{% set name = "numba" %} {% set version = "0.45.1" %} {% set sha256 = "6a5da423d2f7aae9d84bb98166483d86e90146ab5cf15437506a5766cfae999e" %} package: name: numba version: {{ version }} source: # url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz # 0.42.1 is N/A in pypi url: https://github.com/numba/{{ name }}/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: {{ sha256 }} build: number: 0 skip: True # [win] entry_points: - pycc = numba.pycc:main - numba = numba.numba_entry:main script: - "{{ PYTHON }} buildscripts/remove_unwanted_files.py" # the script is not available in pypi tar-ball - "{{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . --no-deps --ignore-installed -vvv" ignore_run_exports: # TBB is entirely optional - tbb requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - {{ compiler('cxx') }} host: - python - pip - setuptools - llvmlite >=0.29.0 - numpy - tbb-devel >=2018.0.5 # [linux] - enum34 # [py2k] - singledispatch # [py2k] - funcsigs # [py2k] run: - python - {{ pin_compatible('llvmlite', max_pin='x.x') }} - {{ pin_compatible('numpy') }} - llvmlite >=0.29.0 - enum34 # [py2k] - singledispatch # [py2k] - funcsigs # [py2k] run_constrained: # If TBB is present it must be at least this version from Anaconda due to # build flag issues triggering UB in defaults::tbb=2018.0.4 # See https://github.com/numba/numba/pull/3202#issuecomment-415939206 ff. - tbb >=2018.0.5 # [linux] test: requires: - jinja2 # Required to test optional Numba features - cffi - scipy - ipython - setuptools - faulthandler # [py2k] - tbb >=2018.0.5 # [linux] - intel-openmp # [osx] # Need these for AOT. Do not init msvc as it may not be present - {{ compiler('c') }} # [not win] - {{ compiler('cxx') }} # [not win] imports: - numba - numba.annotations - numba.cuda - numba.cuda.cudadrv - numba.cuda.kernels - numba.cuda.simulator - numba.cuda.simulator.cudadrv - numba.cuda.tests - numba.cuda.tests.cudadrv - numba.cuda.tests.cudadrv.data - numba.cuda.tests.cudapy - numba.cuda.tests.cudasim - numba.cuda.tests.nocuda - numba.datamodel - numba.jitclass - numba.npyufunc - numba.pycc - numba.rewrites - numba.runtime - numba.scripts - numba.servicelib - numba.targets - numba.testing - numba.tests - numba.tests.npyufunc - numba.typeconv - numba.types - numba.typing - numba.unsafe about: home: http://numba.github.com license: BSD 2-clause license_family: BSD license_file: LICENSE summary: NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM description: | Numba is an Open Source NumPy-aware optimizing compiler for Python sponsored by Anaconda, Inc. It uses the remarkable LLVM compiler infrastructure to compile Python syntax to machine code." doc_url: http://numba.pydata.org/ dev_url: https://github.com/numba/numba extra: recipe-maintainers: - souravsingh - marcelotrevisani