library(httr) # 1. Find OAuth settings for linkedin: # oauth_endpoints("linkedin") # 2. Register an application at # Make sure to register http://localhost:1410/ as an "OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL". # (the trailing slash is important!) # # Replace key and secret below. myapp <- oauth_app("linkedin", key = "outmkw3859gy", secret = "n7vBr3lokGOCDKCd") # 3. Get OAuth credentials # LinkedIn doesn't implement OAuth 2.0 standard # ( so we extend the Token2.0 # ref class to implement a custom sign method. TokenLinkedIn <- R6::R6Class("TokenLinkedIn", inherit = Token2.0, list( sign = function(method, url) { url <- parse_url(url) url$query$oauth2_access_token <- self$credentials$access_token list(url = build_url(url), config = config()) }, can_refresh = function() { TRUE }, refresh = function() { self$credentials <- init_oauth2.0(self$endpoint, self$app, scope = self$params$scope, type = self$params$type, use_oob = self$params$use_oob) } )) token <- TokenLinkedIn$new( endpoint = oauth_endpoints("linkedin"), app = myapp, params = list(use_oob = FALSE, scope = NULL, type = NULL) ) # 4. Use API req <- GET("", config(token = token)) stop_for_status(req) content(req)