# Convert H_0: R beta = r to an exclusion restriction a la Section 3.7.3 of QR book # Note the typo in the definition of yt in that source! require(MASS) # For Null require(quantreg) # For Null X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(500),100,5)) y <- rnorm(100) R <- matrix(rnorm(18),3,6) r <- rep(1,3) R <- t(R) P <- Null(R) Xt <- t(lsfit(P,t(X),intercept = FALSE)$coef) Zt <- t(lsfit(R,t(X),intercept = FALSE)$coef) yt <- y - Zt %*% r f0 <- rq(yt ~ Xt - 1) f1 <- rq(yt ~ Xt + Zt - 1) T <- anova(f0,f1)