/* @include ajindex *********************************************************** ** ** B+ Tree Indexing plus Disc Cache. ** ** @author Copyright (c) 2003 Alan Bleasby ** @version $Revision: 1.43 $ ** @modified subsequently heavily modified by Peter Rice ** @modified $Date: 2012/07/02 17:17:16 $ by $Author: rice $ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ** ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef AJINDEX_H #define AJINDEX_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajdefine.h" #include "ajstr.h" #include "ajtable.h" #include "ajlist.h" #include "ajfile.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ #define BT_PAGESIZE BUFSIZ /* Default cache page size ** use C default buffer size */ #define BT_CACHESIZE 100 #define BT_MAXRETRIES 100 /* Maximum number of read/write attempts */ #define BT_KWLIMIT 15 #define BT_LOCK 2 #define BT_DIRTY 1 #define BT_CLEAN 0 #define BT_READ ajTrue #define BT_WRITE ajFalse #define BT_ROOT 1 #define BT_INTERNAL 2 #define BT_LEAF 4 #define BT_IDBUCKET 8 #define BT_OVERFLOW 16 #define BT_PRIBUCKET 32 #define BT_SECBUCKET 64 #define BT_NUMBUCKET 128 #define BT_FREEPAGE 256 #define BT_SECFREEPAGE 512 #define BT_SECROOT 1024 #define BT_SECINTERNAL 2048 #define BT_SECLEAF 4096 #define BT_SECOVERFLOW 8192 #define BT_MAXTYPE 8192 #define BTNO_BALANCE 100L #define BTNO_NODE 100L #define ID_EXTENSION "xid" #define AC_EXTENSION "xac" #define SV_EXTENSION "xsv" #define DE_EXTENSION "xde" #define KW_EXTENSION "xkw" #define TX_EXTENSION "xtx" /* Useful page filling values */ /* * Length of integers after the ID string in a primary bucket * i.e. dbno + dups + offset * then later add refoffset */ #define BT_DDOFF (sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) /* * Preamble before key lengths in an internal node * i.e. nodetype+blocknumber+nkeys+totlen+left+right+overflow+prev */ #define BT_NODEPREAMBLE (sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong) + sizeof(ajuint) + \ sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong) + sizeof(ajulong) + \ sizeof(ajulong) + sizeof(ajulong)) /* * This is the length of extra pointer required in primary index * page space calculations i.e. the total space taken by * key/pointer pairs in an internal page is: * BT_PTRLEN + ((keylenmax + sizeof(long))*nkeys) * This is because there is one more pointer than the * value of 'order' in a B+ tree. */ #define BT_PTRLEN sizeof(ajulong) /* * Length of extra space, on top of a key string, taken up by a * key in an internal node. This is an ajuint holding the length * of a string plus the length of a block pointer (ajulong) */ #define BT_IDKEYEXTRA (sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) /* * Preamble before key lengths in an id bucket * i.e. nodetype+nentries+overflow */ #define BT_BUCKPREAMBLE (sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) /* * Size of a key in a key length table block in an internal node or bucket */ #define BT_KEYLENENTRY sizeof(ajuint) /* * Size of an offset key */ #define BT_OFFKEYLEN sizeof(ajulong) /* * Length of integers per entry in a num bucket * i.e. dbno + offset * then later add refoffsets */ #define BT_DOFF (sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) #define BT_EXTRA (sizeof(ajulong)) /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* @data AjPBtNode ************************************************************ ** ** Btree node ** ** @attr BlockOffset [ajulong] Offset within main index ** @attr Nkeys [ajuint] Number of keys filled ** @attr TotLen [ajuint] Total length of keys ** @attr Left [ajulong] Left Sibling ** @attr Right [ajulong] Right Sibling ** @attr Overflow [ajulong] Offset to overflow block ** @attr PrevNode [ajulong] Previous node ** @attr NodeType [ajuint] Root, Internal or Leaf ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtNode { ajulong BlockOffset; ajuint Nkeys; ajuint TotLen; ajulong Left; ajulong Right; ajulong Overflow; ajulong PrevNode; ajuint NodeType; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtNode; #define AjPBtNode AjOBtNode* /* @data AjPBtMem ************************************************************* ** ** Dynamic list for btree memory arrays ** ** @attr next [struct AjSBtMem*] next node ** @attr prev [struct AjSBtMem*] previous node ** @attr karray [AjPStr*] key array (primary trees) ** @attr parray [ajulong*] pointer arrays (primary and secondary trees) ** @attr overflows [ajulong*] overflows (primary) and keys (secondary) ** @attr used [AjBool] node in use ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtMem { struct AjSBtMem *next; struct AjSBtMem *prev; AjPStr *karray; ajulong *parray; ajulong *overflows; AjBool used; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtMem; #define AjPBtMem AjOBtMem* /* @data AjPBtId ************************************************************** ** ** Btree ID ** ** @attr id [AjPStr] Unique ID ** @attr offset [ajulong] Offset within database file (ftello) ** @attr refoffsets [ajulong*] Offset within reference database file(s) (ftello) ** @attr dbno [ajuint] Database file number ** @attr dups [ajuint] Duplicates ** @attr refcount [ajuint] Number of reference files ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtId { AjPStr id; ajulong offset; ajulong *refoffsets; ajuint dbno; ajuint dups; ajuint refcount; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtId; #define AjPBtId AjOBtId* /* @data AjPBHit ************************************************************* ** ** Btree index hit minimal information for refcount zero ** ** @attr dbno [ajuint] Database file number ** @attr refcount [ajuint] Number of reference files (zero, for padding) ** @attr offset [ajulong] Offset within database file (ftello) ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtHit { ajuint dbno; ajuint refcount; ajulong offset; } AjOBtHit; #define AjPBtHit AjOBtHit* /* @data AjPBHitref ********************************************************** ** ** Btree index hit minimal information for refcount non-zero ** ** @attr dbno [ajuint] Database file number ** @attr refcount [ajuint] Number of reference files (one, for padding) ** @attr offset [ajulong] Offset within database file (ftello) ** @attr refoffset [ajulong] Offset within reference file (ftello) ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtHitref { ajuint dbno; ajuint refcount; ajulong offset; ajulong refoffset; } AjOBtHitref; #define AjPBtHitref AjOBtHitref* /* @data AjPBtIdwild ********************************************************** ** ** Btree identifier search wildcard ** ** @attr id [AjPStr] Wildcard ID ** @attr pagepos [ajulong] Page number of leaf ** @attr list [AjPList] list of AjPBtIds ** @attr first [AjBool] true for first search ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBIdild { AjPStr id; ajulong pagepos; AjPList list; AjBool first; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtIdwild; #define AjPBtIdwild AjOBtIdwild* /* @data AjPIdbucket ********************************************************** ** ** Id bucket structure on disc ** ** Key, file number, ftell ID, subkey page (char*, ajuint, ajulong, ajulong) ** ** @attr NodeType [ajuint] Node type ** @attr Maxentries [ajuint] Number of entries available ** @attr Nentries [ajuint] Number of entries ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Overflow [ajulong] Offset to overflow block ** @attr keylen [ajuint*] Key lengths ** @attr Ids [AjPBtId*] Ids ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSIdbucket { ajuint NodeType; ajuint Maxentries; ajuint Nentries; ajuint Padding; ajulong Overflow; ajuint *keylen; AjPBtId *Ids; } AjOIdbucket; #define AjPIdbucket AjOIdbucket* /* @data AjPBtNumId *********************************************************** ** ** Btree ID ** ** @attr offset [ajulong] Offset within database file (ftello) ** @attr refoffsets [ajulong*] Offset within reference database file(s) (ftello) ** @attr dbno [ajuint] Database file number ** @attr refcount [ajuint] Number of reference files ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtNumId { ajulong offset; ajulong *refoffsets; ajuint dbno; ajuint refcount; } AjOBtNumId; #define AjPBtNumId AjOBtNumId* /* @data AjPNumbucket ********************************************************* ** ** Offset bucket structure on disc ** ** Key, file number, ftell ID, subkey page (char*, ajuint, ajulong, ajulong) ** ** @attr NodeType [ajuint] Node type ** @attr Maxentries [ajuint] Number of entries available ** @attr Nentries [ajuint] Number of entries ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Overflow [ajulong] Offset to overflow block ** @attr NumId [AjPBtNumId*] secondary tree IDs ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNumbucket { ajuint NodeType; ajuint Maxentries; ajuint Nentries; ajuint Padding; ajulong Overflow; AjPBtNumId *NumId; } AjONumbucket; #define AjPNumbucket AjONumbucket* /* @data AjPBtpage ************************************************************ ** ** Btree page ** ** @attr pagepos [ajulong] Page number ** @attr next [struct AjSBtpage*] Next page ** @attr prev [struct AjSBtpage*] Previous page ** @attr buf [unsigned char*] Buffer ** @attr dirty [ajuint] BT_DIRTY if page needs to be written to disc ** @attr lockfor [ajuint] Reason for last setting of dirty as BT_LOCK ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtpage { ajulong pagepos; struct AjSBtpage *next; struct AjSBtpage *prev; unsigned char *buf; ajuint dirty; ajuint lockfor; } AjOBtpage; #define AjPBtpage AjOBtpage* /* @data AjPBtcache *********************************************************** ** ** B+ tree cache ** ** @attr fp [FILE*] Tree index file pointer ** @attr filename [AjPStr] Filename ** @attr plru [AjPBtpage] Least recently used primary cache page ** @attr pmru [AjPBtpage] Most recently used primary cache page ** @attr slru [AjPBtpage] Least recently used secondary cache page ** @attr smru [AjPBtpage] Most recently used secondary cache page ** @attr bmem [AjPBtMem] Primary array allocation MRU bottom ** @attr tmem [AjPBtMem] Primary array allocation MRU top ** @attr bsmem [AjPBtMem] Secondary array allocation MRU bottom ** @attr tsmem [AjPBtMem] Secondary array allocation MRU top ** @attr replace [AjPStr] Replacement ID ** @attr pripagetable [AjPTable] Table of cached primary pages ** @attr secpagetable [AjPTable] Table of cached secondary pages ** @attr totsize [ajulong] Tree index total length ** @attr filesize [ajulong] Tree index length after any compression ** @attr pripagecount [ajulong] Tree index number of primary pages ** @attr secpagecount [ajulong] Tree index number of secondary pages ** @attr secrootblock [ajulong] Secondary tree root block ** @attr numreplace [ajulong] Replacement numeric ID ** @attr countunique [ajulong] Number of unique tokens indexed ** @attr countall [ajulong] Number of total tokens indexed ** @attr pricachehits [ajulong] Number of primnary cached page reads ** @attr seccachehits [ajulong] Number of secondary cached page reads ** @attr prireads [ajulong] Number of physical primary page reads from disk ** @attr secreads [ajulong] Number of physical secondary page reads from disk ** @attr priwrites [ajulong] Number of physical primary page writes to disk ** @attr secwrites [ajulong] Number of physical secondary page writes to disk ** @attr pripagesize [ajuint] Size of primary cache pages ** @attr secpagesize [ajuint] Size of secondary cache pages ** @attr prilistLength [ajuint] Number of pages in primary cache ** @attr seclistLength [ajuint] Number of pages in secondary cache ** @attr porder [ajuint] Order of primary tree ** @attr plevel [ajuint] Depth of primary tree ** @attr pnperbucket [ajuint] Number of entries in a primary bucket ** @attr pricachesize [ajuint] Maximum number of pages to cache ** @attr sorder [ajuint] Order of secondary tree ** @attr slevel [ajuint] Depth of secondary tree ** @attr snperbucket [ajuint] Number of entries in a secondary bucket ** @attr seccachesize [ajuint] Maximum number of pages to cache ** @attr keylimit [ajuint] Max length of primary key ** @attr idlimit [ajuint] Max length of secondary key ** @attr refcount [ajuint] Number of extra files for each entry ** @attr secondary [AjBool] Secondary index ** @attr readonly [AjBool] Read only flag ** @attr dodelete [AjBool] Deletion flag ** @attr compressed [AjBool] Index is compressed ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtCache { FILE *fp; AjPStr filename; AjPBtpage plru; AjPBtpage pmru; AjPBtpage slru; AjPBtpage smru; AjPBtMem bmem; AjPBtMem tmem; AjPBtMem bsmem; AjPBtMem tsmem; AjPStr replace; AjPTable pripagetable; AjPTable secpagetable; ajulong totsize; ajulong filesize; ajulong pripagecount; ajulong secpagecount; ajulong secrootblock; ajulong numreplace; ajulong countunique; ajulong countall; ajulong pricachehits; ajulong seccachehits; ajulong prireads; ajulong secreads; ajulong priwrites; ajulong secwrites; ajuint pripagesize; ajuint secpagesize; ajuint prilistLength; ajuint seclistLength; ajuint porder; ajuint plevel; ajuint pnperbucket; ajuint pricachesize; ajuint sorder; ajuint slevel; ajuint snperbucket; ajuint seccachesize; ajuint keylimit; ajuint idlimit; ajuint refcount; AjBool secondary; AjBool readonly; AjBool dodelete; AjBool compressed; } AjOBtcache; #define AjPBtcache AjOBtcache* /* @data AjPBtPri ************************************************************* ** ** Btree primary link from a primary bucket for secondary identifier tree ** ** @attr keyword [AjPStr] keyword ** @attr treeblock [ajulong] root block of secondary tree ** @attr id [AjPStr] Id string ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtPri { AjPStr keyword; ajulong treeblock; AjPStr id; } AjOBtPri; #define AjPBtPri AjOBtPri* /* @data AjPPribucket ********************************************************* ** ** Keyword primary bucket structure on disc ** ** @attr NodeType [ajuint] Node type ** @attr Maxentries [ajuint] Number of entries available ** @attr Nentries [ajuint] Number of entries ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Overflow [ajulong] Offset to overflow block ** @attr keylen [ajuint*] key lengths ** @attr codes [AjPBtPri*] Primary keywords ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSPribucket { ajuint NodeType; ajuint Maxentries; ajuint Nentries; ajuint Padding; ajulong Overflow; ajuint *keylen; AjPBtPri *codes; } AjOPribucket; #define AjPPribucket AjOPribucket* /* @data AjPSecbucket ********************************************************* ** ** Keyword secondary bucket structure on disc ** ** @attr NodeType [ajuint] Node type ** @attr Maxentries [ajuint] Number of entries available ** @attr Nentries [ajuint] Number of entries ** @attr Padding [ajuint] Padding to alignment boundary ** @attr Overflow [ajulong] Offset to overflow block ** @attr keylen [ajuint*] key lengths ** @attr SecIds [AjPStr*] Ids ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSSecbucket { ajuint NodeType; ajuint Maxentries; ajuint Nentries; ajuint Padding; ajulong Overflow; ajuint *keylen; AjPStr *SecIds; } AjOSecbucket; #define AjPSecbucket AjOSecbucket* /* @data AjPBtKeywild ********************************************************* ** ** Btree keyword wildcard object ** ** @attr keyword [AjPStr] Wildcard keyword ** @attr prefix [AjPStr] Wildcard keyword prefix ** @attr pagepos [ajulong] Page number of primary tree leaf ** @attr list [AjPList] list of AjPBtPris ** @attr cache [AjPBtcache] cache for secondary tree ** @attr idlist [AjPList] list of AjPStr IDs ** @attr secpagepos [ajulong] Page number of secondary tree leaf ** @attr first [AjBool] true for first search ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSBtKeywild { AjPStr keyword; AjPStr prefix; ajulong pagepos; AjPList list; AjPBtcache cache; AjPList idlist; ajulong secpagepos; AjBool first; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtKeywild; #define AjPBtKeywild AjOBtKeywild* #if 0 /* #data AjPBtHybrid ********************************************************** ** ** Btree ID ** ** #attr key1 [AjPStr] Unique ID ** #attr offset [ajulong] Offset within database file (ftello) ** #attr refoffsets [ajulong*] Offset within reference database file(s) (ftello) ** #attr treeblock [ajulong] Secondary tree root page ** #attr dbno [ajuint] Database file number ** #attr dups [ajuint] Duplicates ** #attr refcount [ajuint] Number of reference files ** #attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ******************************************************************************/ /* typedef struct AjSBtHybrid { AjPStr key1; ajulong offset; ajulong *refoffsets; /# ajulong treeblock;#/ ajuint dbno; ajuint dups; ajuint refcount; char Padding[4]; } AjOBtHybrid; #define AjPBtHybrid AjOBtHybrid* */ #endif /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* Database file name structure ** ** ajuint order Order of B+tree ** ajuint m Max entries per bucket ** ajuint NFiles Number of Indexed files ** ajuint TotalLen Total length if dir/name entries ** Directory/FileName pairs */ #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) #define BT_GETAJINT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajint))) #define BT_GETAJUINT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajuint))) #define BT_GETAJLONG(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajlong))) #define BT_GETAJULONG(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajulong))) #define BT_SETAJINT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajint))) #define BT_SETAJUINT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint))) #define BT_SETAJLONG(p,v) (memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajlong))) #define BT_SETAJULONG(p,v) (memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #else #define BT_GETAJINT(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajint)); \ ajByteRevInt(v) #define BT_GETAJUINT(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define BT_GETAJLONG(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajlong)); \ ajByteRevLong(v) #define BT_GETAJULONG(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)p,sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #define BT_SETAJINT(p,v) ajByteRevInt(&v); \ memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajint)) #define BT_SETAJUINT(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint)) #define BT_SETAJLONG(p,v) ajByteRevLong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajlong)) #define BT_SETAJULONG(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)p,(const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #endif #define BT_BUCKIDLEN(str) (MAJSTRGETLEN(str) + 1 + sizeof(ajuint) + \ sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) /* ** Macros to determine entry positions within a bucket */ #define PBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p) p #define PBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p) (p + sizeof(ajuint)) #define PBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p) (p + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajuint)) #define PBT_BUCKKEYLEN(p) (p + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) #define BT_BUCKPRILEN(str) (MAJSTRGETLEN(str) + 1 + sizeof(ajulong)) #define BT_BUCKSECLEN(str) (MAJSTRGETLEN(str) +1) /* ** Macros to return a page entry value within a bucket */ #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) #define GBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p), \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define GBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p), \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define GBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #else #define GBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p,v) memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p), \ sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define GBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p,v) memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p), \ sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define GBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p,v) memcpy((void*)v, \ (const void*)PBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #endif /* ** Macros to set a page entry value within an internal/leaf node */ #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) #define SBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint))) #define SBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint))) #define SBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #else #define SBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKNODETYPE(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint)) #define SBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKNENTRIES(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajuint)) #define SBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_BUCKOVERFLOW(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #endif /* ** Macros to determine entry positions within an internal/leaf node */ #define PBT_NODETYPE(p) p #define PBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p) (p + sizeof(ajuint)) #define PBT_NKEYS(p) (p + sizeof(ajuint) + sizeof(ajulong)) #define PBT_TOTLEN(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint)) #define PBT_LEFT(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint) \ +sizeof(ajuint)) #define PBT_RIGHT(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint) \ +sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)) #define PBT_OVERFLOW(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint) \ +sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajulong)) #define PBT_PREV(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint) \ +sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajulong) \ +sizeof(ajulong)) #define PBT_KEYLEN(p) (p+sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajuint) \ +sizeof(ajuint)+sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajulong) \ +sizeof(ajulong)+sizeof(ajulong)) /* ** Macros to return a page entry value within an internal/leaf node */ #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) #define GBT_NODETYPE(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_NODETYPE(p), \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define GBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #define GBT_NKEYS(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_NKEYS(p), \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define GBT_TOTLEN(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_TOTLEN(p), \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define GBT_LEFT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_LEFT(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #define GBT_RIGHT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_RIGHT(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #define GBT_PREV(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_PREV(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #define GBT_OVERFLOW(p,v) (memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_OVERFLOW(p), \ sizeof(ajulong))) #else #define GBT_NODETYPE(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_NODETYPE(p), \ sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define GBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #define GBT_NKEYS(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_NKEYS(p), \ sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define GBT_TOTLEN(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_TOTLEN(p), \ sizeof(ajuint)); \ ajByteRevUint(v) #define GBT_LEFT(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_LEFT(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #define GBT_RIGHT(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_RIGHT(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #define GBT_PREV(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_PREV(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #define GBT_OVERFLOW(p,v) memcpy((void*)v,(const void*)PBT_OVERFLOW(p), \ sizeof(ajulong)); \ ajByteRevUlong(v) #endif /* ** Macros to set a page entry value within an internal/leaf node */ #if !defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) #define SBT_NODETYPE(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_NODETYPE(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define SBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #define SBT_NKEYS(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_NKEYS(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define SBT_TOTLEN(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_TOTLEN(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint))) #define SBT_LEFT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_LEFT(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #define SBT_RIGHT(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_RIGHT(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #define SBT_PREV(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_PREV(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #define SBT_OVERFLOW(p,v) (memcpy((void*)PBT_OVERFLOW(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong))) #else #define SBT_NODETYPE(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_NODETYPE(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint)) #define SBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_BLOCKNUMBER(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #define SBT_NKEYS(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_NKEYS(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint)) #define SBT_TOTLEN(p,v) ajByteRevUint(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_TOTLEN(p),(const void*)&v, \ sizeof(ajuint)) #define SBT_LEFT(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_LEFT(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #define SBT_RIGHT(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_RIGHT(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #define SBT_PREV(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_PREV(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #define SBT_OVERFLOW(p,v) ajByteRevUlong(&v); \ memcpy((void*)PBT_OVERFLOW(p), \ (const void*)&v,sizeof(ajulong)) #endif /* ** Prototype definitions */ AjBool ajBtreeKeyFindLen(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, ajulong* treeblock); ajuint ajBtreeFieldGetLenC(const char* nametxt); ajuint ajBtreeFieldGetLenS(const AjPStr name); const AjPStr ajBtreeFieldGetExtensionC(const char *nametxt); const AjPStr ajBtreeFieldGetExtensionS(const AjPStr name); AjBool ajBtreeFieldGetSecondaryC(const char *nametxt); AjBool ajBtreeFieldGetSecondaryS(const AjPStr name); ajulong ajBtreeCacheGetPagecount(const AjPBtcache cache); ajuint ajBtreeCacheGetPripagesize(const AjPBtcache cache); ajuint ajBtreeCacheGetSecpagesize(const AjPBtcache cache); ajulong ajBtreeCacheGetTotsize(const AjPBtcache cache); AjBool ajBtreeCacheIsCompressed(const AjPBtcache cache); AjBool ajBtreeCacheIsSecondary(const AjPBtcache thys); ajuint ajBtreePageGetSize(const AjPBtpage page, ajuint refcount); const char* ajBtreePageGetTypename(const AjPBtpage page); AjBool ajBtreePageIsPrimary(const AjPBtpage page); AjPBtcache ajBtreeIdcacheNewC(const char *file, const char *ext, const char *idir, const char *mode, AjBool compressed, ajuint kwlimit, ajuint refcount, ajuint pripagesize, ajuint secpagesize, ajuint pricachesize, ajuint seccachesize, ajulong pripagecount, ajulong secpagecount, ajuint order, ajuint fill, ajuint level, ajuint sorder, ajuint sfill, ajulong count, ajulong countall); AjPBtcache ajBtreeIdcacheNewS(const AjPStr file, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir, const char *mode, AjBool compressed, ajuint kwlimit, ajuint refcount, ajuint pripagesize, ajuint secpagesize, ajuint pricachesize, ajuint seccachesize, ajulong pripagecount, ajulong secpagecount, ajuint order, ajuint fill, ajuint level, ajuint sorder, ajuint sfill, ajulong count, ajulong countall); AjPBtcache ajBtreeSeccacheNewC(const char *file, const char *ext, const char *idir, const char *mode, AjBool compressed, ajuint kwlimit, ajuint idlimit, ajuint pagesize, ajuint secpagesize, ajuint cachesize, ajuint seccachesize, ajulong pagecount, ajulong secpagecount, ajuint order, ajuint fill, ajuint level, ajuint sorder, ajuint sfill, ajulong count, ajulong countall); AjPBtcache ajBtreeSeccacheNewS(const AjPStr file, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir, const char *mode, AjBool compressed, ajuint kwlimit, ajuint idlimit, ajuint pagesize, ajuint secpagesize, ajuint cachesize, ajuint seccachesize, ajulong pagecount, ajulong secpagecount, ajuint order, ajuint fill, ajuint level, ajuint sorder, ajuint sfill, ajulong count, ajulong countall); AjPBtcache ajBtreeCacheNewReadC(const char *filetxt, const char *exttxt, const char *idirtxt); AjPBtcache ajBtreeCacheNewReadS(const AjPStr file, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir); AjPBtcache ajBtreeCacheNewUpdateC(const char *filetxt, const char *exttxt, const char *idirtxt); AjPBtcache ajBtreeCacheNewUpdateS(const AjPStr file, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir); AjPBtpage ajBtreeCacheRead(AjPBtcache cache, ajulong pagepos); ajulong ajBtreeCacheDel(AjPBtcache *thys); void ajBtreeIdDel(AjPBtId *thys); void ajBtreeIdDelVoid(void **voidarg); AjPBtId ajBtreeIdNew(ajuint refcount); AjBool ajBtreeIdIsMulti(const AjPBtId thys); void ajBtreeHitDel(AjPBtHit *thys); void ajBtreeHitDelVoid(void **voidarg); AjPBtHit ajBtreeHitNew(void); AjPBtHit ajBtreeHitNewId(const AjPBtId btid); void ajBtreeHitrefDel(AjPBtHitref *thys); void ajBtreeHitrefDelVoid(void **voidarg); AjPBtHitref ajBtreeHitrefNew(void); AjPBtHitref ajBtreeHitrefNewId(const AjPBtId btid); AjBool ajBtreeReadParamsC(const char *fn, const char *ext, const char *idir, AjBool *secondary, AjBool *compressed, ajuint *kwlimit, ajuint *idlimit, ajuint *refcount, ajuint *pripagesize, ajuint *secpagesize, ajuint *pricachesize, ajuint *seccachesize, ajulong *pripagecount, ajulong *secpagecount, ajuint *order, ajuint *nperbucket, ajuint *level, ajuint *sorder, ajuint *snperbucket, ajulong *count, ajulong *countall); AjBool ajBtreeReadParamsS(const AjPStr fn, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir, AjBool *secondary, AjBool *compressed, ajuint *kwlimit, ajuint *idlimit, ajuint *refcount, ajuint *pripagesize, ajuint *secpagesize, ajuint *pricachesize, ajuint *seccachesize, ajulong *pripagecount, ajulong *secpagecount, ajuint *order, ajuint *nperbucket, ajuint *level, ajuint *sorder, ajuint *snperbucket, ajulong *count, ajulong *countall); void ajBtreeWriteParamsC(const AjPBtcache cache, const char *fntxt, const char *exttxt, const char *idirtxt); void ajBtreeWriteParamsS(const AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr fn, const AjPStr ext, const AjPStr idir); ajuint ajBtreeReadEntriesC(const char *filename, const char *indexdir, const char *directory, AjPStr **seqfiles, AjPStr ***reffiles, ajuint *refcount); ajuint ajBtreeReadEntriesS(const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr indexdir, const AjPStr directory, AjPStr **seqfiles, AjPStr ***reffiles, ajuint *refcount); void ajBtreeIdentFetchId(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeIdentFetchwildId(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeIdentFetchHit(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeIdentFetchwildHit(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeIdentFetchHitref(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeIdentFetchwildHitref(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr key, AjPList idlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchId(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchwildId(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchHit(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchwildHit(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchHitref(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); void ajBtreeKeyFetchwildHitref(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtcache idcache, const AjPStr key, AjPList btidlist); AjPBtIdwild ajBtreeIdwildNew(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr wild); void ajBtreeIdwildDel(AjPBtIdwild *thys); AjPBtId ajBtreeIdwildQuery(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtIdwild wild); AjPBtKeywild ajBtreeKeywildNew(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr wild); void ajBtreeKeywildDel(AjPBtKeywild *thys); AjPBtId ajBtreeKeywildQuery(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtKeywild wild, AjPBtcache idcache); AjPBtPri ajBtreePriNew(void); void ajBtreePriDel(AjPBtPri *thys); void ajBtreeIdentIndex(AjPBtcache cache, AjPBtId id); AjBool ajBtreeKeyIndex(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPStr keyword, const AjPStr id); void ajBtreeDumpIdentifiers(AjPBtcache cache, ajuint dmin, ajuint dmax, AjPFile outf); void ajBtreeDumpKeywords(AjPBtcache cache, ajuint dmin, ajuint dmax, AjPFile outf); ajint ajBtreeIdCmp(const void *x, const void *y); ajulong ajBtreeIdHash(const void *x, ajulong hashsize); ajint ajBtreeHitCmp(const void *x, const void *y); ajulong ajBtreeHitHash(const void *x, ajulong hashsize); ajint ajBtreeHitrefCmp(const void *x, const void *y); ajulong ajBtreeHitrefHash(const void *x, ajulong hashsize); void ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(AjPFile outf, const AjPBtcache cache, ajulong *Ppricache, ajulong *Pseccache, ajulong* Pprireads, ajulong* Psecreads, ajulong* Ppriwrites, ajulong* Psecwrites, ajulong *Pprisize, ajulong *Psecsize); void ajBtreeStatsOut(AjPFile outf, ajulong* Psplitrootid, ajulong* Psplitrootnum, ajulong* Psplitrootkey, ajulong* Psplitrootsec, ajulong* Psplitleafid, ajulong* Psplitleafnum, ajulong* Psplitleafkey, ajulong* Psplitleafsec, ajulong* Preorderid, ajulong* Preordernum, ajulong* Preorderkey, ajulong* Preordersec); AjBool ajBtreeStatIdbucket(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* ndups, ajuint* nextra, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace, ajulong *refs, const AjPTable newpostable); AjBool ajBtreeStatNumbucket(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace); AjBool ajBtreeStatPribucket(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace, ajulong *refs, const AjPTable newpostable); AjBool ajBtreeStatSecbucket(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace); AjBool ajBtreeStatNode(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace, ajulong* refs, const AjPTable newpostable); AjBool ajBtreeStatNumnode(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtpage page, AjBool full, ajuint* nkeys, ajuint* overflows, ajuint* freespace, ajulong* refs, const AjPTable newpostable); void ajBtreeExit(void); /* ** future functions for index updating */ AjBool ajBtreeReplaceId(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtId rid); AjBool ajBtreeDeleteIdent(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtId btid); AjBool ajBtreeDeletePriId(AjPBtcache cache, const AjPBtPri pri); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ #if 0 AjPBtHybrid ajBtreeHybNew(ajuint refcount); void ajBtreeHybDel(AjPBtHybrid *thys); #endif #ifdef AJ_COMPILE_DEPRECATED_BOOK #endif /* AJ_COMPILE_DEPRECATED_BOOK */ #ifdef AJ_COMPILE_DEPRECATED __deprecated void ajBtreeWriteParams(const AjPBtcache cache, const char *fn, const char *ext, const char *idir); #endif /* AJ_COMPILE_DEPRECATED */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !AJINDEX_H */