AddImputedScore | Calculate imputed expression values |
addImputedScore | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
AddMetaData | Add Metadata |
addMetaData | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
AddSamples | Add samples into existing Seurat object. |
AddSmoothedScore | Calculate smoothed expression values |
addSmoothedScore | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
add_samples | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
AssessNodes | Assess Internal Nodes |
AssessSplit | Assess Cluster Split |
average.expression | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
average.pca | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
AverageExpression | Averaged gene expression by identity class |
AveragePCA | Average PCA scores by identity class |
batch.gene | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
BatchGene | Identify potential genes associated with batch effects |
BuildClusterTree | Phylogenetic Analysis of Identity Classes |
buildClusterTree | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
BuildRFClassifier | Build Random Forest Classifier |
BuildSNN | SNN Graph Construction |
calc.insitu | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
calcNoiseModels | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
calinskiPlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
cell.cor.matrix | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
CellPlot | Cell-cell scatter plot |
cellPlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ClassifyCells | Classify New Data |
cluster.alpha | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ClusterAlpha | Probability of detection by identity class |
ColorTSNESplit | Color tSNE Plot Based on Split |
DBClustDimension | Perform spectral density clustering on single cells |
DBclust_dimension | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
diff.t.test | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
diffExp.test | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
DiffExpTest | Likelihood ratio test for zero-inflated data |
DiffTTest | Differential expression testing using Student's t-test |
dim.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
DimPlot | Dimensional reduction plot |
DoHeatmap | Gene expression heatmap |
doHeatMap | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
DoKMeans | K-Means Clustering |
doKMeans | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
dot.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
DotPlot | Dot plot visualization |
feature.heatmap | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
feature.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
feature.plot.keynote | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
FeatureHeatmap | Vizualization of multiple features |
FeaturePlot | Visualize 'features' on a dimensional reduction plot |
fetch.data | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
FetchData | Access cellular data |
find.markers | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
find.markers.node | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
FindAllMarkers | Gene expression markers for all identity classes |
FindAllMarkersNode | Find all markers for a node |
FindClusters | Cluster Determination |
FindMarkers | Gene expression markers of identity classes |
FindMarkersNode | Gene expression markers of identity classes defined by a phylogenetic clade |
find_all_markers | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
fit.gene.k | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
fit.gene.mix | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
FitGeneK | Build mixture models of gene expression |
gene.cor.matrix | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
GenePlot | Scatter plot of single cell data |
genePlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
genes.in.cluster | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
geneScorePlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
get.centroids | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
GetCentroids | Get cell centroids |
getNewScore | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
getWeightMatrix | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
HeatmapNode | Node Heatmap |
ICA | Run Independent Component Analysis on gene expression |
ica | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ica.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ICAPlot | Plot ICA map |
ICHeatmap | Independent component heatmap |
icHeatmap | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ICTopGenes | Find genes with highest ICA scores |
icTopGenes | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
initial.mapping | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
InitialMapping | Infer spatial origins for single cells |
JackStraw | Determine statistical significance of PCA scores. |
jackStraw | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
jackStraw.permutation.test | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
jackStrawFull | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
jackStrawMC | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
JackStrawPlot | JackStraw Plot |
jackStrawPlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
KClustDimension | Perform spectral k-means clustering on single cells |
Kclust_dimension | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
kMeansHeatmap | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
LogNormalize | Normalize raw data |
MakeSparse | Make object sparse |
map.cell | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
marker.test | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
MarkerTest | ROC-based marker discovery |
mean.var.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
MeanVarPlot | Identify variable genes |
MergeNode | Merge subchilden of a node |
MergeSeurat | Merge Seurat Objects |
NegBinomDETest | Negative binomial test for UMI-count based data |
PCA | Run Principal Component Analysis on gene expression |
pca | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
pca.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
pca.sig.genes | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PCAFast | Run Principal Component Analysis on gene expression using IRLBA |
PCAPlot | Plot PCA map |
PCASigGenes | Significant genes from a PCA |
PCElbowPlot | Quickly Pick Relevant PCs |
PCHeatmap | Principal component heatmap |
pcHeatmap | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PCTopCells | Find cells with highest PCA scores |
pcTopCells | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PCTopGenes | Find genes with highest PCA scores |
pcTopGenes | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PlotClusterTree | Plot phylogenetic tree |
plotClusterTree | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PlotNoiseModel | Visualize expression/dropout curve |
plotNoiseModel | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PoissonDETest | Poisson test for UMI-count based data |
posterior.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
print.pca | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
PrintPCA | Print the results of a PCA analysis |
project.pca | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
project.samples | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ProjectPCA | Project Principal Components Analysis onto full dataset |
Read10X | Load in data from 10X |
refined.mapping | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
RefinedMapping | Quantitative refinement of spatial inferences |
RegressOut | Regress out technical effects and cell cycle |
regulatorScore | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
removePC | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
rename.ident | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
RenameIdent | Rename one identity class to another |
reorder.ident | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
ReorderIdent | Reorder identity classes |
RunDiffusion | Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
RunTSNE | Run t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
run_diffusion | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
run_tsne | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
SampleUMI | Sample UMI |
ScaleData | Scale and center the data |
set.all.ident | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
set.ident | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
SetAllIdent | Switch identity class definition to another variable |
SetIdent | Set identity class information |
Setup | Setup Seurat object |
setup | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
seurat | The Seurat Class |
seurat-class | The Seurat Class |
Seurat-deprecated | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
spatial.de | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
StashIdent | Set identity class information |
SubsetCells | Return a subset of the Seurat object |
subsetCells | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
SubsetData | Return a subset of the Seurat object |
subsetData | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
tnse.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
tobit.test | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
TobitTest | Differential expression testing using Tobit models |
tsne.plot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
TSNEPlot | Plot tSNE map |
ValidateClusters | Cluster Validation |
ValidateSpecificClusters | Specific Cluster Validation |
viz.ica | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
viz.pca | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
VizClassification | Highlight classification results |
VizICA | Visualize ICA genes |
VizPCA | Visualize PCA genes |
VlnPlot | Single cell violin plot |
vlnPlot | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
which.cells | Deprecated function(s) in the Seurat package |
WhichCells | Identify cells matching certain criteria |