emast Wiki The master copies of EMBOSS documentation are available at http://emboss.open-bio.org/wiki/Appdocs on the EMBOSS Wiki. Please help by correcting and extending the Wiki pages. Function Motif detection Description EMBASSY MEME is a suite of application wrappers to the original meme v3.0.14 applications written by Timothy Bailey. meme v3.0.14 must be installed on the same system as EMBOSS and the location of the meme executables must be defined in your path for EMBASSY MEME to work. Usage: ememe [options] mfile outfile The outfile parameter is new to EMBASSY MEME. The output is always written to . MAST: Motif Alignment and Search Tool MAST is a tool for searching biological sequence databases for sequences that contain one or more of a group of known motifs. A motif is a sequence pattern that occurs repeatedly in a group of related protein or DNA sequences. Motifs are represented as position-dependent scoring matrices that describe the score of each possible letter at each position in the pattern. Individual motifs may not contain gaps. Patterns with variable-length gaps must be split into two or more separate motifs before being submitted as input to MAST. MAST takes as input a file containing the descriptions of one or more motifs and searches a sequence database that you select for sequences that match the motifs. The motif file can be the output of the MEME motif discovery tool or any file in the appropriate format. MAST outputs three things: * 1. The names of the high-scoring sequences sorted by the strength of the combined match of the sequence to all of the motifs in the group. * 2. Motif diagrams showing the order and spacing of the motifs within each matching sequence. * 3. Detailed annotation of each matching sequence showing the sequence and the locations and strengths of matches to the motifs. MAST works by calculating match scores for each sequence in the database compared with each of the motifs in the group of motifs you provide. For each sequence, the match scores are converted into various types of p-values and these are used to determine the overall match of the sequence to the group of motifs and the probable order and spacing of occurrences of the motifs in the sequence. Algorithm Please read the file README distributed with the original MEME. Usage Here is a sample session with emast % emast ex1.html crp0.s Motif detection Print results for sequences with E-value [10]: Show motif matches with p-value < mt [0.0001]: MAST program output directory [mast_out]: Writing results to output directory 'mast_out/'. Go to the input files for this example Go to the output files for this example EXAMPLES: Please note the examples below are unedited excerpts of the original MEME documentation. Bear in mind the EMBASSY and original MEME options may differ in practice (see "1. Command-line arguments"). The following examples assume that file "meme.results" is the output of a MEME run containing at least 3 motifs and file SwissProt is a copy of the Swiss-Prot database on your local disk. DNA_DB is a copy of a DNA database on your local disk. 1) Annotate the training set: mast meme.results 2) Find sequences matching the motif and annotate them in the SwissProt database: mast meme.results -d SwissProt 3) Show sequences with weaker combined matches to motifs. mast meme.results -d SwissProt -ev 200 4) Indicate weaker matches to single motifs in the annotation so that sequences with weak matches to the motifs (but perhaps with the "correct" order and spacing) can be seen: mast meme.results -d SwissProt -w 5) Include a nominal order and spacing of the first three motifs in the calculation of the sequence p-values to increase the sensitivity of the search for matching sequences: mast meme.results -d SwissProt -diag "9-[2]-61-[1]-62-[3]-91" 6) Use only the first and third motifs in the search: mast meme.results -d SwissProt -m 1 -m 3 7) Use only the first two motifs in the search: mast meme.results -d SwissProt -c 2 8) Search DNA sequences using protein motifs, adjusting p-values and E-values for each sequence by that sequence's composition: mast meme.results -d DNA_DB -dna -comp Command line arguments Where possible, the same command-line qualifier names and parameter order is used as in the original mast. There are however several unavoidable differences and these are clearly documented in the "Notes" section below. Most of the options in the original mast are given in ACD as "advanced" or "additional" options. -options must be specified on the command-line in order to be prompted for a value for "additional" options but "advanced" options will never be prompted for. Please note that one only of -stdin or -d should be specified. If you set both, then -d will be used. This behaviour could have been enforced at the level of the ACD file by using an ACD select: or list: type but this would have been inconsistent with the original meme, which has two separate options. Motif detection Version: EMBOSS: Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers: [-mfile] infile If -d is not given, MAST looks for database specified inside of . [-sfile] infile If -d is not given, MAST looks for database specified inside of . -ev float [10] Print results for sequences with E-value (Any numeric value) -mt float [0.0001] Show motif matches with p-value < mt (Any numeric value) [-outdirname] outdir [mast_out] MAST program output directory Additional (Optional) qualifiers: -dblist boolean [N] If provided, -sfile is a list of files -bfile infile The random model uses the letter frequencies given in instead of the non-redundant database frequencies. The format of is the same as that for the MEME -bfile opton; see the MEME documentation for details. Sample files are given in directory tests: tests/nt.freq and tests/na.freq in the MEME distribution.) -stdin boolean [N] The default is to read the database specified inside . -[no]text boolean [Y] Default is text, HTML and XML -[no]html boolean [Y] Default is text, HTML and XML -dna boolean [N] Translate DNA sequences to protein -comp boolean [N] The random model uses the letter frequencies in the current target sequence instead of the non-redundant database frequencies. This causes p-values and E-values to be compensated individually for the actual composition of each sequence in the database. This option can increase search time substantially due to the need to compute a different score distribution for each high-scoring sequence. -best boolean [N] Include only the best motif in diagrams -remcorr boolean [N] Remove highly correlated motifs from query -nostatus boolean [N] Do not print progress report -hitlist boolean [N] If you specify the -hitlist switch to MAST, the motif 'diagram' takes the form of a comma separated list of motif occurrences ('hits'). Each 'hit' has the format: where is the strand (+ or - for DNA, blank for protein), is the motif number, is the starting position of the hit, is the ending position of the hit, and is the position p-value of the hit. Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers: -c integer [-1] Only use the first motifs (Any integer value) -sep boolean [N] Score reverse complement DNA strand as a separate sequence -norc boolean [N] Do not score reverse complement DNA strand -weak boolean [N] Show weak matches (mt as motif file name. (Any string) -df string Print as database name. (Any string) -dl string Print as link to search sequence names. (Any string) -minseqs integer [-1] Lower bound on number of sequences in db (Any integer value) -mev float [-1] Use only motifs with E-values less than (Any numeric value) -m integer [-1] Overrides value set by using -mev. (Any integer value) -diag string See on-line documentation for a valid example. (Any string) -[no]overwrite boolean [Y] The default is to overwrite existing files Associated qualifiers: "-outdirname" associated qualifiers -extension3 string Default file extension General qualifiers: -auto boolean Turn off prompts -stdout boolean Write first file to standard output -filter boolean Read first file from standard input, write first file to standard output -options boolean Prompt for standard and additional values -debug boolean Write debug output to program.dbg -verbose boolean Report some/full command line options -help boolean Report command line options and exit. More information on associated and general qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose -warning boolean Report warnings -error boolean Report errors -fatal boolean Report fatal errors -die boolean Report dying program messages -version boolean Report version number and exit Input file format Input files for usage example File: ex1.html