#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bwtaln.h" #include "kvec.h" #include "bntseq.h" #include "utils.h" #include "bwase.h" #include "bwa.h" #include "ksw.h" #ifdef USE_MALLOC_WRAPPERS # include "malloc_wrap.h" #endif typedef struct { int n; bwtint_t *a; } poslist_t; typedef struct { double avg, std, ap_prior; bwtint_t low, high, high_bayesian; } isize_info_t; #define b128_eq(a, b) ((a).x == (b).x && (a).y == (b).y) #define b128_hash(a) ((uint32_t)(a).x) #include "khash.h" KHASH_INIT(b128, pair64_t, poslist_t, 1, b128_hash, b128_eq) typedef struct { pair64_v arr; pair64_v pos[2]; kvec_t(bwt_aln1_t) aln[2]; } pe_data_t; #define MIN_HASH_WIDTH 1000 extern int g_log_n[256]; // in bwase.c static kh_b128_t *g_hash; void bwa_aln2seq_core(int n_aln, const bwt_aln1_t *aln, bwa_seq_t *s, int set_main, int n_multi); void bwa_aln2seq(int n_aln, const bwt_aln1_t *aln, bwa_seq_t *s); int bwa_approx_mapQ(const bwa_seq_t *p, int mm); void bwa_print_sam1(const bntseq_t *bns, bwa_seq_t *p, const bwa_seq_t *mate, int mode, int max_top2); bntseq_t *bwa_open_nt(const char *prefix); void bwa_print_sam_SQ(const bntseq_t *bns); pe_opt_t *bwa_init_pe_opt() { pe_opt_t *po; po = (pe_opt_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(pe_opt_t)); po->max_isize = 500; po->force_isize = 0; po->max_occ = 100000; po->n_multi = 3; po->N_multi = 10; po->type = BWA_PET_STD; po->is_sw = 1; po->ap_prior = 1e-5; return po; } /* static double ierfc(double x) // inverse erfc(); iphi(x) = M_SQRT2 *ierfc(2 * x); { const double a = 0.140012; double b, c; b = log(x * (2 - x)); c = 2./M_PI/a + b / 2.; return sqrt(sqrt(c * c - b / a) - c); } */ // for normal distribution, this is about 3std #define OUTLIER_BOUND 2.0 static int infer_isize(int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs[2], isize_info_t *ii, double ap_prior, int64_t L) { uint64_t x, *isizes, n_ap = 0; int n, i, tot, p25, p75, p50, max_len = 1, tmp; double skewness = 0.0, kurtosis = 0.0, y; ii->avg = ii->std = -1.0; ii->low = ii->high = ii->high_bayesian = 0; isizes = (uint64_t*)calloc(n_seqs, 8); for (i = 0, tot = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p[2]; p[0] = seqs[0] + i; p[1] = seqs[1] + i; if (p[0]->mapQ >= 20 && p[1]->mapQ >= 20) { x = (p[0]->pos < p[1]->pos)? p[1]->pos + p[1]->len - p[0]->pos : p[0]->pos + p[0]->len - p[1]->pos; if (x < 100000) isizes[tot++] = x; } if (p[0]->len > max_len) max_len = p[0]->len; if (p[1]->len > max_len) max_len = p[1]->len; } if (tot < 20) { fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] fail to infer insert size: too few good pairs\n"); free(isizes); return -1; } ks_introsort_64(tot, isizes); p25 = isizes[(int)(tot*0.25 + 0.5)]; p50 = isizes[(int)(tot*0.50 + 0.5)]; p75 = isizes[(int)(tot*0.75 + 0.5)]; tmp = (int)(p25 - OUTLIER_BOUND * (p75 - p25) + .499); ii->low = tmp > max_len? tmp : max_len; // ii->low is unsigned ii->high = (int)(p75 + OUTLIER_BOUND * (p75 - p25) + .499); if (ii->low > ii->high) { fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] fail to infer insert size: upper bound is smaller than read length\n"); free(isizes); return -1; } for (i = 0, x = n = 0; i < tot; ++i) if (isizes[i] >= ii->low && isizes[i] <= ii->high) ++n, x += isizes[i]; ii->avg = (double)x / n; for (i = 0; i < tot; ++i) { if (isizes[i] >= ii->low && isizes[i] <= ii->high) { double tmp = (isizes[i] - ii->avg) * (isizes[i] - ii->avg); ii->std += tmp; skewness += tmp * (isizes[i] - ii->avg); kurtosis += tmp * tmp; } } kurtosis = kurtosis/n / (ii->std / n * ii->std / n) - 3; ii->std = sqrt(ii->std / n); // it would be better as n-1, but n is usually very large skewness = skewness / n / (ii->std * ii->std * ii->std); for (y = 1.0; y < 10.0; y += 0.01) if (.5 * erfc(y / M_SQRT2) < ap_prior / L * (y * ii->std + ii->avg)) break; ii->high_bayesian = (bwtint_t)(y * ii->std + ii->avg + .499); for (i = 0; i < tot; ++i) if (isizes[i] > ii->high_bayesian) ++n_ap; ii->ap_prior = .01 * (n_ap + .01) / tot; if (ii->ap_prior < ap_prior) ii->ap_prior = ap_prior; free(isizes); fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] (25, 50, 75) percentile: (%d, %d, %d)\n", p25, p50, p75); if (isnan(ii->std) || p75 > 100000) { ii->low = ii->high = ii->high_bayesian = 0; ii->avg = ii->std = -1.0; fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] fail to infer insert size: weird pairing\n"); return -1; } for (y = 1.0; y < 10.0; y += 0.01) if (.5 * erfc(y / M_SQRT2) < ap_prior / L * (y * ii->std + ii->avg)) break; ii->high_bayesian = (bwtint_t)(y * ii->std + ii->avg + .499); fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] low and high boundaries: %ld and %ld for estimating avg and std\n", (long)ii->low, (long)ii->high); fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] inferred external isize from %d pairs: %.3lf +/- %.3lf\n", n, ii->avg, ii->std); fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] skewness: %.3lf; kurtosis: %.3lf; ap_prior: %.2e\n", skewness, kurtosis, ii->ap_prior); fprintf(stderr, "[infer_isize] inferred maximum insert size: %ld (%.2lf sigma)\n", (long)ii->high_bayesian, y); return 0; } static int pairing(bwa_seq_t *p[2], pe_data_t *d, const pe_opt_t *opt, int s_mm, const isize_info_t *ii) { int i, j, o_n, subo_n, cnt_chg = 0, low_bound = ii->low, max_len; uint64_t o_score, subo_score; pair64_t last_pos[2][2], o_pos[2]; max_len = p[0]->full_len; if (max_len < p[1]->full_len) max_len = p[1]->full_len; if (low_bound < max_len) low_bound = max_len; // here v>=u. When ii is set, we check insert size with ii; otherwise with opt->max_isize #define __pairing_aux(u,v) do { \ bwtint_t l = (v).x + p[(v).y&1]->len - ((u).x); \ if ((u).x != (uint64_t)-1 && (v).x > (u).x && l >= max_len \ && ((ii->high && l <= ii->high_bayesian) || (ii->high == 0 && l <= opt->max_isize))) \ { \ uint64_t s = d->aln[(v).y&1].a[(v).y>>2].score + d->aln[(u).y&1].a[(u).y>>2].score; \ s *= 10; \ if (ii->high) s += (int)(-4.343 * log(.5 * erfc(M_SQRT1_2 * fabs(l - ii->avg) / ii->std)) + .499); \ s = s<<32 | (uint32_t)hash_64((u).x<<32 | (v).x); \ if (s>>32 == o_score>>32) ++o_n; \ else if (s>>32 < o_score>>32) { subo_n += o_n; o_n = 1; } \ else ++subo_n; \ if (s < o_score) subo_score = o_score, o_score = s, o_pos[(u).y&1] = (u), o_pos[(v).y&1] = (v); \ else if (s < subo_score) subo_score = s; \ } \ } while (0) #define __pairing_aux2(q, w) do { \ const bwt_aln1_t *r = d->aln[(w).y&1].a + ((w).y>>2); \ (q)->extra_flag |= SAM_FPP; \ if ((q)->pos != (w).x || (q)->strand != ((w).y>>1&1)) { \ (q)->n_mm = r->n_mm; (q)->n_gapo = r->n_gapo; (q)->n_gape = r->n_gape; (q)->strand = (w).y>>1&1; \ (q)->score = r->score; \ (q)->pos = (w).x; \ if ((q)->mapQ > 0) ++cnt_chg; \ } \ } while (0) o_score = subo_score = (uint64_t)-1; o_n = subo_n = 0; ks_introsort_128(d->arr.n, d->arr.a); for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) last_pos[j][0].x = last_pos[j][0].y = last_pos[j][1].x = last_pos[j][1].y = (uint64_t)-1; if (opt->type == BWA_PET_STD) { for (i = 0; i < d->arr.n; ++i) { pair64_t x = d->arr.a[i]; int strand = x.y>>1&1; if (strand == 1) { // reverse strand, then check int y = 1 - (x.y&1); __pairing_aux(last_pos[y][1], x); __pairing_aux(last_pos[y][0], x); } else { // forward strand, then push last_pos[x.y&1][0] = last_pos[x.y&1][1]; last_pos[x.y&1][1] = x; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "[paring] not implemented yet!\n"); exit(1); } // set pairing //fprintf(stderr, "[%ld, %d, %d, %d]\n", d->arr.n, (int)(o_score>>32), (int)(subo_score>>32), o_n); if (o_score != (uint64_t)-1) { int mapQ_p = 0; // this is the maximum mapping quality when one end is moved //fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d\n", o_n, subo_n); if (o_n == 1) { if (subo_score == (uint64_t)-1) mapQ_p = 29; // no sub-optimal pair else if ((subo_score>>32) - (o_score>>32) > s_mm * 10) mapQ_p = 23; // poor sub-optimal pair else { int n = subo_n > 255? 255 : subo_n; mapQ_p = ((subo_score>>32) - (o_score>>32)) / 2 - g_log_n[n]; if (mapQ_p < 0) mapQ_p = 0; } } if ((p[0]->pos == o_pos[0].x && p[0]->strand == (o_pos[0].y>>1&1)) && (p[1]->pos == o_pos[1].x && p[1]->strand == (o_pos[1].y>>1&1))) { // both ends not moved if (p[0]->mapQ > 0 && p[1]->mapQ > 0) { int mapQ = p[0]->mapQ + p[1]->mapQ; if (mapQ > 60) mapQ = 60; p[0]->mapQ = p[1]->mapQ = mapQ; } else { if (p[0]->mapQ == 0) p[0]->mapQ = (mapQ_p + 7 < p[1]->mapQ)? mapQ_p + 7 : p[1]->mapQ; if (p[1]->mapQ == 0) p[1]->mapQ = (mapQ_p + 7 < p[0]->mapQ)? mapQ_p + 7 : p[0]->mapQ; } } else if (p[0]->pos == o_pos[0].x && p[0]->strand == (o_pos[0].y>>1&1)) { // [1] moved p[1]->seQ = 0; p[1]->mapQ = p[0]->mapQ; if (p[1]->mapQ > mapQ_p) p[1]->mapQ = mapQ_p; } else if (p[1]->pos == o_pos[1].x && p[1]->strand == (o_pos[1].y>>1&1)) { // [0] moved p[0]->seQ = 0; p[0]->mapQ = p[1]->mapQ; if (p[0]->mapQ > mapQ_p) p[0]->mapQ = mapQ_p; } else { // both ends moved p[0]->seQ = p[1]->seQ = 0; mapQ_p -= 20; if (mapQ_p < 0) mapQ_p = 0; p[0]->mapQ = p[1]->mapQ = mapQ_p; } __pairing_aux2(p[0], o_pos[0]); __pairing_aux2(p[1], o_pos[1]); } return cnt_chg; } typedef struct { kvec_t(bwt_aln1_t) aln; } aln_buf_t; int bwa_cal_pac_pos_pe(const bntseq_t *bns, const char *prefix, bwt_t *const _bwt, int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs[2], FILE *fp_sa[2], isize_info_t *ii, const pe_opt_t *opt, const gap_opt_t *gopt, const isize_info_t *last_ii) { int i, j, cnt_chg = 0; char str[1024]; bwt_t *bwt; pe_data_t *d; aln_buf_t *buf[2]; d = (pe_data_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(pe_data_t)); buf[0] = (aln_buf_t*)calloc(n_seqs, sizeof(aln_buf_t)); buf[1] = (aln_buf_t*)calloc(n_seqs, sizeof(aln_buf_t)); if (_bwt == 0) { // load forward SA strcpy(str, prefix); strcat(str, ".bwt"); bwt = bwt_restore_bwt(str); strcpy(str, prefix); strcat(str, ".sa"); bwt_restore_sa(str, bwt); } else bwt = _bwt; // SE for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p[2]; for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { int n_aln; p[j] = seqs[j] + i; p[j]->n_multi = 0; p[j]->extra_flag |= SAM_FPD | (j == 0? SAM_FR1 : SAM_FR2); err_fread_noeof(&n_aln, 4, 1, fp_sa[j]); if (n_aln > kv_max(d->aln[j])) kv_resize(bwt_aln1_t, d->aln[j], n_aln); d->aln[j].n = n_aln; err_fread_noeof(d->aln[j].a, sizeof(bwt_aln1_t), n_aln, fp_sa[j]); kv_copy(bwt_aln1_t, buf[j][i].aln, d->aln[j]); // backup d->aln[j] // generate SE alignment and mapping quality bwa_aln2seq(n_aln, d->aln[j].a, p[j]); if (p[j]->type == BWA_TYPE_UNIQUE || p[j]->type == BWA_TYPE_REPEAT) { int strand; int max_diff = gopt->fnr > 0.0? bwa_cal_maxdiff(p[j]->len, BWA_AVG_ERR, gopt->fnr) : gopt->max_diff; p[j]->seQ = p[j]->mapQ = bwa_approx_mapQ(p[j], max_diff); p[j]->pos = bwa_sa2pos(bns, bwt, p[j]->sa, p[j]->len + p[j]->ref_shift, &strand); p[j]->strand = strand; if (p[j]->pos == (bwtint_t)-1) p[j]->type = BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH; } } } // infer isize infer_isize(n_seqs, seqs, ii, opt->ap_prior, bwt->seq_len/2); if (ii->avg < 0.0 && last_ii->avg > 0.0) *ii = *last_ii; if (opt->force_isize) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] discard insert size estimate as user's request.\n", __func__); ii->low = ii->high = 0; ii->avg = ii->std = -1.0; } // PE for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p[2]; for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { p[j] = seqs[j] + i; kv_copy(bwt_aln1_t, d->aln[j], buf[j][i].aln); } if ((p[0]->type == BWA_TYPE_UNIQUE || p[0]->type == BWA_TYPE_REPEAT) && (p[1]->type == BWA_TYPE_UNIQUE || p[1]->type == BWA_TYPE_REPEAT)) { // only when both ends mapped pair64_t x; int j, k; long long n_occ[2]; for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { n_occ[j] = 0; for (k = 0; k < d->aln[j].n; ++k) n_occ[j] += d->aln[j].a[k].l - d->aln[j].a[k].k + 1; } if (n_occ[0] > opt->max_occ || n_occ[1] > opt->max_occ) continue; d->arr.n = 0; for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < d->aln[j].n; ++k) { bwt_aln1_t *r = d->aln[j].a + k; bwtint_t l; if (0 && r->l - r->k + 1 >= MIN_HASH_WIDTH) { // then check hash table pair64_t key; int ret; key.x = r->k; key.y = r->l; khint_t iter = kh_put(b128, g_hash, key, &ret); if (ret) { // not in the hash table; ret must equal 1 as we never remove elements poslist_t *z = &kh_val(g_hash, iter); z->n = r->l - r->k + 1; z->a = (bwtint_t*)malloc(sizeof(bwtint_t) * z->n); for (l = r->k; l <= r->l; ++l) { int strand; z->a[l - r->k] = bwa_sa2pos(bns, bwt, l, p[j]->len + p[j]->ref_shift, &strand)<<1; z->a[l - r->k] |= strand; } } for (l = 0; l < kh_val(g_hash, iter).n; ++l) { x.x = kh_val(g_hash, iter).a[l]>>1; x.y = k<<2 | (kh_val(g_hash, iter).a[l]&1)<<1 | j; kv_push(pair64_t, d->arr, x); } } else { // then calculate on the fly for (l = r->k; l <= r->l; ++l) { int strand; x.x = bwa_sa2pos(bns, bwt, l, p[j]->len + p[j]->ref_shift, &strand); x.y = k<<2 | strand<<1 | j; kv_push(pair64_t, d->arr, x); } } } } cnt_chg += pairing(p, d, opt, gopt->s_mm, ii); } if (opt->N_multi || opt->n_multi) { for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { if (p[j]->type != BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH) { int k, n_multi; if (!(p[j]->extra_flag&SAM_FPP) && p[1-j]->type != BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH) { bwa_aln2seq_core(d->aln[j].n, d->aln[j].a, p[j], 0, p[j]->c1+p[j]->c2-1 > opt->N_multi? opt->n_multi : opt->N_multi); } else bwa_aln2seq_core(d->aln[j].n, d->aln[j].a, p[j], 0, opt->n_multi); for (k = 0, n_multi = 0; k < p[j]->n_multi; ++k) { int strand; bwt_multi1_t *q = p[j]->multi + k; q->pos = bwa_sa2pos(bns, bwt, q->pos, p[j]->len + q->ref_shift, &strand); q->strand = strand; if (q->pos != p[j]->pos) p[j]->multi[n_multi++] = *q; } p[j]->n_multi = n_multi; } } } } // free for (i = 0; i < n_seqs; ++i) { kv_destroy(buf[0][i].aln); kv_destroy(buf[1][i].aln); } free(buf[0]); free(buf[1]); if (_bwt == 0) bwt_destroy(bwt); kv_destroy(d->arr); kv_destroy(d->pos[0]); kv_destroy(d->pos[1]); kv_destroy(d->aln[0]); kv_destroy(d->aln[1]); free(d); return cnt_chg; } #define SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN 20 #define SW_MIN_MAPQ 17 // cnt = n_mm<<16 | n_gapo<<8 | n_gape bwa_cigar_t *bwa_sw_core(bwtint_t l_pac, const ubyte_t *pacseq, int len, const ubyte_t *seq, int64_t *beg, int reglen, int *n_cigar, uint32_t *_cnt) { kswr_t r; uint32_t *cigar32 = 0; bwa_cigar_t *cigar = 0; ubyte_t *ref_seq; bwtint_t k, x, y, l; int xtra, gscore; int8_t mat[25]; bwa_fill_scmat(1, 3, mat); // check whether there are too many N's if (reglen < SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN || (int64_t)l_pac - *beg < len) return 0; for (k = 0, x = 0; k < len; ++k) if (seq[k] >= 4) ++x; if ((float)x/len >= 0.25 || len - x < SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN) return 0; // get reference subsequence ref_seq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(reglen, 1); for (k = *beg, l = 0; l < reglen && k < l_pac; ++k) ref_seq[l++] = pacseq[k>>2] >> ((~k&3)<<1) & 3; // do alignment xtra = KSW_XSUBO | KSW_XSTART | (len < 250? KSW_XBYTE : 0); r = ksw_align(len, (uint8_t*)seq, l, ref_seq, 5, mat, 5, 1, xtra, 0); gscore = ksw_global(r.qe - r.qb + 1, &seq[r.qb], r.te - r.tb + 1, &ref_seq[r.tb], 5, mat, 5, 1, 50, n_cigar, &cigar32); cigar = (bwa_cigar_t*)cigar32; for (k = 0; k < *n_cigar; ++k) cigar[k] = __cigar_create((cigar32[k]&0xf), (cigar32[k]>>4)); if (r.score < SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN || r.score2 == r.score || gscore != r.score) { // poor hit or tandem hits or weird alignment free(cigar); free(ref_seq); *n_cigar = 0; return 0; } // check whether the alignment is good enough for (k = 0, x = y = 0; k < *n_cigar; ++k) { bwa_cigar_t c = cigar[k]; if (__cigar_op(c) == FROM_M) x += __cigar_len(c), y += __cigar_len(c); else if (__cigar_op(c) == FROM_D) x += __cigar_len(c); else y += __cigar_len(c); } if (x < SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN || y < SW_MIN_MATCH_LEN) { // not good enough free(cigar); free(ref_seq); *n_cigar = 0; return 0; } { // update cigar and coordinate; int start = r.qb, end = r.qe + 1; *beg += r.tb; cigar = (bwa_cigar_t*)realloc(cigar, sizeof(bwa_cigar_t) * (*n_cigar + 2)); if (start) { memmove(cigar + 1, cigar, sizeof(bwa_cigar_t) * (*n_cigar)); cigar[0] = __cigar_create(3, start); ++(*n_cigar); } if (end < len) { /*cigar[*n_cigar] = 3<<14 | (len - end);*/ cigar[*n_cigar] = __cigar_create(3, (len - end)); ++(*n_cigar); } } { // set *cnt int n_mm, n_gapo, n_gape; n_mm = n_gapo = n_gape = 0; x = r.tb; y = r.qb; for (k = 0; k < *n_cigar; ++k) { bwa_cigar_t c = cigar[k]; if (__cigar_op(c) == FROM_M) { for (l = 0; l < (__cigar_len(c)); ++l) if (ref_seq[x+l] < 4 && seq[y+l] < 4 && ref_seq[x+l] != seq[y+l]) ++n_mm; x += __cigar_len(c), y += __cigar_len(c); } else if (__cigar_op(c) == FROM_D) { x += __cigar_len(c), ++n_gapo, n_gape += (__cigar_len(c)) - 1; } else if (__cigar_op(c) == FROM_I) { y += __cigar_len(c), ++n_gapo, n_gape += (__cigar_len(c)) - 1; } } *_cnt = (uint32_t)n_mm<<16 | n_gapo<<8 | n_gape; } free(ref_seq); return cigar; } ubyte_t *bwa_paired_sw(const bntseq_t *bns, const ubyte_t *_pacseq, int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs[2], const pe_opt_t *popt, const isize_info_t *ii) { ubyte_t *pacseq; int i; uint64_t n_tot[2], n_mapped[2]; // load reference sequence if (_pacseq == 0) { pacseq = (ubyte_t*)calloc(bns->l_pac/4+1, 1); err_rewind(bns->fp_pac); err_fread_noeof(pacseq, 1, bns->l_pac/4+1, bns->fp_pac); } else pacseq = (ubyte_t*)_pacseq; if (!popt->is_sw || ii->avg < 0.0) return pacseq; // perform mate alignment n_tot[0] = n_tot[1] = n_mapped[0] = n_mapped[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p[2]; p[0] = seqs[0] + i; p[1] = seqs[1] + i; if ((p[0]->mapQ >= SW_MIN_MAPQ || p[1]->mapQ >= SW_MIN_MAPQ) && (p[0]->extra_flag&SAM_FPP) == 0) { // unpaired and one read has high mapQ int k, n_cigar[2], is_singleton, mapQ = 0, mq_adjust[2]; int64_t beg[2], end[2]; bwa_cigar_t *cigar[2]; uint32_t cnt[2]; /* In the following, _pref points to the reference read * which must be aligned; _pmate points to its mate which is * considered to be modified. */ #define __set_rght_coor(_a, _b, _pref, _pmate) do { \ (_a) = (int64_t)_pref->pos + ii->avg - 3 * ii->std - _pmate->len * 1.5; \ (_b) = (_a) + 6 * ii->std + 2 * _pmate->len; \ if ((_a) < (int64_t)_pref->pos + _pref->len) (_a) = _pref->pos + _pref->len; \ if ((_b) > bns->l_pac) (_b) = bns->l_pac; \ } while (0) #define __set_left_coor(_a, _b, _pref, _pmate) do { \ (_a) = (int64_t)_pref->pos + _pref->len - ii->avg - 3 * ii->std - _pmate->len * 0.5; \ (_b) = (_a) + 6 * ii->std + 2 * _pmate->len; \ if ((_a) < 0) (_a) = 0; \ if ((_b) > _pref->pos) (_b) = _pref->pos; \ } while (0) #define __set_fixed(_pref, _pmate, _beg, _cnt) do { \ _pmate->type = BWA_TYPE_MATESW; \ _pmate->pos = _beg; \ _pmate->seQ = _pref->seQ; \ _pmate->strand = (popt->type == BWA_PET_STD)? 1 - _pref->strand : _pref->strand; \ _pmate->n_mm = _cnt>>16; _pmate->n_gapo = _cnt>>8&0xff; _pmate->n_gape = _cnt&0xff; \ _pmate->extra_flag |= SAM_FPP; \ _pref->extra_flag |= SAM_FPP; \ } while (0) mq_adjust[0] = mq_adjust[1] = 255; // not effective is_singleton = (p[0]->type == BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH || p[1]->type == BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH)? 1 : 0; ++n_tot[is_singleton]; cigar[0] = cigar[1] = 0; n_cigar[0] = n_cigar[1] = 0; if (popt->type != BWA_PET_STD) continue; // other types of pairing is not considered for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { // p[1-k] is the reference read and p[k] is the read considered to be modified ubyte_t *seq; if (p[1-k]->type == BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH) continue; // if p[1-k] is unmapped, skip { // note that popt->type == BWA_PET_STD always true; in older versions, there was a branch for color-space FF/RR reads if (p[1-k]->strand == 0) { // then the mate is on the reverse strand and has larger coordinate __set_rght_coor(beg[k], end[k], p[1-k], p[k]); seq = p[k]->rseq; } else { // then the mate is on forward stand and has smaller coordinate __set_left_coor(beg[k], end[k], p[1-k], p[k]); seq = p[k]->seq; seq_reverse(p[k]->len, seq, 0); // because ->seq is reversed; this will reversed back shortly } } // perform SW alignment cigar[k] = bwa_sw_core(bns->l_pac, pacseq, p[k]->len, seq, &beg[k], end[k] - beg[k], &n_cigar[k], &cnt[k]); if (cigar[k] && p[k]->type != BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH) { // re-evaluate cigar[k] int s_old, clip = 0, s_new; if (__cigar_op(cigar[k][0]) == 3) clip += __cigar_len(cigar[k][0]); if (__cigar_op(cigar[k][n_cigar[k]-1]) == 3) clip += __cigar_len(cigar[k][n_cigar[k]-1]); s_old = (int)((p[k]->n_mm * 9 + p[k]->n_gapo * 13 + p[k]->n_gape * 2) / 3. * 8. + .499); s_new = (int)(((cnt[k]>>16) * 9 + (cnt[k]>>8&0xff) * 13 + (cnt[k]&0xff) * 2 + clip * 3) / 3. * 8. + .499); s_old += -4.343 * log(ii->ap_prior / bns->l_pac); s_new += (int)(-4.343 * log(.5 * erfc(M_SQRT1_2 * 1.5) + .499)); // assume the mapped isize is 1.5\sigma if (s_old < s_new) { // reject SW alignment mq_adjust[k] = s_new - s_old; free(cigar[k]); cigar[k] = 0; n_cigar[k] = 0; } else mq_adjust[k] = s_old - s_new; } // now revserse sequence back such that p[*]->seq looks untouched if (popt->type == BWA_PET_STD) { if (p[1-k]->strand == 1) seq_reverse(p[k]->len, seq, 0); } else { if (p[1-k]->strand == 0) seq_reverse(p[k]->len, seq, 0); } } k = -1; // no read to be changed if (cigar[0] && cigar[1]) { k = p[0]->mapQ < p[1]->mapQ? 0 : 1; // p[k] to be fixed mapQ = abs(p[1]->mapQ - p[0]->mapQ); } else if (cigar[0]) k = 0, mapQ = p[1]->mapQ; else if (cigar[1]) k = 1, mapQ = p[0]->mapQ; if (k >= 0 && p[k]->pos != beg[k]) { ++n_mapped[is_singleton]; { // recalculate mapping quality int tmp = (int)p[1-k]->mapQ - p[k]->mapQ/2 - 8; if (tmp <= 0) tmp = 1; if (mapQ > tmp) mapQ = tmp; p[k]->mapQ = p[1-k]->mapQ = mapQ; p[k]->seQ = p[1-k]->seQ = p[1-k]->seQ < mapQ? p[1-k]->seQ : mapQ; if (p[k]->mapQ > mq_adjust[k]) p[k]->mapQ = mq_adjust[k]; if (p[k]->seQ > mq_adjust[k]) p[k]->seQ = mq_adjust[k]; } // update CIGAR free(p[k]->cigar); p[k]->cigar = cigar[k]; cigar[k] = 0; p[k]->n_cigar = n_cigar[k]; // update the rest of information __set_fixed(p[1-k], p[k], beg[k], cnt[k]); } free(cigar[0]); free(cigar[1]); } } fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_paired_sw] %lld out of %lld Q%d singletons are mated.\n", (long long)n_mapped[1], (long long)n_tot[1], SW_MIN_MAPQ); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_paired_sw] %lld out of %lld Q%d discordant pairs are fixed.\n", (long long)n_mapped[0], (long long)n_tot[0], SW_MIN_MAPQ); return pacseq; } void bwa_sai2sam_pe_core(const char *prefix, char *const fn_sa[2], char *const fn_fa[2], pe_opt_t *popt, const char *rg_line) { extern bwa_seqio_t *bwa_open_reads(int mode, const char *fn_fa); int i, j, n_seqs, tot_seqs = 0; bwa_seq_t *seqs[2]; bwa_seqio_t *ks[2]; clock_t t; bntseq_t *bns; FILE *fp_sa[2]; gap_opt_t opt, opt0; khint_t iter; isize_info_t last_ii; // this is for the last batch of reads char str[1024], magic[2][4]; bwt_t *bwt; uint8_t *pac; // initialization bwase_initialize(); // initialize g_log_n[] in bwase.c pac = 0; bwt = 0; for (i = 1; i != 256; ++i) g_log_n[i] = (int)(4.343 * log(i) + 0.5); bns = bns_restore(prefix); srand48(bns->seed); fp_sa[0] = xopen(fn_sa[0], "r"); fp_sa[1] = xopen(fn_sa[1], "r"); g_hash = kh_init(b128); last_ii.avg = -1.0; err_fread_noeof(magic[0], 1, 4, fp_sa[0]); err_fread_noeof(magic[1], 1, 4, fp_sa[1]); if (strncmp(magic[0], SAI_MAGIC, 4) != 0 || strncmp(magic[1], SAI_MAGIC, 4) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] Unmatched SAI magic. Please re-run `aln' with the same version of bwa.\n", __func__); exit(1); } err_fread_noeof(&opt, sizeof(gap_opt_t), 1, fp_sa[0]); ks[0] = bwa_open_reads(opt.mode, fn_fa[0]); opt0 = opt; err_fread_noeof(&opt, sizeof(gap_opt_t), 1, fp_sa[1]); // overwritten! ks[1] = bwa_open_reads(opt.mode, fn_fa[1]); { // for Illumina alignment only if (popt->is_preload) { strcpy(str, prefix); strcat(str, ".bwt"); bwt = bwt_restore_bwt(str); strcpy(str, prefix); strcat(str, ".sa"); bwt_restore_sa(str, bwt); pac = (ubyte_t*)calloc(bns->l_pac/4+1, 1); err_rewind(bns->fp_pac); err_fread_noeof(pac, 1, bns->l_pac/4+1, bns->fp_pac); } } // core loop bwa_print_sam_hdr(bns, rg_line); while ((seqs[0] = bwa_read_seq(ks[0], 0x40000, &n_seqs, opt0.mode, opt0.trim_qual)) != 0) { int cnt_chg; isize_info_t ii; ubyte_t *pacseq; seqs[1] = bwa_read_seq(ks[1], 0x40000, &n_seqs, opt.mode, opt.trim_qual); tot_seqs += n_seqs; t = clock(); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] convert to sequence coordinate... \n"); cnt_chg = bwa_cal_pac_pos_pe(bns, prefix, bwt, n_seqs, seqs, fp_sa, &ii, popt, &opt, &last_ii); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] time elapses: %.2f sec\n", (float)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); t = clock(); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] changing coordinates of %d alignments.\n", cnt_chg); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] align unmapped mate...\n"); pacseq = bwa_paired_sw(bns, pac, n_seqs, seqs, popt, &ii); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] time elapses: %.2f sec\n", (float)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); t = clock(); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] refine gapped alignments... "); for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) bwa_refine_gapped(bns, n_seqs, seqs[j], pacseq); fprintf(stderr, "%.2f sec\n", (float)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); t = clock(); if (pac == 0) free(pacseq); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] print alignments... "); for (i = 0; i < n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p[2]; p[0] = seqs[0] + i; p[1] = seqs[1] + i; if (p[0]->bc[0] || p[1]->bc[0]) { strcat(p[0]->bc, p[1]->bc); strcpy(p[1]->bc, p[0]->bc); } bwa_print_sam1(bns, p[0], p[1], opt.mode, opt.max_top2); bwa_print_sam1(bns, p[1], p[0], opt.mode, opt.max_top2); if (strcmp(p[0]->name, p[1]->name) != 0) err_fatal(__func__, "paired reads have different names: \"%s\", \"%s\"\n", p[0]->name, p[1]->name); } fprintf(stderr, "%.2f sec\n", (float)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); t = clock(); for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) bwa_free_read_seq(n_seqs, seqs[j]); fprintf(stderr, "[bwa_sai2sam_pe_core] %d sequences have been processed.\n", tot_seqs); last_ii = ii; } // destroy bns_destroy(bns); for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { bwa_seq_close(ks[i]); err_fclose(fp_sa[i]); } for (iter = kh_begin(g_hash); iter != kh_end(g_hash); ++iter) if (kh_exist(g_hash, iter)) free(kh_val(g_hash, iter).a); kh_destroy(b128, g_hash); if (pac) { free(pac); bwt_destroy(bwt); } } int bwa_sai2sam_pe(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; pe_opt_t *popt; char *prefix, *rg_line = 0; popt = bwa_init_pe_opt(); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:o:sPn:N:c:f:Ar:")) >= 0) { switch (c) { case 'r': if ((rg_line = bwa_set_rg(optarg)) == 0) return 1; break; case 'a': popt->max_isize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': popt->max_occ = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': popt->is_sw = 0; break; case 'P': popt->is_preload = 1; break; case 'n': popt->n_multi = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': popt->N_multi = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': popt->ap_prior = atof(optarg); break; case 'f': xreopen(optarg, "w", stdout); break; case 'A': popt->force_isize = 1; break; default: return 1; } } if (optind + 5 > argc) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bwa sampe [options] \n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options: -a INT maximum insert size [%d]\n", popt->max_isize); fprintf(stderr, " -o INT maximum occurrences for one end [%d]\n", popt->max_occ); fprintf(stderr, " -n INT maximum hits to output for paired reads [%d]\n", popt->n_multi); fprintf(stderr, " -N INT maximum hits to output for discordant pairs [%d]\n", popt->N_multi); fprintf(stderr, " -c FLOAT prior of chimeric rate (lower bound) [%.1le]\n", popt->ap_prior); fprintf(stderr, " -f FILE sam file to output results to [stdout]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r STR read group header line such as `@RG\\tID:foo\\tSM:bar' [null]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -P preload index into memory (for base-space reads only)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s disable Smith-Waterman for the unmapped mate\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -A disable insert size estimate (force -s)\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Notes: 1. For SOLiD reads, corresponds R3 reads and to F3.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 2. For reads shorter than 30bp, applying a smaller -o is recommended to\n"); fprintf(stderr, " to get a sensible speed at the cost of pairing accuracy.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return 1; } if ((prefix = bwa_idx_infer_prefix(argv[optind])) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] fail to locate the index\n", __func__); return 1; } bwa_sai2sam_pe_core(prefix, argv + optind + 1, argv + optind+3, popt, rg_line); free(prefix); free(popt); return 0; }