application: revseq [ documentation: "Reverse and complement a nucleotide sequence" groups: "Edit" relations: "EDAM_topic:0091 Data handling" relations: "EDAM_operation:0363 Nucleic acid sequence reverse and complement" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "gapdna" relations: "EDAM_data:0849 Sequence record" relations: "EDAM_format:1215 pure dna" ] endsection: input section: advanced [ information: "Advanced section" type: "page" ] boolean: reverse [ default: "Y" information: "Reverse sequence" help: "Set this to be false if you do not wish to reverse the output sequence" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: complement [ default: "Y" information: "Complement sequence" help: "Set this to be false if you do not wish to complement the output sequence" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: tag [ default: "Y" information: "Tag output" help: "Set this to be false if you do not wish to add 'Reversed:' to the sequence description" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] endsection: advanced section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] seqoutall: outseq [ parameter: "Y" extension: "rev" relations: "EDAM_data:2887 Sequence record (nucleic acid)" ] endsection: output