pause <- function() {} ### Traditional approaches: degree, closeness, betweenness g <- graph_from_literal(Andre----Beverly:Diane:Fernando:Carol, Beverly--Andre:Diane:Garth:Ed, Carol----Andre:Diane:Fernando, Diane----Andre:Carol:Fernando:Garth:Ed:Beverly, Ed-------Beverly:Diane:Garth, Fernando-Carol:Andre:Diane:Garth:Heather, Garth----Ed:Beverly:Diane:Fernando:Heather, Heather--Fernando:Garth:Ike, Ike------Heather:Jane, Jane-----Ike ) pause() ### Hand-drawn coordinates coords <- c(5,5,119,256,119,256,120,340,478, 622,116,330,231,116,5,330,451,231,231,231) coords <- matrix(coords, nc=2) pause() ### Labels the same as names V(g)$label <- V(g)$name g$layout <- coords # $ pause() ### Take a look at it plotG <- function(g) { plot(g, asp=FALSE, vertex.label.color="blue", vertex.label.cex=1.5, vertex.label.font=2, vertex.size=25, vertex.color="white", vertex.frame.color="white", edge.color="black") } plotG(g) pause() ### Add degree centrality to labels V(g)$label <- paste(sep="\n", V(g)$name, degree(g)) pause() ### And plot again plotG(g) pause() ### Betweenness V(g)$label <- paste(sep="\n", V(g)$name, round(betweenness(g), 2)) plotG(g) pause() ### Closeness V(g)$label <- paste(sep="\n", V(g)$name, round(closeness(g), 2)) plotG(g) pause() ### Eigenvector centrality V(g)$label <- paste(sep="\n", V(g)$name, round(eigen_centrality(g)$vector, 2)) plotG(g) pause() ### PageRank V(g)$label <- paste(sep="\n", V(g)$name, round(page_rank(g)$vector, 2)) plotG(g) pause() ### Correlation between centrality measures karate <- make_graph("Zachary") cent <- list(`Degree`=degree(g), `Closeness`=closeness(g), `Betweenness`=betweenness(g), `Eigenvector`=eigen_centrality(g)$vector, `PageRank`=page_rank(g)$vector) pause() ### Pairs plot pairs(cent, lower.panel=function(x,y) { usr <- par("usr") text(mean(usr[1:2]), mean(usr[3:4]), round(cor(x,y), 3), cex=2, col="blue") } ) pause() ## ### A real network, US supreme court citations ## ## You will need internet connection for this to work ## vertices <- read.csv("") ## edges <- read.table("") ## jg <-, vertices=vertices, dir=TRUE) ## pause() ## ### Basic data ## summary(jg) ## pause() ## ### Is it a simple graph? ## is_simple(jg) ## pause() ## ### Is it connected? ## is_connected(jg) ## pause() ## ### How many components? ## count_components(jg) ## pause() ## ### How big are these? ## table(components(jg)$csize) ## pause() ## ### In-degree distribution ## plot(degree_distribution(jg, mode="in"), log="xy") ## pause() ## ### Out-degree distribution ## plot(degree_distribution(jg, mode="out"), log="xy") ## pause() ## ### Largest in- and out-degree, total degree ## c(max(degree(jg, mode="in")), ## max(degree(jg, mode="out")), ## max(degree(jg, mode="all"))) ## pause() ## ### Density ## density(jg) ## pause() ## ### Transitivity ## transitivity(jg) ## pause() ## ### Transitivity of a random graph of the same size ## g <- sample_gnm(vcount(jg), ecount(jg)) ## transitivity(g) ## pause() ## ### Transitivity of a random graph with the same degree distribution ## g <- sample_degseq(degree(jg, mode="out"), degree(jg, mode="in"), ## method="simple") ## transitivity(g) ## pause() ## ### Authority and Hub scores ## AS <- authority_score(jg)$vector ## HS <- hub_score(jg)$vector ## pause() ## ### Time evolution of authority scores ## AS <- authority_score(jg)$vector ## center <- which.max(AS) ## startyear <- V(jg)[center]$year ## pause() ## ### Function to go back in time ## auth.year <- function(y) { ## print(y) ## keep <- which(V(jg)$year <= y) ## g2 <- subgraph(jg, keep) ## as <- abs(authority_score(g2, scale=FALSE)$vector) ## w <- match(V(jg)[center]$usid, V(g2)$usid) ## as[w] ## } ## pause() ## ### Go back in time for the top authority, do a plot ## AS2 <- sapply(startyear:2005, auth.year) ## plot(startyear:2005, AS2, type="b", xlab="year", ylab="authority score") ## pause() ## ### Check another case ## center <- "22US1" ## startyear <- V(jg)[center]$year ## pause() ## ### Calculate past authority scores & plot them ## AS3 <- sapply(startyear:2005, auth.year) ## plot(startyear:2005, AS3, type="b", xlab="year", ylab="authority score")