application: edialign [ documentation: "Local multiple alignment of sequences" groups: "Alignment:Multiple" relations: "EDAM_topic:0182 Sequence alignment" relations: "EDAM_operation:0495 Multiple sequence alignment construction (local)" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqset: sequences [ parameter: "Y" type: "any" aligned: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:0849 Sequence record" ] endsection: input section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] list: nucmode [ additional: "$(sequences.nucleic)" information: "Nucleic acid sequence alignment mode" help: "Nucleic acid sequence alignment mode (simple, translated or mixed)" values: "n: simple; nt: translation; ma: mixed alignments" default: "n" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: revcomp [ additional: "@($(sequences.nucleic) & @($(nucmode) != n))" information: "Also consider the reverse complement" default: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] selection: overlapw [ additional: "Y" information: "Use overlap weights" help: "By default overlap weights are used when Nseq =<35 but you can set this to 'yes' or 'no'" values: "default (when Nseq =< 35);yes;no" default: "default (when Nseq =< 35)" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] list: linkage [ additional: "Y" information: "Clustering method to construct sequence tree" help: "Clustering method to construct sequence tree (UPGMA, minimum linkage or maximum linkage)" values: "UPGMA: UPGMA; max: maximum linkage; min: minimum linkage" default: "UPGMA" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] integer: maxfragl [ additional: "Y" information: "Maximum fragment length" minimum: "0" default: "40" relations: "EDAM_data:1249 Sequence length" ] boolean: fragmat [ additional: "@($(sequences.nucleic) & @($(nucmode) != nt))" information: "Consider only N-fragment pairs that start with two matches" default: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] integer: fragsim [ additional: "@($(sequences.protein) | @($(nucmode) != n))" information: "Consider only P-fragment pairs if first amino acid or codon pair has similarity score of at least n" minimum: "0" default: "4" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: itscore [ additional: "Y" information: "Use iterative score" default: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] float: threshold [ additional: "Y" information: "Threshold for considering diagonal for alignment" minimum: "0.0" default: "0.0" relations: "EDAM_data:2146 Threshold" ] endsection: additional section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] boolean: mask [ information: "Replace unaligned characters by stars '*' rather then putting them in lowercase" default: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: dostars [ information: "Activate writing of stars instead of numbers" default: "N" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] integer: starnum [ information: "Put up to n stars '*' instead of digits 0-9 to indicate level of conservation" minimum: "0" default: "4" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "edialign output" relations: "EDAM_data:0863 Sequence alignment" ] seqoutall: outseq [ parameter: "Y" type: "gapany" aligned: "Y" relations: "EDAM_data:0849 Sequence record" ] endsection: output