# $Id: DotLib.pm,v 1.3 2003/02/24 17:33:00 mpop Exp $ # # DotLib.pm - set of procedures for generating .dot files # # Copyright @ 2002, 2003, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR). All # rights reserved. =head1 Name DotLib - library of routines for generating .dot files =head1 Synopsis use DotLib; =head1 Description A set of procedures used to create various .dot objects such as file headers, file tails, components, nodes, edges, etc. =cut package DotLib; use strict; BEGIN { use Exporter (); use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&printHeader &printFooter &printNode &printEdge &startCluster &endCluster ); %EXPORT_TAGS = (); @EXPORT_OK = (); } our $VERSION = '1.0'; our $REVISION = '$Revision: 1.3 $ '; our $VERSION_STRING = "$VERSION ($REVISION)"; use vars @EXPORT; use vars @EXPORT_OK; =over 4 =item B Prints a .dot header for the type of output specified in the $type variable. Allowable types are "printer", "plotter". If $type is undefined or not passed, it generates a default header. Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = printHeader(\*STDOUT, "plotter"); =cut sub printHeader { my $file = shift; my $type = shift; print $file "digraph ROOT {\n"; print $file " rankdir = LR\n"; print $file " orientation = landscape\n"; print $file " ranksep = 0.3\n"; print $file " nodesep = 0.3\n"; print $file " fontsize = 8\n"; print $file " margin = \".2,.2\"\n"; if ($type eq "printer"){ print $file " ratio = auto\n"; print $file " page = \"8.5,11\"\n"; } elsif ($type eq "plotter"){ print $file " ratio = auto\n"; print $file " page = \"36,48\"\n"; } print $file "\n"; return 1; } # printHeader =item B Prints a .dot footer (currently just a closed brace). Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = printFooter(\*STDOUT); =cut sub printFooter { my $file = shift; print $file "}\n"; return 1; } # printFooter =item B Prints a "contig" node with the specified id, label, and orientation. If orientation is 1 then the node is a forward facing arrow, otherwise it is a backward facing arror. Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = printNode(\*STDOUT, $node_id, "$node_id ($node_len)", 1); =cut sub printNode { my $file = shift; my $id = shift; my $label = shift; my $ori = shift; my $angle; $id =~ s/(\W)/_/g; if ($ori == 1){ $angle = -90; } else { $angle = 90; } print $file " $id [ label = \"$label\" height = 0.2, fontsize = 8, shape = \"house\", orientation = $angle ]\n"; return 1; } # printNode =item B Prints an edge between two nodes with the specified label. The style can be any of the GraphViz acceptable styles ("dotted", "solid", "dashed", "invis") or undefined in which case the default is used. Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = printEdge(\*STDOUT, $nodeA, $nodeB, "A to B", "invis"); =cut sub printEdge { my $file = shift; my $nodeA = shift; my $nodeB = shift; my $label = shift; my $instyle = shift; my $style; $nodeA =~ s/(\W)/_/g; $nodeB =~ s/(\W)/_/g; if (defined $instyle){ $style = "style = \"" . $instyle . "\""; if ($instyle eq "invis"){ $style .= " color = \"white\" "; } } print $file " $nodeA -> $nodeB [ label =\"$label\" fontsize = 8 $style ]\n"; return 1; } # printEdge =item B Starts a cluster in the .dot output file with the given label and id. Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = startCluster(\*STDOUT, $clust_id, "first cluster"); =cut sub startCluster { my $file = shift; my $id = shift; my $label = shift; $id =~ s/(\W)/_/g; print $file " subgraph cluster_$id {\n"; print $file " label = \"$label\"\n"; return 1; } # startCluster =item B Ends a cluster in the .dot output. Returns 1 upon successful completion and 'undef' otherwise. Example: my $err = endCluster(\*STDOUT); =cut sub endCluster { my $file = shift; print $file " }\n"; return 1; } # endCluster 1;