A B C D E G H I L M P R S T U W misc
devtools-package | Package development tools for R. |
add_path | Get/set the PATH variable. |
add_travis | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
bash | Open bash shell in package directory. |
build | Build package. |
build_github_devtools | Build the development version of devtools from GitHub. |
build_vignettes | Build package vignettes. |
build_win | Build windows binary package. |
check | Build and check a package, cleaning up automatically on success. |
check_built | Build and check a package, cleaning up automatically on success. |
check_failures | Parses R CMD check log file for ERRORs, WARNINGs and NOTEs |
check_man | Check documentation, as 'R CMD check' does. |
clean_dll | Remove compiled objects from /src/ directory |
clean_source | Sources an R file in a clean environment. |
clean_vignettes | Clean built vignettes. |
compiler_flags | Default compiler flags used by devtools. |
compile_dll | Compile a .dll/.so from source. |
create | Creates a new package, following all devtools package conventions. |
create_description | Create a default DESCRIPTION file for a package. |
devtools | Package development tools for R. |
dev_example | Run a examples for an in-development function. |
dev_help | Read the in-development help for a package loaded with devtools. |
dev_mode | Activate and deactivate development mode. |
dev_package_deps | Find all dependencies of a CRAN or dev package. |
document | Use roxygen to document a package. |
dr_devtools | Diagnose potential devtools issues |
dr_github | Diagnose potential GitHub issues |
evalq_clean | Evaluate code in a clean R session. |
eval_clean | Evaluate code in a clean R session. |
get_path | Get/set the PATH variable. |
github_pull | GitHub references |
github_release | GitHub references |
has_devel | Check if you have a development environment installed. |
help | Drop-in replacements for help and ? functions |
infrastructure | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
inst | Get the installation path of a package |
install | Install a local development package. |
install_bioc | Install a package from a Bioconductor repository |
install_bitbucket | Install a package directly from bitbucket |
install_cran | Attempts to install a package from CRAN. |
install_deps | Install package dependencies if needed. |
install_dev_deps | Install package dependencies if needed. |
install_git | Install a package from a git repository |
install_github | Attempts to install a package directly from GitHub. |
install_local | Install a package from a local file |
install_svn | Install a package from a SVN repository |
install_url | Install a package from a url |
install_version | Install specified version of a CRAN package. |
lint | Lint all source files in a package. |
load_all | Load complete package. |
load_code | Load R code. |
load_data | Load data. |
load_dll | Load a compiled DLL |
missing_s3 | Find missing s3 exports. |
package_deps | Find all dependencies of a CRAN or dev package. |
package_file | Find file in a package. |
path | Get/set the PATH variable. |
RCMD | Run R CMD xxx from within R |
release | Release package to CRAN. |
reload | Unload and reload package. |
revdep | Reverse dependency tools. |
revdep_check | Run R CMD check on all downstream dependencies. |
revdep_check_print_problems | Run R CMD check on all downstream dependencies. |
revdep_check_reset | Run R CMD check on all downstream dependencies. |
revdep_check_resume | Run R CMD check on all downstream dependencies. |
revdep_check_save_summary | Run R CMD check on all downstream dependencies. |
revdep_maintainers | Reverse dependency tools. |
run_examples | Run all examples in a package. |
session_info | Print session information |
setup | Creates a new package, following all devtools package conventions. |
set_path | Get/set the PATH variable. |
shim_help | Drop-in replacements for help and ? functions |
shim_question | Drop-in replacements for help and ? functions |
shim_system.file | Replacement version of system.file |
show_news | Show package news |
source_gist | Run a script on gist |
source_url | Run a script through some protocols such as http, https, ftp, etc. |
spell_check | Spell checking |
system.file | Replacement version of system.file |
test | Execute all 'test_that' tests in a package. |
uninstall | Uninstall a local development package. |
unload | Unload a package |
update.package_deps | Find all dependencies of a CRAN or dev package. |
update_packages | Update packages that are missing or out-of-date. |
uses_testthat | Execute all 'test_that' tests in a package. |
use_appveyor | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_code_of_conduct | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_coverage | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_cran_badge | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_cran_comments | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_data | Use data in a package. |
use_data_raw | Use 'data-raw' to compute package datasets. |
use_dev_version | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_git | Initialise a git repository. |
use_github | Connect a local repo with GitHub. |
use_gpl3_license | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_mit_license | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_news_md | Use NEWS.md |
use_package | Use specified package. |
use_package_doc | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_rcpp | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_readme_md | Create README files. |
use_readme_rmd | Create README files. |
use_revdep | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_rstudio | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_test | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_testthat | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_travis | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
use_vignette | Add useful infrastructure to a package. |
wd | Set working directory. |
with_debug | Temporarily set debugging compilation flags. |
? | Drop-in replacements for help and ? functions |