.pca Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
PrintPCA Print the results of a PCA analysis
project.pca Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
project.samples Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ProjectPCA Project Principal Components Analysis onto full dataset

-- R --

Read10X Load in data from 10X
refined.mapping Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
RefinedMapping Quantitative refinement of spatial inferences
RegressOut Regress out technical effects and cell cycle
regulatorScore Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
removePC Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
rename.ident Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
RenameIdent Rename one identity class to another
reorder.ident Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
ReorderIdent Reorder identity classes
RunDiffusion Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
RunTSNE Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
run_diffusion Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
run_tsne Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- S --

SampleUMI Sample UMI
ScaleData Scale and center the data
set.all.ident Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
set.ident Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
SetAllIdent Switch identity class definition to another variable
SetIdent Set identity class information
Setup Setup Seurat object
setup Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
seurat The Seurat Class
seurat-class The Seurat Class
Seurat-deprecated Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
StashIdent Set identity class information
SubsetCells Return a subset of the Seurat object
subsetCells Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
SubsetData Return a subset of the Seurat object
subsetData Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- T --

tnse.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
tobit.test Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
TobitTest Differential expression testing using Tobit models
tsne.plot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
TSNEPlot Plot tSNE map

-- V --

ValidateClusters Cluster Validation
ValidateSpecificClusters Specific Cluster Validation
viz.ica Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
viz.pca Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
VizClassification Highlight classification results
VizICA Visualize ICA genes
VizPCA Visualize PCA genes
VlnPlot Single cell violin plot
vlnPlot Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package

-- W --

which.cells Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package
WhichCells Identify cells matching certain criteria