application: checktrans [ documentation: "Report STOP codons and ORF statistics of a protein" groups: "Nucleic:Gene finding, Nucleic:Translation" relations: "EDAM_topic:0109 Gene finding" relations: "EDAM_topic:0108 Translation" relations: "EDAM_operation:0436 Coding region prediction" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "stopprotein" relations: "EDAM_data:2886 Sequence record (protein)" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] integer: orfml [ standard: "Y" minimum: "1" default: "100" information: "Minimum ORF Length to report" relations: "EDAM_data:1249 Sequence length" ] endsection: required section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] boolean: addlast [ additional: "Y" default: "Y" information: "Force the sequence to end with an asterisk" help: "An asterisk in the protein sequence indicates the position of a STOP codon. Checktrans assumes that all ORFs end in a STOP codon. Forcing the sequence to end with an asterisk, if there is not one there already, makes checktrans treat the end as a potential ORF. If an asterisk is added, it is not included in the reported count of STOPs." relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] endsection: additional section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "checktrans output" relations: "EDAM_data:1313 Nucleic acid features (coding sequence)" ] seqoutall: outseq [ parameter: "Y" help: "Sequence file to hold output ORF sequences" relations: "EDAM_data:0849 Sequence record" ] featout: outfeat [ parameter: "Y" help: "File for output features" type: "protein" relations: "EDAM_data:1277 Protein features" ] endsection: output