{% set version = "1.1.32" %} package: name: libxslt version: {{ version }} source: url: ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxslt-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 526ecd0abaf4a7789041622c3950c0e7f2c4c8835471515fd77eec684a355460 build: number: 1004 run_exports: # forward compatible: https://abi-laboratory.pro/tracker/timeline/libxslt/ - {{ pin_subpackage('libxslt') }} requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - make host: - icu # [not win] - libxml2 run: - icu # [not win] - libxml2 test: commands: - xsltproc --version - conda inspect linkages -p $PREFIX $PKG_NAME # [not win] - conda inspect objects -p $PREFIX $PKG_NAME # [osx] about: home: http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/ license: MIT license_file: COPYING summary: The XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project description: | "Libxslt is the XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project. XSLT itself is a an XML language to define transformation for XML. Libxslt is based on libxml2 the XML C library developed for the GNOME project. It also implements most of the EXSLT set of processor-portable extensions functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions." doc_url: http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/ doc_source_url: https://github.com/GNOME/libxslt/tree/master/doc extra: recipe-maintainers: - ocefpaf - scopatz