Colored Terminal Output

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Documentation for package ‘crayon’ version 1.3.4

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crayon-package Colored terminal output
$.crayon Combine two or more ANSI styles
%+% Concatenate character vectors
bgBlack Colored terminal output
bgBlue Colored terminal output
bgCyan Colored terminal output
bgGreen Colored terminal output
bgMagenta Colored terminal output
bgRed Colored terminal output
bgWhite Colored terminal output
bgYellow Colored terminal output
black Colored terminal output
blue Colored terminal output
blurred Colored terminal output
bold Colored terminal output
chr Convert to character
col_align Align an ANSI colored string
col_nchar Count number of characters in an ANSI colored string
col_strsplit Split an ANSI colored string
col_substr Substring(s) of an ANSI colored string
col_substring Substring(s) of an ANSI colored string
combine_styles Combine two or more ANSI styles
concat Concatenate character vectors
crayon Colored terminal output
cyan Colored terminal output
drop_style Remove a style
finish Switch on or off a style
finish.crayon Switch on or off a style
green Colored terminal output
has_color Does the current R session support ANSI colors?
has_style Check if a string has some ANSI styling
hidden Colored terminal output
inverse Colored terminal output
italic Colored terminal output
magenta Colored terminal output
make_style Create an ANSI color style
num_colors Number of colors the terminal supports
red Colored terminal output
reset Colored terminal output
show_ansi_colors Show the ANSI color table on the screen
silver Colored terminal output
start.crayon Switch on or off a style
strikethrough Colored terminal output
strip_style Remove ANSI escape sequences from a string
style Add style to a string
styles ANSI escape sequences of crayon styles
underline Colored terminal output
white Colored terminal output
yellow Colored terminal output