/* @include ajnexus *********************************************************** ** ** AJAX nexus file parsing functions ** ** @author Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Rice ** @version $Revision: 1.13 $ ** @modified $Date: 2011/10/02 10:11:48 $ by $Author: mks $ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ** ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef AJNEXUS_H #define AJNEXUS_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajdefine.h" #include "ajfile.h" #include "ajstr.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* @data AjPNexusTaxa ********************************************************* ** ** Ajax nexus data taxa block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusTaxa ** @alias AjONexusTaxa ** ** @new nexusTaxaNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusTaxaDel Default destructor ** ** @attr TaxLabels [AjPStr*] Taxon names ** @attr Ntax [ajuint] Number of taxons ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusTaxa { AjPStr* TaxLabels; ajuint Ntax; char Padding[4]; } AjONexusTaxa; #define AjPNexusTaxa AjONexusTaxa* /* @data AjPNexusCharacters *************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data characters block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusCharacters ** @alias AjONexusCharacters ** ** @new nexusCharactersNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusCharactersDel Default destructor ** ** @attr NewTaxa [AjBool] New taxa read from data block ** @attr Ntax [ajuint] Number of taxons ** @attr Nchar [ajuint] Number of characters ** @attr RespectCase [AjBool] Respect case if true ** @attr DataType [AjPStr] Data type ** @attr Symbols [AjPStr] Character symbols ** @attr Equate [AjPStr] Character equivalent names ** @attr Labels [AjBool] Labels if true ** @attr Transpose [AjBool] Transpose data if true ** @attr Interleave [AjBool] Interleaved input if true ** @attr Tokens [AjBool] If true, tokens set ** @attr Items [AjPStr] Character items ** @attr StatesFormat [AjPStr] States format string ** @attr Eliminate [AjPStr] Eliminate string ** @attr CharStateLabels [AjPStr*] Character and state labels ** @attr CharLabels [AjPStr*] Character labels ** @attr StateLabels [AjPStr*] State labels ** @attr Matrix [AjPStr*] Matrix data ** @attr Sequences [AjPStr*] Sequence data ** @attr Missing [char] Missing character in input data ** @attr Gap [char] Gap character in input data ** @attr MatchChar [char] Matching character in input ** @attr Padding [char[5]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusCharacters { AjBool NewTaxa; ajuint Ntax; ajuint Nchar; AjBool RespectCase; AjPStr DataType; AjPStr Symbols; AjPStr Equate; AjBool Labels; AjBool Transpose; AjBool Interleave; AjBool Tokens; AjPStr Items; AjPStr StatesFormat; AjPStr Eliminate; AjPStr* CharStateLabels; AjPStr* CharLabels; AjPStr* StateLabels; AjPStr* Matrix; AjPStr* Sequences; char Missing; char Gap; char MatchChar; char Padding[5]; } AjONexusCharacters; #define AjPNexusCharacters AjONexusCharacters* /* @data AjPNexusUnaligned **************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data unaligned block object. ** ** Very similar to a character block and will be merged with AjPNexusCharacter ** in the near future ** ** @alias AjSNexusUnaligned ** @alias AjONexusUnaligned ** ** @new nexusUnalignedNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusUnalignedDel Default destructor ** ** @attr NewTaxa [AjBool] New taxa read from data block ** @attr Ntax [ajuint] Number of taxons ** @attr DataType [AjPStr] Data type ** @attr RespectCase [AjBool] Respect case if true ** @attr Labels [AjBool] Labels if true ** @attr Symbols [AjPStr] Character symbols ** @attr Equate [AjPStr] Character equivalent names ** @attr Matrix [AjPStr*] Matrix data ** @attr Missing [char] Missing character in input data ** @attr Padding [char[7]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusUnaligned { AjBool NewTaxa; ajuint Ntax; AjPStr DataType; AjBool RespectCase; AjBool Labels; AjPStr Symbols; AjPStr Equate; AjPStr* Matrix; char Missing; char Padding[7]; } AjONexusUnaligned; #define AjPNexusUnaligned AjONexusUnaligned* /* @data AjPNexusDistances **************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data distances block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusDistances ** @alias AjONexusDistances ** ** @new nexusDistancesNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusDistancesDel Default destructor ** ** @attr NewTaxa [AjBool] New taxa read from data block ** @attr Ntax [ajuint] Number of taxons ** @attr Nchar [ajuint] Number of characters ** @attr Diagonal [AjBool] If true, expect to read diagonal of matrix ** @attr Labels [AjBool] Labels if true ** @attr Interleave [AjBool] Interleaved input if true ** @attr Triangle [AjPStr] Triangular distances block type ** @attr Matrix [AjPStr*] Matrix data ** @attr Missing [char] Missing character in input data ** @attr Padding [char[7]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusDistances { AjBool NewTaxa; ajuint Ntax; ajuint Nchar; AjBool Diagonal; AjBool Labels; AjBool Interleave; AjPStr Triangle; AjPStr* Matrix; char Missing; char Padding[7]; } AjONexusDistances; #define AjPNexusDistances AjONexusDistances* /* @data AjPNexusSets ********************************************************* ** ** Ajax nexus data sets block object. ** ** The data is generally the NEXUS command strings as in the original file. ** ** @alias AjSNexusSets ** @alias AjONexusSets ** ** @new nexusSetsNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusSetsDel Default destructor ** ** @attr CharSet [AjPStr*] Character set commands ** @attr StateSet [AjPStr*] State set commands ** @attr ChangeSet [AjPStr*] Change set commands ** @attr TaxSet [AjPStr*] Taxon set commands ** @attr TreeSet [AjPStr*] Tree set commands ** @attr CharPartition [AjPStr*] Character partition statements ** @attr TaxPartition [AjPStr*] Taxa partition statements ** @attr TreePartition [AjPStr*] Tree partition statements ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusSets { AjPStr* CharSet; AjPStr* StateSet; AjPStr* ChangeSet; AjPStr* TaxSet; AjPStr* TreeSet; AjPStr* CharPartition; AjPStr* TaxPartition; AjPStr* TreePartition; } AjONexusSets; #define AjPNexusSets AjONexusSets* /* @data AjPNexusAssumptions ************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data assumptions block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusAssumptions ** @alias AjONexusAssumptions ** ** @new nexusAssumptionsNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusAssumptionsDel Default destructor ** ** @attr DefType [AjPStr] Options deftype subcommand ** @attr PolyTCount [AjPStr] Options polytcount subcommand ** @attr GapMode [AjPStr] Options gapmode subcommand ** @attr UserType [AjPStr*] Usertype commands ** @attr TypeSet [AjPStr*] Typeset commands ** @attr WtSet [AjPStr*] Wtset commands ** @attr ExSet [AjPStr*] Exset commands ** @attr AncStates [AjPStr*] Ancstates commands ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusAssumptions { AjPStr DefType; AjPStr PolyTCount; AjPStr GapMode; AjPStr* UserType; AjPStr* TypeSet; AjPStr* WtSet; AjPStr* ExSet; AjPStr* AncStates; } AjONexusAssumptions; #define AjPNexusAssumptions AjONexusAssumptions* /* @data AjPNexusCodons ******************************************************* ** ** Ajax nexus data codons block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusCodons ** @alias AjONexusCodons ** ** @new nexusCodonsNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusCodonsDel Default destructor ** ** @attr CodonPosSet [AjPStr*] CodonPosSetcommands ** @attr GeneticCode [AjPStr*] GeneticCodecommands ** @attr CodeSet [AjPStr*] CodeSetcommands ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusCodons { AjPStr* CodonPosSet; AjPStr* GeneticCode; AjPStr* CodeSet; } AjONexusCodons; #define AjPNexusCodons AjONexusCodons* /* @data AjPNexusTrees ******************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data trees block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusTrees ** @alias AjONexusTrees ** ** @new nexusTreesNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusTreesDel Default destructor ** ** @attr Translate [AjPStr*] Translate commands ** @attr Tree [AjPStr*] Tree commands ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusTrees { AjPStr* Translate; AjPStr* Tree; } AjONexusTrees; #define AjPNexusTrees AjONexusTrees* /* @data AjPNexusNotes ******************************************************** ** ** Ajax nexus data notes block object. ** ** @alias AjSNexusNotes ** @alias AjONexusNotes ** ** @new nexusNotesNew Default constructor ** ** @delete nexusNotesDel Default destructor ** ** @attr Text [AjPStr*] Text commands ** @attr Picture [AjPStr*] Picture commands ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexusNotes { AjPStr* Text; AjPStr* Picture; } AjONexusNotes; #define AjPNexusNotes AjONexusNotes* /* @data AjPNexus ************************************************************* ** ** Ajax nexus data object. ** ** @alias AjSNexus ** @alias AjONexus ** ** @new ajNexusNew Default constructor ** ** @delete ajNexusDel Default destructor ** ** @attr Taxa [AjPNexusTaxa] Taxa ** @attr Characters [AjPNexusCharacters] Characters (or data) ** @attr Unaligned [AjPNexusUnaligned] Unaligned ** @attr Distances [AjPNexusDistances] Distances ** @attr Sets [AjPNexusSets] Sets ** @attr Assumptions [AjPNexusAssumptions] Assumptions ** @attr Codons [AjPNexusCodons] Codons ** @attr Trees [AjPNexusTrees] Trees ** @attr Notes [AjPNexusNotes] Notes ** @attr Ntax [ajuint] Number of taxa (wherever they were defined) ** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary ** @@ ******************************************************************************/ typedef struct AjSNexus { AjPNexusTaxa Taxa; AjPNexusCharacters Characters; AjPNexusUnaligned Unaligned; AjPNexusDistances Distances; AjPNexusSets Sets; AjPNexusAssumptions Assumptions; AjPNexusCodons Codons; AjPNexusTrees Trees; AjPNexusNotes Notes; ajuint Ntax; char Padding[4]; } AjONexus; #define AjPNexus AjONexus* /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ** Prototype definitions */ void ajNexusDel(AjPNexus* pthys); ajuint ajNexusGetNtaxa(const AjPNexus thys); AjPStr* ajNexusGetTaxa(const AjPNexus thys); AjPStr* ajNexusGetSequences(AjPNexus thys); AjPNexus ajNexusNew(void); AjPNexus ajNexusParse(AjPFilebuff buff); void ajNexusTrace(const AjPNexus thys); void ajNexusExit(void); /* ** End of prototype definitions */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !AJNEXUS_H */