/* @include embdbi ************************************************************
** General routines for alignment.
** @author Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Rice
** @version $Revision: 1.24 $
** @modified $Date: 2011/10/18 14:24:24 $ by $Author: rice $
** @@
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** Lesser General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA  02110-1301,  USA.

#ifndef EMBDBI_H
#define EMBDBI_H

/* ========================================================================= */
/* ============================= include files ============================= */
/* ========================================================================= */

#include "ajdefine.h"
#include "ajstr.h"
#include "ajfile.h"
#include "ajlist.h"


/* ========================================================================= */
/* =============================== constants =============================== */
/* ========================================================================= */

/* ========================================================================= */
/* ============================== public data ============================== */
/* ========================================================================= */

/* @data EmbPField ************************************************************
** NUCLEUS internal structure for database indexing applications
** to store field tokens with links to the entry index number.
** @attr field [char*] field token
** @attr entry [char*] entry name
** @attr nid [ajuint] entry number
** @attr Padding [char[4]] Padding to alignment boundary
** @@

typedef struct EmbSField {
  char* field;
  char* entry;
  ajuint nid;
  char Padding[4];
} EmbOField;
#define EmbPField EmbOField*

/* @data EmbPEntry ************************************************************
** NUCLEUS internal structure for database indexing applications
** to store an entry id with a list of field tokens and file
** positions for writing to the index files.
** @attr entry [char*] entry name
** @attr filenum [ajuint] record in division file
** @attr rpos [ajuint] entry offset in data file
** @attr spos [ajuint] entry offset in sequence file
** @attr nfields [ajuint] number of fields
** @attr nfield [ajuint*] number of tokens for each field
** @attr field [char***] array of tokens for each field
** @@

typedef struct EmbSEntry {
  char* entry;
  ajuint filenum;
  ajuint rpos;
  ajuint spos;
  ajuint nfields;
  ajuint* nfield;
  char*** field;
} EmbOEntry;
#define EmbPEntry EmbOEntry*

/* ========================================================================= */
/* =========================== public functions ============================ */
/* ========================================================================= */

** Prototype definitions

ajint     embDbiCmpId (const void* a, const void* b);
ajint     embDbiCmpFieldId (const void* a, const void* b);
ajint     embDbiCmpFieldField (const void* a, const void* b);
void      embDbiDateSet (const AjPStr datestr, char date[4]);
void      embDbiEntryDel(EmbPEntry* Pentry);
void      embDbiEntryDelMap(void** pthys, void* cl);
EmbPEntry embDbiEntryNew (ajuint nfields);
void      embDbiExit(void);
void      embDbiFieldDel(EmbPField* pthys);
void      embDbiFieldDelMap(void** pthys, void* cl);
EmbPField embDbiFieldNew (void);
AjPFile   embDbiFileIn (const AjPStr dbname, const char* extension);
AjPFile   embDbiFileIndex (const AjPStr indexdir, const AjPStr field,
			   const char* extension);
AjPList   embDbiFileList (const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile,
			  AjBool trim);
AjPList   embDbiFileListExc (const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr wildfile,
			     const AjPStr exclude);
AjPFile   embDbiFileOut (const AjPStr dbname, const char* extension);
AjPFile   embDbiFileSingle (const AjPStr dbname, const char* extension,
			    ajuint num);
AjBool    embDbiFlatOpenlib(const AjPStr lname, AjPFile* libr);
void      embDbiHeader (AjPFile file, ajuint filesize,
			ajuint recordcnt, short recordlen,
			const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release,
			const char date[4]);
void      embDbiHeaderSize (AjPFile file, ajuint filesize, ajuint recordcnt);
void      embDbiLogCmdline(AjPFile logfile);
void      embDbiLogFields(AjPFile logfile, AjPStr const * fields,
			  ajuint nfields);
void      embDbiLogFile(AjPFile logfile, const AjPStr curfilename,
			ajuint idCountFile, AjPStr const * fields,
			const ajuint* countField,
			ajuint nfields);
void      embDbiLogFinal(AjPFile logfile, ajuint maxlen,
			 const ajint* maxFieldLen,
			 AjPStr const * fields, const ajuint* fieldTot,
			 ajuint nfields, ajuint nfiles,
			 ajuint idDone, ajuint idCount);
void      embDbiLogHeader(AjPFile logfile, const AjPStr dbname,
			  const AjPStr release, const AjPStr datestr,
			  const AjPStr indexdir,
			  ajuint maxindex);
void      embDbiLogSource(AjPFile logfile, const AjPStr directory,
			  const AjPStr filename, const AjPStr exclude,
			  AjPStr const * inputFiles, ajuint nfiles);
void      embDbiMaxlen (AjPStr* token, ajint* maxlen);
void      embDbiMemEntry (AjPList idlist,
			  AjPList* fieldList, ajuint nfields,
			  EmbPEntry entry, ajuint ifile);
ajuint     embDbiMemWriteEntry (AjPFile entFile, ajuint maxidlen,
			       const AjPList idlist, void ***ids);
ajuint     embDbiMemWriteFields (const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release,
				const char date[4], const AjPStr indexdir,
				const AjPStr field, ajuint maxFieldLen,
				const AjPList fieldList,
				void** ids);
void      embDbiRmEntryFile (const AjPStr dbname,  AjBool cleanup);
void      embDbiRmFile (const AjPStr dbname, const char* ext, ajuint nfiles,
			AjBool cleanup);
void      embDbiRmFileI (const AjPStr dbname, const char* ext, ajuint ifile,
			 AjBool cleanup);
void      embDbiSortClose (AjPFile* elistfile, AjPFile* alistfile,
			   ajuint nfields);
void      embDbiSortFile (const AjPStr dbname,
			  const char* ext1, const char* ext2,
			  ajuint nfiles, AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt);
AjPFile   embDbiSortOpen (AjPFile* alistfile, ajuint ifile,
			  const AjPStr dbname, AjPStr const * fields,
			  ajuint nfields);
ajuint     embDbiSortWriteEntry (AjPFile entFile, ajuint maxidlen,
				const AjPStr dbname, ajuint nfiles,
				AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt);
ajuint     embDbiSortWriteFields (const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release,
				 const char date[4], const AjPStr indexdir,
				 const AjPStr field,  ajuint maxFieldLen,
				 ajuint nfiles, ajuint nentries,
				 AjBool cleanup, const AjPStr sortopt);
void      embDbiWriteDivision (const AjPStr indexdir,
			       const AjPStr dbname, const AjPStr release,
			       const char date[4],
			       ajuint maxfilelen, ajuint nfiles,
			       AjPStr const * divfiles,
			       AjPStr const * seqfiles);
void      embDbiWriteDivisionRecord (AjPFile file,
				     ajuint maxnamlen, short recnum,
				     const AjPStr datfile,
				     const AjPStr seqfile);
void      embDbiWriteEntryRecord (AjPFile file, ajuint maxidlen,
				  const AjPStr id,
				  ajuint rpos, ajuint spos, ajushort filenum);
void      embDbiWriteHit (AjPFile file, ajuint idnum);
void      embDbiWriteTrg (AjPFile file, ajuint maxfieldlen,
			  ajuint idnum, ajuint idcnt, const AjPStr hitstr);

** End of prototype definitions


#endif  /* !EMBDBI_H */