## ------------------------------------------------------------- .l app <- cliapp$new() f1 <- function() { app$h1("Title") app$text(lorem_ipsum()) app$h2("Subtitle") app$text(lorem_ipsum()) app$h3("Subsubtitle") app$verbatim("foo\n", "bar\n", "foobar\n") } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f2 <- function() { app$alert_success("All is good") app$alert_info("For your information") app$alert_warning("Something might be wrong") app$alert_danger("This is definitely wrong") } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f3 <- function() { x <- 1 app$h1("Header 1") app$text("glue substitution is automatic: {x}") app$h1("{x} Even in Headers") } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f4 <- function() { app$h1("About the {pkg callr} package") app$text("code: {code sapply(x, f)} function: {fun callr::r}") } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f5 <- function() { app$par() app$text(lorem_ipsum()) app$par() app$text(lorem_ipsum()) } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f6 <- function() { app$ul() app$it("foo") app$it(c("bar", "foobar")) lid <- app$ul() app$it("sublist") app$it(c("sub", "subsub")) app$ol() app$it("First") app$it(c("Second", "Third")) app$end(lid) app$it("bar again!") } ## f5() ## f5() ## ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Demo CSS styling red <- list( ".red" = list( color = "red", "background-color" = "yellow" ) ) options(cli.theme = red) app <- cliapp$new() f7 <- function() { app$par() app$text(lorem_ipsum()) app$par(class = "red") app$text(lorem_ipsum()) app$end() app$par() app$text(lorem_ipsum()) } ## ------------------------------------------------------------- f8 <- function() { x <- 100 app$alert_success("so far so good: {x}") bar <- app$progress_bar(total = 5) bar$tick() Sys.sleep(1/2) bar$tick() Sys.sleep(1/2) app$alert_success("still very good: {x}!") Sys.sleep(1) bar$tick() Sys.sleep(1/2) app$text(lorem_ipsum()) bar$tick() Sys.sleep(1) bar$tick() Sys.sleep(1/2) app$alert_success("aaaaand we are done") }