#!/opt/chipster/tools/Python-2.7.12/bin/python ''' Calculte reads' duplication rate. Sequence-based: Reads with identical sequence are considered as "duplicate reads". Mapping-based: Reads mapped to the exact same location are considered as "duplicate reads". ''' #import built-in modules import os,sys if sys.version_info[0] != 2 or sys.version_info[1] != 7: print >>sys.stderr, "\nYou are using python" + str(sys.version_info[0]) + '.' + str(sys.version_info[1]) + " RSeQC needs python2.7!\n" sys.exit() import re import string from optparse import OptionParser import warnings import string import collections import math import sets from time import strftime import subprocess #import third-party modules from bx.bitset import * from bx.bitset_builders import * from bx.intervals import * #import my own modules from qcmodule import SAM #changes to the paths #changing history to this module __author__ = "Liguo Wang" __copyright__ = "Copyleft" __credits__ = [] __license__ = "GPL" __version__="2.6.4" __maintainer__ = "Liguo Wang" __email__ = "wang.liguo@mayo.edu" __status__ = "Production" def printlog (mesg): '''print progress into stderr and log file''' mesg="@ " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ": " + mesg LOG=open('class.log','a') print >>sys.stderr,mesg print >>LOG,mesg def main(): usage="%prog [options]" + '\n' + __doc__ + "\n" parser = OptionParser(usage,version="%prog " + __version__) parser.add_option("-i","--input-file",action="store",type="string",dest="input_file",help="Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.") parser.add_option("-o","--out-prefix",action="store",type="string",dest="output_prefix",help="Prefix of output files(s).") parser.add_option("-u","--up-limit",action="store",type="int",dest="upper_limit",default=500,help="Upper limit of reads' occurrence. Only used for plotting, default=%default (times)") parser.add_option("-q","--mapq",action="store",type="int",dest="map_qual",default=30,help="Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an alignment to be considered as \"uniquely mapped\". default=%default") (options,args)=parser.parse_args() if not (options.output_prefix and options.input_file): parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if os.path.exists(options.input_file): obj = SAM.ParseBAM(options.input_file) obj.readDupRate(outfile=options.output_prefix,up_bound=options.upper_limit, q_cut = options.map_qual) try: subprocess.call("Rscript " + options.output_prefix + ".DupRate_plot.r", shell=True) except: pass else: print >>sys.stderr, '\n\n' + options.input_file + " does NOT exists" + '\n' #parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()