Easier cluster computing (based on snow).

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Documentation for package ‘snowfall’ version 1.84-6.1

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snowfall-package Toplevel useability wrapper for snow to make parallel programming even more easy and comfortable. All functions are able to run without cluster in sequential mode. Also snowfall works as connector to the cluster management program sfCluster, but can also run without it.
config Internal configuration and test data
f1 Internal configuration and test data
f2 Internal configuration and test data
sfApply Parallel calculation functions
sfCapply Parallel calculation functions
sfCat Cluster tools
sfClusterApply Parallel calculation functions
sfClusterApplyLB Parallel calculation functions
sfClusterApplySR Parallel calculation functions
sfClusterCall Cluster tools
sfClusterEval Cluster tools
sfClusterEvalQ Cluster tools
sfClusterMap Parallel calculation functions
sfClusterSetupRNG Cluster tools
sfClusterSetupRNGstream Cluster tools
sfClusterSetupSPRNG Cluster tools
sfClusterSplit Cluster tools
sfCpus Initialisation of cluster usage
sfExport Cluster tools
sfExportAll Cluster tools
sfGetCluster Initialisation of cluster usage
sfInit Initialisation of cluster usage
sfIsRunning Initialisation of cluster usage
sfLapply Parallel calculation functions
sfLibrary Cluster tools
sfMM Parallel calculation functions
sfNodes Initialisation of cluster usage
sfOption Internal configuration and test data
sfParallel Initialisation of cluster usage
sfRapply Parallel calculation functions
sfRemove Cluster tools
sfRemoveAll Cluster tools
sfRestore Parallel calculation functions
sfSapply Parallel calculation functions
sfSession Initialisation of cluster usage
sfSetMaxCPUs Initialisation of cluster usage
sfSocketHosts Initialisation of cluster usage
sfSource Cluster tools
sfStop Initialisation of cluster usage
sfTest Cluster tools
sfType Initialisation of cluster usage
snowfall Toplevel useability wrapper for snow to make parallel programming even more easy and comfortable. All functions are able to run without cluster in sequential mode. Also snowfall works as connector to the cluster management program sfCluster, but can also run without it.
snowfall-calculation Parallel calculation functions
snowfall-init Initialisation of cluster usage
snowfall-tools Cluster tools