application: textsearch [ documentation: "Search the textual description of sequence(s)" groups: "Data retrieval:Text data" relations: "EDAM_topic:0090 Data search and retrieval" relations: "EDAM_operation:0345 Sequence retrieval (by keyword)" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "gapany" relations: "EDAM_data:0849 Sequence record" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] string: pattern [ parameter: "Y" information: "Enter a pattern to search for" help: "The search pattern is a regular expression. Use a | to indicate OR. \ For example: \ human|mouse \ will find text with either 'human' OR 'mouse' in the text" knowntype: "regular expression" relations: "EDAM_data:1352 Regular expression" ] endsection: required section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] boolean: casesensitive [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Do a case-sensitive search" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] endsection: additional section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] boolean: html [ additional: "Y" default: "N" information: "Format output as an HTML table" outputmodifier: "Y" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: only [ default: "N" information: "Display the specified columns" help: "This is a way of shortening the command line if you only want a few things to be displayed. Instead of specifying: \ '-nohead -noname -nousa -noacc -nodesc' \ to get only the name output, you can specify \ '-only -name'" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: heading [ default: "@(!$(only))" information: "Display column headings" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: usa [ default: "@(!$(only))" information: "Display the USA of the sequence" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: accession [ default: "@(!$(only))" information: "Display 'accession' column" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: name [ default: "@(!$(only))" information: "Display 'name' column" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] boolean: description [ default: "@(!$(only))" information: "Display 'description' column" relations: "EDAM_data:2527 Parameter" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "textsearch output" relations: "EDAM_data:0855 Sequence metadata" ] endsection: output