/* @include ensembl *********************************************************** ** ** Ensembl Master Include file ** ** @author Copyright (C) 1999 Ensembl Developers ** @author Copyright (C) 2006 Michael K. Schuster ** @version $Revision: 1.12 $ ** @modified 2009 by Alan Bleasby for incorporation into EMBOSS core ** @modified $Date: 2011/09/29 15:45:04 $ by $Author: mks $ ** @@ ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. ** ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef ENSEMBL_H #define ENSEMBL_H /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================= include files ============================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ #include "ajax.h" #include "ensalign.h" #include "ensanalysis.h" #include "ensassembly.h" #include "ensassemblyexception.h" #include "ensassemblymapper.h" #include "ensattribute.h" #include "ensbaseadaptor.h" #include "enscache.h" #include "enscoordsystem.h" #include "ensdata.h" #include "ensdatabaseadaptor.h" #include "ensdatabaseconnection.h" #include "ensdatabaseentry.h" #include "ensdensity.h" #include "ensditag.h" #include "ensexon.h" #include "ensexternaldatabase.h" #include "ensfeature.h" #include "ensgene.h" #include "ensgvallele.h" #include "ensgvattribute.h" #include "ensgvbaseadaptor.h" #include "ensgvdata.h" #include "ensgvdatabaseadaptor.h" #include "ensgvgenotype.h" #include "ensgvindividual.h" #include "ensgvpopulation.h" #include "ensgvsample.h" #include "ensgvsource.h" #include "ensgvsynonym.h" #include "ensgvvariation.h" #include "ensintron.h" #include "enskaryotype.h" #include "ensmapper.h" #include "ensmarker.h" #include "ensmetacoordinate.h" #include "ensmetainformation.h" #include "ensmiscellaneous.h" #include "ensontology.h" #include "ensprediction.h" #include "ensprojectionsegment.h" #include "ensprotein.h" #include "ensqc.h" #include "ensqcalignment.h" #include "ensqcdasfeature.h" #include "ensqcdatabase.h" #include "ensqcsequence.h" #include "ensqcsubmission.h" #include "ensqcvariation.h" #include "ensregistry.h" #include "ensrepeat.h" #include "ensseqregion.h" #include "enssequence.h" #include "enssequenceedit.h" #include "enssimple.h" #include "ensslice.h" #include "enssoftware.h" #include "ensstorable.h" #include "enstable.h" #include "enstranscript.h" #include "enstranslation.h" #include "ensutility.h" #include "ensvariation.h" AJ_BEGIN_DECLS /* ========================================================================= */ /* =============================== constants =============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ============================== public data ============================== */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* =========================== public functions ============================ */ /* ========================================================================= */ /* ** Prototype definitions */ /* ** End of prototype definitions */ AJ_END_DECLS #endif /* !ENSEMBL_H */