package Util; use strict; use warnings; use Bio::SeqIO; use Bio::Graphics; use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic; sub line_num { my $input = shift; my $num = $input =~ tr/\n/\n/; return $num; } # check if the program avaiable sub check_program { my ($bin, $program) = @_; } # load fasta sequence to hash sub load_seq { my $input_seq = shift; my %seq_info; my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format=>'fasta', -file=>$input_seq); while(my $inseq = $in->next_seq) { $seq_info{$inseq->id}{'seq'} = $inseq->seq; $seq_info{$inseq->id}{'length'} = $inseq->length; } return %seq_info; } # remove duplicated reads sub remove_dup { my $input_seq = shift; my $uniq_file = $input_seq.'.uniq'; # hash for store unique seq my %uniq_seq; open(OUT, ">".$uniq_file) || die $!; open(IN, $input_seq) || die $!; while() { my $file_type; my $sid = $_; chomp($sid); if ($sid =~ m/^>/) { $file_type = 'fasta'; } elsif ($sid =~ m/^@/) { $file_type = 'fastq'; } else { die "[ERR], can not detect the file type for file: $input_seq\n"; } my $seq = ; chomp($seq); my $out_seq = "$sid\n$seq\n"; if ($file_type eq 'fastq') { $out_seq.=; $out_seq.=; } unless (defined $uniq_seq{$seq}) { print OUT $out_seq; $uniq_seq{$seq} = 1; } } close(IN); close(OUT); #process_cmd("mv $uniq_file $input_seq"); } sub process_cmd { my ($cmd, $debug) = @_; if (defined $debug && $debug > 0) { print "[CMD FOR DEBUG]: $cmd\n"; } my $ret = system($cmd); if ($ret) { die "[ERR IN CMD]: \n$cmd\n Died with ret: $ret\n"; } return($ret); } sub detect_FileType { my $file = shift; die "[ERR]Undef $file\n" unless -s $file; open(FH, $file) || die $!; my $line = ; my $file_type; if ($line =~ m/^>/) { $file_type = 'fasta'; } elsif ($line =~ m/^@/) { $file_type = 'fastq'; } else { die "[ERR], can not detect the file type for file: $file\n"; } return $file_type; } # determine the dataType (sRNA, mRNA) by sequence length sub detect_DataType { my $file = shift; die "[ERR]Undef $file\n" unless -s $file; my $n = 0; my $total = 0; open(FH, $file) || die $!; while() { my $file_type; my $sid = $_; chomp($sid); if ($sid =~ m/^>/) { $file_type = 'fasta'; } elsif ($sid =~ m/^@/) { $file_type = 'fastq'; } else { die "[ERR], can not detect the file type for file: $file\n"; } my $seq = ; chomp($seq); $total += length($seq); if ($file_type eq 'fastq') { ; ; } $n++; last if $n > 1000; } my $data_type = 'sRNA'; my $mean = $total / $n; if ($mean >= 36) { $data_type = 'mRNA'; } return $data_type; } sub detect_seqNum { my $file = shift; die "[ERR]Undef $file\n" unless -s $file; my $seq_num = 0; my $file_type; open(FH, $file) || die $!; while() { my $id = $_; if ($id =~ m/^>/) { $file_type = 'fasta'; } elsif ($id =~ m/^@/) { $file_type = 'fastq'; } else { die "[ERR], can not detect the file type for file: $file\n"; } ; $seq_num++; if ($file_type eq 'fastq') { ; ; } } close(FH); return $seq_num; } sub print_user_message { my @message = @_; #print "\n"; my $time = get_time(); foreach my $line (@message) { print $time." ".$line."\n"; } #print "\n"; } sub print_user_submessage{ my @message = @_; foreach my $line (@message) { print " ".$line."\n"; } } sub get_time { my $time = `date +"%D %T"`; chomp $time; $time = "[$time]"; return $time } sub save_file { my ($content, $file) = @_; if (defined $content && length($content) > 1) { open(FH, ">".$file) || die $!; print FH $content; close(FH); } } =head2 host_subtraction -- subtract host derived contigs =cut sub host_subtraction { my ($contigs, $input_blast_table, $identity, $min_cov) = @_; # put blast info to hash # %blk -> # key: query ID # value: [Query start, Query End], [Query start, Query End] .... # %query_length -> keu: query ID, value: query length # %host -> key: contig ID, value: 1 my %blk; my %query_len; my %host; # Split loop , so change it to open a file open(FH, ">tmp") || die $!; print FH $input_blast_table; close(FH); open(FH2, 'tmp') || die $!; while() { #chomp($input_blast_table); #my @a = split(/\n/, $input_blast_table); #foreach my $line (@a) #{ my $line = $_; # $query_name, $query_length, $hit_name, $hit_length, $hsp_length, $identity, $evalue, $score, $strand, $query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $query_to_end, $hit_to_end, $identity2, $aligned_query, $aligned_hit, $aligned_string# chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); if ($ta[5]>=$identity) { push(@{$blk{$ta[0]}}, [@ta[9,10]]); # create blk hash for query ID and [query_start,query_end], query is contig defined $query_len{$ta[0]} or $query_len{$ta[0]} = $ta[1]; } #} } close(FH2); foreach my $tk (sort keys %blk) { my @o; # put non-overlap blocks to array @o for one query for my $ar (sort { $a->[0]<=>$b->[0] || $a->[1]<=>$b->[1];} @{$blk{$tk}}) { if (scalar(@o) == 0) { push(@o, [@$ar]); } elsif ($o[-1][1] >= $ar->[0]-1) # combine overlapped block { $o[-1][1] < $ar->[1] and $o[-1][1] = $ar->[1]; } else { push(@o, [@$ar]); } } my $total_cov = 0; # compute total coverage according to non-overlap blocks for one query for my $ar ( @o ) { # print information for error checking # #query_name query_len block_start block_end block_length # print join("\t", $tk, $query_len{$tk}, $ar->[0], $ar->[1], $ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1)."\n"; $total_cov += ($ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1); } my $ratio=int($total_cov/$query_len{$tk}*10000+0.5)/100; #print "XXX:$tk\t$ratio\n"; if($ratio >= $min_cov) { defined $host{$tk} or $host{$tk} = 1; } } # filter assembled contigs to subtract host my $host_rm_seq = ''; my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format=>'fasta', -file=>$contigs); while(my $inseq = $in->next_seq) { my $id = $inseq->id; my $sq = $inseq->seq; #print ">$id\n$sq\n"; next if defined $host{$id}; $host_rm_seq .= ">$id\n$sq\n"; } my $fh = IO::File->new(">".$contigs) || die $!; print $fh $host_rm_seq; $fh->close; return %host; } =head2 xa2multi -- convert xa tag to multiply hit =cut sub xa2multi { my $input_sam = shift; my $tem_sam = $input_sam.".temp"; my $out = IO::File->new(">".$tem_sam) || die $!; my $in = IO::File->new($input_sam) || die $!; while (<$in>) { if (/\tXA:Z:(\S+)/) { my $l = $1; print $out $_; my @t = split("\t", $_); while ($l =~ /([^,;]+),([-+]\d+),([^,]+),(\d+);/g) { my $mchr = ($t[6] eq $1)? '=' : $t[6]; # FIXME: TLEN/ISIZE is not calculated! my $seq = $t[9]; my $phred = $t[10]; # if alternative alignment has other orientation than primary, # then print the reverse (complement) of sequence and phred string if ((($t[1]&0x10)>0) xor ($2<0)) { $seq = reverse $seq; $seq =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; $phred = reverse $phred; } print $out (join("\t", $t[0], ($t[1]&0x6e9)|($2<0?0x10:0), $1, abs($2), 0, $3, @t[6..7], 0, $seq, $phred, "NM:i:$4"), "\n"); } } else { print $out $_; } } $in->close; $out->close; process_cmd("mv $tem_sam $input_sam"); } =head2 load_virus_info -- load virus information from vrl_genebank file discard for high memory usage fetch_virus_info -- fetch virus information from vrl_genebank file according to virus id list this will only use less memory for fetch identified virus info =cut sub fetch_virus_info { my ($file, $prot_tab, $iden_vid) = @_; # load protein tab info to hash my %vid_pid; # key: virus ID, value: pid1 # pid2 # ... # pidN if (defined $prot_tab && -s $prot_tab) { my $fh1; if ($prot_tab =~ m/\.gz$/) { open($fh1, "-|", "gzip -cd $prot_tab") || die $! } else { open($fh1, $prot_tab) || die $!; } while(<$fh1>) { chomp; next if $_ =~ m/^#/; my @a = split(/\t/, $_); my $nid = $a[0]; my $pid = $a[1]; if (defined $$iden_vid{$pid}) { if ( defined $vid_pid{$nid} ) { $vid_pid{$nid}.= "#".$pid; } else { $vid_pid{$nid} = $pid; } } } $fh1->close; } # load virus info to hash my %virus_info; my $fh; if ($file =~ m/\.gz$/) { open($fh, "-|", "gzip -cd $file") || die $!; } else { open($fh, $file) || die $!; } while(<$fh>) { chomp; next if $_ =~ m/^#/; my @a = split(/\t/, $_); # AB000048 2007 Parvovirus Feline panleukopenia virus gene for nonstructural protein 1, complete cds, isolate: 483. 1 Vertebrata if (defined $$iden_vid{$a[0]}) { $virus_info{$a[0]}{'length'} = $a[1]; $virus_info{$a[0]}{'genus'} = $a[2]; $virus_info{$a[0]}{'desc'} = $a[3]; $virus_info{$a[0]}{'verison'} = $a[4]; $virus_info{$a[0]}{'host_type'} = $a[5]; } if (defined $vid_pid{$a[0]}) { my @b = split(/#/, $vid_pid{$a[0]}); foreach my $pid (@b) { $virus_info{$pid}{'length'} = $a[1]; $virus_info{$pid}{'genus'} = $a[2]; $virus_info{$pid}{'desc'} = $a[3]; $virus_info{$pid}{'verison'} = $a[4]; $virus_info{$pid}{'host_type'} = $a[5]; } } } close($fh); return %virus_info; } =head2 parse_blast_to_table -- this script is used for parse blastn result with fast speed than Bio::SearchIO input file is blast output, output is tabular information bioperl: $hsp->start('hit') always smaller than $hsp->end('hit'), this is different with blast table output This script use the bioperl format as output, it will have addtional strand info modified by kentnf 20140715: 1. combine and 2. make it to subroutine parse_blast_to_table =cut sub parse_blast_to_table { my ($input_blast, $program) = @_; my ($query_name, $query_length, $hit_name, $hit_length, $hsp_length, $identity, $evalue, $score, $strand, $query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $query_to_end, $hit_to_end); my ($identity2, $aligned_query, $aligned_hit, $aligned_string); # will output four additional col my ($query_strand, $hit_strand); # for tblastx my (%hsp, $hsp_count); %hsp = (); $hsp_count=0; my $query_sequenc; my $subject_sequenc; my $is_hsp = 1; # for different program my $blast = ''; if ($program =~ m/megablast/ || $program =~ m/blastn/) { $blast = 'blastn'; } elsif ($program =~ m/tblastx/) { $blast = 'tblastx'; } elsif ($program =~ m/blastx/) { $blast = 'blastx'; } else {die "[ERR]Undef blast program $program\n"; } # output table title my $output_table = "#query_name\tquery_length\thit_name\thit_length\thsp_length\tidentity\tevalue\tscore\tstrand". "\tquery_start\tquery_end\thit_start\thit_end\tidentity2\taligned_query\taligned_hit\taligned_string\n"; open(IN, "$input_blast") || die $!; while () { chomp; if (/Query=\s(\S+)/ || eof) # output all hsp info if the line has new Query name, or End of file { # previous hsp information if ($hsp_count > 0) { my $hsp_info = $query_name."\t".$query_length."\t".$hit_name."\t".$hit_length."\t". $hsp_length."\t".$identity."\t".$evalue."\t".$score."\t".$strand."\t". $query_start."\t".$query_end."\t".$hit_start."\t".$hit_end."\t".$identity2."\t".$aligned_query."\t".$aligned_hit."\t".$aligned_string; $hsp{$hsp_count} = $hsp_info; } ######################################### # output all previous query hit hsp # ######################################### if (scalar(keys(%hsp)) > 0) { my $aa = scalar(keys(%hsp)); foreach my $hsp_num (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %hsp) { $output_table.= $hsp{$hsp_num}."\n"; } } # start new query record %hsp = ();$hsp_count = 0; $query_name = $1; $query_length = ""; $hit_name = ""; $hit_length = ""; } elsif (/\s+\((\S+)\sletters\)/) # get Query Length { $query_length = $1; $query_length =~ s/,//g; } elsif (/>(\S+)/)# Hit Name, parse hit info { # previous hsp information if ($hsp_count > 0 || eof) { my $hsp_info = $query_name."\t".$query_length."\t".$hit_name."\t".$hit_length."\t". $hsp_length."\t".$identity."\t".$evalue."\t".$score."\t".$strand."\t". $query_start."\t".$query_end."\t".$hit_start."\t".$hit_end."\t".$identity2."\t".$aligned_query."\t".$aligned_hit."\t".$aligned_string; $hsp{$hsp_count} = $hsp_info; $is_hsp = 0; } # start new hit $hit_name = $1; $hit_length = ""; } elsif (/\s+Length = (\d+)/) { $hit_length = $1; $hit_length =~ s/,//g; } elsif (/Score =\s+(\S+) bits.+Expect(\(\d+\))? = (\S+)/) # parse hsp info { if ($hsp_count > 0 && $is_hsp == 1) { my $hsp_info = $query_name."\t".$query_length."\t".$hit_name."\t".$hit_length."\t". $hsp_length."\t".$identity."\t".$evalue."\t".$score."\t".$strand."\t". $query_start."\t".$query_end."\t".$hit_start."\t".$hit_end."\t".$identity2."\t".$aligned_query."\t".$aligned_hit."\t".$aligned_string; $hsp{$hsp_count} = $hsp_info; } # new hsp record $is_hsp = 1; $hsp_count++; $score = $1; $evalue = $3; $evalue = "1$evalue" if ($evalue =~ m/^e/); $query_start = 0; $query_end = 0; $hit_start = 0; $hit_end = 0; $aligned_query = ""; $aligned_hit= ""; $aligned_string= ""; } elsif (/\s+Identities = (\d+)\/(\d+)\s+\((\S+)\)/ && $hsp_count >= 1) # identity info, hsp length { $identity = $1/$2*100; $identity = sprintf("%.".(2)."f", $identity); if ( $1 > $2 ) { $hsp_length = $1; $hsp_length =~ s/,//g; } else { $hsp_length = $2; $hsp_length =~ s/,//g; } $identity2 = $1."/".$2."(".$3.")"; } elsif (/\s+Strand = (\S+) \/ (\S+)/ && $hsp_count >= 1 ) # strand info { die "[ERR]Unmatch blast:$blast\t$_\n" if $blast ne 'blastn'; if ( $2 eq "Plus" ) { $strand = 1;} else { $strand = -1;} } elsif (/\s+Frame = ([\+\-]\d) \/ ([\+\-]\d)/ && $hsp_count >= 1) { die "[ERR]Unmatch blast:$blast\t$_\n" if $blast ne 'tblastx'; my ($a, $b)=($1,$2); $strand = "[".$a."/".$b."]"; if ( $a =~ /\+/ ) { $query_strand = 1;} else { $query_strand = -1;} if ( $b =~ /\+/ ) { $hit_strand = 1;} else { $hit_strand = -1;} } elsif (/\s+Frame = (\S+)/ && $hsp_count >= 1) { die "[ERR]Unmatch blast:$blast\t$_\n" if $blast ne 'blastx'; my $a = $1; if ( $a =~ /\+/ ) { $strand = 1;} else { $strand = -1;} } elsif (/Query\:\s(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s(\d+)/ && $hsp_count >= 1) # query sequence, && aligned string { if ($query_start == 0) { $query_start = $1; $query_start =~ s/,//g;} $query_end = $3; $query_end =~ s/,//g; if (defined $query_strand && $query_strand == -1 && $blast eq 'tblastx') { if ($query_end == 0) { $query_end = $1; $query_end =~ s/,//g;}; $query_start = $3; $query_start =~ s/,//g; } chomp($_); $aligned_query .= $_.","; my $next_line=; chomp($next_line); $aligned_string .= $next_line.","; } elsif (/Sbjct\:\s(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s(\d+)/ && $hsp_count >= 1) # subject sequence { if (defined $hit_strand && $blast eq 'tblastx') { $strand = $hit_strand; } if ( $strand == -1 ) { if ($hit_end == 0) { $hit_end = $1; $hit_end =~ s/,//g; }; $hit_start = $3; $hit_start =~ s/,//g; } else { if ($hit_start == 0) { $hit_start = $1; $hit_start =~ s/,//g;}; $hit_end = $3; $hit_end =~ s/,//g; } chomp($_); $aligned_hit .= $_.","; } else { next; } } close(IN); return $output_table; } =head2 filter_blast_table -- filter blast table according to evalue and identity Rules: the coverage of hsp should be more than 0.75 (controlled by coverage param) for query or hit for one query, get the best hsp base on evalue; then get the best identity of the best hit. keep the other hits which show identity lower than 5% (controlled by drop_off param) of best identity. Usage: $filtered_blast_table = filter_blast_table(input_blast_table, coverage, identity_dropoff, blast_program); modified by kentnf 20140715: combine blast_filter3 and blast_filter5 change blast_filter to subroutine parse_blast_table =cut sub filter_blast_table { my ($input_blast_table, $coverage, $identity_dropoff, $blast_program) = @_; # param will be 1 for megablastn/blastn, param will be 5 for tblastx my $param; if ( $blast_program =~ m/megablast/ || $blast_program =~ m/blastn/ ) { $param = 1; } elsif ($blast_program =~ m/tblastx/ || $blast_program =~ m/blastx/) { $param = 3; } else { die "[ERR]blast program: $blast_program\n"; } chomp($input_blast_table); my @a = split("\n", $input_blast_table); # define var for last query hit my $last_query = ''; my $last_hit = ''; my $last_query_len; my $last_hit_len; my $current_query; my $current_hit; #my $high_identity; #my $current_identity; # defined output my $output_blast_table = ''; # define array to store the multiple hsp for one pairs of query and hit # [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identity, $line], # [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identity, $line], # .... my @hsp_region = (); # defined hash to store highest_iden for each contigs; # key: query ID # value: identity; my %high_iden; foreach my $line ( @a ) { if ($line =~ m/^#/) { $output_blast_table.=$line."\n"; next; } my @cols = split(/\t/, $line); # $query_name, $query_length, $hit_name, $hit_length, $hsp_length, $identity, $evalue, $score, $strand, $query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $query_to_end, $hit_to_end, $identity2, $aligned_query, $aligned_hit, $aligned_string# next if scalar @cols < 13; my $query_id = $cols[0]; my $query_len = $cols[1]; my $hit_id = $cols[2]; my $hit_len = $cols[3]; my $hsp_len = $cols[4] * $param; my $identity = $cols[5]; my $query_start = $cols[9]; my $query_end = $cols[10]; my $hit_start = $cols[11]; my $hit_end = $cols[12]; $current_query = $query_id; $current_hit = $hit_id; if ($current_query eq $last_query) { if ($current_hit eq $last_hit) { # current and hit are same as previous, pub the his position to array push(@hsp_region, [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identity, $line]); } else { # same contig hit to different vrl my ($m_cov, $m_iden, $m_align) = get_iden_cov(\@hsp_region, $last_query_len, $last_hit_len); if ($m_cov >= $coverage) { $high_iden{$last_query} = $m_iden unless defined $high_iden{$last_query}; if ($m_iden >= $high_iden{$last_query} - $identity_dropoff) { $output_blast_table.= $m_align; } } # start new for next @hsp_region = (); push(@hsp_region, [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identity, $line]); } } else { # process previous query contigs if (@hsp_region > 0) { # skip 1 line of blast my ($m_cov, $m_iden, $m_align) = get_iden_cov(\@hsp_region, $last_query_len, $last_hit_len); if ($m_cov >= $coverage) { # define the highest identity if the coverage meet requirement $high_iden{$last_query} = $m_iden unless defined $high_iden{$last_query}; if ($m_iden >= $high_iden{$last_query} - $identity_dropoff) { $output_blast_table.= $m_align; } } } # start new for next @hsp_region = (); push(@hsp_region, [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identity, $line]); } $last_query = $query_id; $last_hit = $hit_id; $last_query_len = $query_len; $last_hit_len = $hit_len; } # parse the last record if (scalar @hsp_region > 0) { my ($m_cov, $m_iden, $m_align) = get_iden_cov(\@hsp_region, $last_query_len, $last_hit_len); if ($m_cov >= $coverage) { # define the highest identity if the coverage meet requirement $high_iden{$last_query} = $m_iden unless defined $high_iden{$last_query}; if ($m_iden >= $high_iden{$last_query} - $identity_dropoff) { $output_blast_table.= $m_align; } } } return $output_blast_table; } # sidekick of filter blast table sub get_iden_cov { my ($hsp_region, $query_len, $hit_len) = @_; my $identity = 0; my $coverage = 0; my $alignment = ''; # compute query coverage # for store query overlap my @qo; foreach my $hr (sort { $a->[0]<=>$b->[0] || $a->[1]<=>$b->[1];} @{$hsp_region}) { # $hr (hsp region) is array of: # [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identiy, $alignment] if (scalar(@qo) == 0) { push(@qo, [$hr->[0], $hr->[1]]); } elsif ($qo[-1][1] >= $hr->[0]-1) { # combine overlapped block $qo[-1][1] < $hr->[1] and $qo[-1][1] = $hr->[1]; } else { push(@qo, [$hr->[0], $hr->[1]]); } $identity = $hr->[4] if $identity == 0; # use the best hit for identity; $alignment .= $hr->[5]."\n"; } my $query_cov_len = 0; foreach my $qr (@qo) { $query_cov_len += abs($qr->[1] - $qr->[0] + 1); } unless (defined $query_len) { print "DEBUG\n"; print $alignment."\n"; foreach my $hr (sort { $a->[0]<=>$b->[0] || $a->[1]<=>$b->[1];} @{$hsp_region}) { print $hr->[5]."\n"; } print $hit_len."\n"; print "DEBUG\n"; exit; } $coverage = $query_cov_len/$query_len if $query_cov_len/$query_len > $coverage; # compute hit coverage # for store hit coverage my @ho; foreach my $hr (sort { $a->[2]<=>$b->[2] || $a->[3]<=>$b->[3];} @{$hsp_region}) { # $hr (hsp region) is array of: # [$query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end, $identiy, $alignment] if (scalar(@ho) == 0) { push(@ho, [$hr->[2], $hr->[3]]); } elsif ($ho[-1][1] >= $hr->[2]-1) { # combine overlapped block $ho[-1][1] < $hr->[3] and $ho[-1][1] = $hr->[3]; } else { push(@ho, [$hr->[2], $hr->[3]]); } } my $hit_cov_len = 0; foreach my $hr (@ho) { $hit_cov_len += abs($hr->[1] - $hr->[0] + 1); } $coverage = $hit_cov_len/$hit_len if $hit_cov_len/$hit_len > $coverage; return ($coverage, $identity, $alignment); } =head2 find_known_contig -- label the contig with 'known' according to blast result modified by kentnf 20140715: change output file to hash, make it subroutine as modular usage: %known = find_known_contig($blast_table, identity, min_ratio) =cut sub find_known_contig { my ($input_blast_table, $identity, $min_ratio) = @_; # put blast info to hash # %blk -> # key: query ID # value: [Query start, Query End], [Query start, Query End] .... # %query_length -> keu: query ID, value: query length # %known -> key: virus ref ID, value: 1 my %blk; my %query_len; my %hit_len; my %known; chomp($input_blast_table); my @a = split(/\n/, $input_blast_table); foreach my $line (@a) { chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); if ($ta[5]>=$identity) { push(@{$blk{$ta[0]}}, [@ta[9,10]]); # create blk hash for query ID and [query_start,query_end], query is contig defined $query_len{$ta[0]} or $query_len{$ta[0]} = $ta[1]; defined $hit_len{$ta[2]} or $hit_len{$ta[2]} = $ta[3]; } } foreach my $tk (sort keys %blk) { my @o; # put non-overlap blocks to array @o for one query for my $ar (sort { $a->[0]<=>$b->[0] || $a->[1]<=>$b->[1];} @{$blk{$tk}}) { if (scalar(@o) == 0) { push(@o, [@$ar]); } elsif ($o[-1][1] >= $ar->[0]-1) # combine overlapped block { $o[-1][1] < $ar->[1] and $o[-1][1] = $ar->[1]; } else { push(@o, [@$ar]); } } my $total_cov = 0; # compute total coverage according to non-overlap blocks for one query for my $ar ( @o ) { # print information for error checking # #query_name query_len block_start block_end block_length # print join("\t", $tk, $query_len{$tk}, $ar->[0], $ar->[1], $ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1)."\n"; $total_cov += ($ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1); } my $ratio_q=int($total_cov/$query_len{$tk}*10000+0.5)/100; #my $ratio_s=int($total_cov/$hit_len{$tk}*10000+0.5)/100; if($ratio_q >= $min_ratio) { defined $known{$tk} or $known{$tk} = 1; } } # filter blast_table to generante known_blast_table my $known_blast_table = ''; foreach my $line (@a) { chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); if ( defined $known{$ta[0]} ) { $known_blast_table.=$line."\n"; } } return (\%known, $known_blast_table); } =head2 get_hit_coverage: compute coverge of hit (vrl reference) according to blast table usage: hit_cov(input, output1, output2, identify, query_cov, ???param???); $sample.known.table", "$sample.known.cov", "$sample.known.block" 60, 0.5, 1 # input is blast table informat : # query_name \t query_length \t hit_name \t hit_length \t hsp_length \t identity \t evalue \t score \t # strand \t query_start \t query_end \t hit_start \t hit_end ... \n # index 2 3 4 5 11 12 are required # for each pair of [query, hit] should meet the requirement of identity and query_cov # ratio = all query coverage / hit_length # hit: query1, query2, ... queryN =cut sub get_hit_coverage { my ($input_blast_table, $cutoff_identity, $query_cov, $param) = @_; # put hit info to hash hash # hit is virus reference # query is assembled contigs # # %bkl # key: hit_name, # value: arrays of block and query # for each element in array is another array include three element [hit_start, hit_end, hash_of_query] # [hit_start, hit_end, hash_of_query], # [hit_start, hit_end, hash_of_query], # .... # # % hash_of_query # key: queryID # value: 1 # # %hit_len # key: hit_name # value: hit_length my %blk; my %hit_len; chomp($input_blast_table); my @a = split("\n", $input_blast_table); foreach my $line (@a) { chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); die "Error in line $_" if scalar @ta < 13; my ($query_name, $query_length, $hit_name, $hit_length, $hsp_length, $identity, $evalue, $score, $strand, $query_start, $query_end, $hit_start, $hit_end) = (@ta[0..12]); # remove the identity and query check, because the blast table has been filtered # using query identity, and (query | hit) coverage #my $query_covered= $param * $hsp_length / $query_length; #if ( $identity >= $cutoff_identity && $query_covered >= $query_cov) #{ # put hit and (hit_start,hit_end) to hash # change for blastX result if ($hit_start > $hit_end) { my $hit_start_temp = $hit_start; $hit_start = $hit_end; $hit_end = $hit_start_temp; } push(@{$blk{$hit_name}}, [$hit_start, $hit_end]); $blk{$ta[2]}[-1][2]{$ta[0]}=1; defined $hit_len{$hit_name} or $hit_len{$hit_name} = $hit_length; #} } my %known_hit_cov; my $known_hit_cov = ''; my $known_block = "#hit_name\tblock_len\tblock_start\tblock_end\tcovered_len\tquery_names\n"; foreach my $tk (sort keys %blk) # sort by hit name { # structure of array '@o' and $ar # [array] , [array] ... [array] # [start, end, %contigs], [start, end, %contigs], ... [start, end, %contigs] my @o; # array for hit of non-overlap blocks # sort by hit start, hit end, and query name foreach my $ar (sort {$a->[0]<=>$b->[0] || $a->[1]<=>$b->[1] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2];} @{$blk{$tk}}) { # if ($tk eq 'D10663') # { # print "$$ar[0]\t$$ar[1]\n"; # my %sss = %{$$ar[2]}; # foreach my $k (sort keys %sss) { # print $k."\n"; # } # die; # } if (scalar(@o) == 0) { push(@o, [@$ar]); } elsif ($o[-1][1] >= $ar->[0]-1) { # if the hit start < previous hit end, should combine two hits for my $qname (keys %{$ar->[2]}) { $o[-1][2]{$qname}=1; } $o[-1][1] < $ar->[1] and $o[-1][1] = $ar->[1]; } else { push(@o, [@$ar]); } } my $total_cov = 0; # hit totoal coverage my %aa; for my $ar (@o) { my @query_names = sort keys %{$ar->[2]}; # output to file # hit_name \t hit_len \t hit_block_start \t hit_block_end \t hit_block_length \t query names $known_block.=join("\t", $tk, $hit_len{$tk}, $ar->[0], $ar->[1], $ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1, join(",", @query_names))."\n"; $total_cov += ($ar->[1]-$ar->[0]+1); # get total length of all non-overlap block @aa{@query_names} = (1) x scalar(@query_names); # put all the contigs into hash table } # output file: known.cov # format: # hit_id \t hit_length \t hit_converage_len \t hit_coverage_% \t contigs_name \t contigs_num $known_hit_cov{$tk}{'length'} = $hit_len{$tk}; $known_hit_cov{$tk}{'cov'} = $total_cov; $known_hit_cov{$tk}{'contig'} = join(",", sort keys %aa); $known_hit_cov{$tk}{'contig_num'} = scalar(keys %aa); my $bbb =join("\t", $tk, $hit_len{$tk}, $total_cov, $total_cov/$hit_len{$tk}*1.0, join(",", sort keys %aa), scalar(keys %aa))."\n"; $known_hit_cov.=$bbb; } return ($known_hit_cov, $known_block); } =head2 remove_redundancy_hit -- this script will filter the hit record (virus reference) accroding contig supporting Rule: The hit record will be treated as redundancy (not print) when meet below condtions at same time 1. the nubmer of diff contigs should be < 25% 2. length of diff contigs < 100bp 3. cover of different contigs < 50% # format of known coverage AB373203 9535 161 0.0168851599370739 CONTIG257,CONTIG55 2 # format of known blast table parse_blast_to_table output =cut sub remove_redundancy_hit { my ($known_coverage, $known_blast_table, $diff_ratio, $diff_contig_cover, $diff_contig_length) = @_; # load known coverage information to array # struc of array: # [contig num, covered bp, line],[contig num, covered bp, line], ... ,[contig num, covered bp, line] my (@all_data, $name, $sequence); $name = ''; $sequence = ''; chomp($known_coverage); my @a = split(/\n/, $known_coverage); foreach my $line (@a) { chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); my @contigs= split(/,/, $ta[4]); # column 5 has all contig name for each hit # shan use bowtie align read to virus ref to get covered bp # for simply, I use the contig covered length to instead of covered bp # the covered is used for sort the coverage result in next # my $covered_bp = $ta[7]; # my $covered_bp = $ta[2]; if ( $ta[2] eq "") { $covered_bp = 0; } push(@all_data, [scalar(@contigs), $covered_bp, $line]); } # sort all dataset by 1) number of contigs for each hit # 2) covered bp # in descending order @all_data = sort { -1*($a->[0] <=> $b->[0]) || -1*($a->[1] <=> $b->[1])} @all_data; # load contig hit covered start, end to hash # hash : contig_position # key : contig \t hit # value : hit_start \t hit_end my %contig_position; chomp($known_blast_table); my @b = split(/\n/, $known_blast_table); foreach my $line (@b) { chomp($line); next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); $contig_position{$ta[0]."\t".$ta[2]} = "$ta[11]\t$ta[12]"; } # story non-redundancy and redundancy lines to @inset, and @restset # @inset : lines of non-redundancy contigs # @restset : lines of redundancy contigs my @inset; my @restset = (); my $contig_count = 1; foreach my $tr (@all_data) { if (scalar(@inset) == 0) { push(@inset, $tr->[2]); } else { my @aa = split(/\t/, $tr->[2]); # format of @aa, $tr->[2] # ref_ID \t length \t HSP_len \t Coverage \t Contigs1,...,ContigsN \n; my ($hit_id, $hit_length, $hsp_len, $coverage, $query_ctg) = @aa; # get return string for non-redundancy and redundancy status # return_string: n -- non-redundancy # return_string: r -- redundancy # put non-redundancy and redundancy data to array inset, restset my $return_string = ifRedundant(\@inset, \$query_ctg, $hit_id, $hit_length, $diff_ratio, $diff_contig_cover, $diff_contig_length, \%contig_position); if ($return_string eq "n") { push(@inset, $tr->[2]); } else { push(@restset, $tr->[2]); } } } my $output_identified = ''; foreach my $tr (@inset) { $output_identified.= $tr."\n"; } return ($output_identified); } # ifRedundant: check if the datase4t is redundant sub ifRedundant { my ($inset, $query_ctg, $hit_id, $hit_length, $diff_ratio, $diff_contig_cover, $diff_contig_length, $contig_position) = @_; my @query_contigs = split(/,/, $$query_ctg); my $total_contigs = scalar(@query_contigs); my $ratio; # scan previous stored record (@inset) to check redundancy foreach my $tr ( @$inset ) { # put previous stored contig to hash for non-redundancy data my @aa = split(/\t/, $tr); my @contigs= split(/,/, $aa[4]); my %contigs; foreach my $each_contig ( @contigs ) { $contigs{$each_contig} = 1; } # check query contings in current record my @hit_range; my $diff_contigs = 0; foreach my $each_contig ( @query_contigs ) { unless ( defined $contigs{$each_contig} ) { $diff_contigs++; if ( defined $$contig_position{$each_contig."\t".$hit_id} ) { push(@hit_range, $$contig_position{$each_contig."\t".$hit_id}); } else { die "[ERROR]Undef Blast for pair of $each_contig $hit_id\n"; } } } # ratio = different contig in current record / total contig in previous record $ratio = $diff_contigs * 1.0 / $total_contigs; # compute length of different contig in current record covered for hit range my %pos; foreach my $range (@hit_range) { my ($start, $end) = split(/\t/, $range); for(my $i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) { $pos{$i}++; } } my $length_of_diff_contigs_cover = scalar(keys(%pos)); my $cover_of_diff_contigs = $length_of_diff_contigs_cover / $hit_length; if( $ratio <= $diff_ratio && $cover_of_diff_contigs <= $diff_contig_cover && $length_of_diff_contigs_cover <= $diff_contig_length ) { return "r"; } } return "n"; } =head2 pileup_depth -- get read depth of contig from pileup file =cut sub pileup_depth { my $input_pileup = shift; # put mean depth, and total coverage to hash # key: ref_id, mean, total. cover # value: mean, total, cover my %depth; my $prev_ref = ''; my $mean_depth; my $total_depth = 0; my $total_position = 1; open(IN, $input_pileup) || die $!; while () { chomp; next if $_ =~ m/^#/; # SL2.40ch00 23059 T 1 ^S. I my @a = split(/\t/, $_); die "[ERR]pileup line\n" if scalar @a < 4; next if scalar @a < 6; my ($ref, $pos, $base, $depth, $align, $qual) = @a; if ($ref ne $prev_ref) { if ($prev_ref) { $mean_depth = 1.0*$total_depth/$total_position; $depth{$prev_ref}{'mean'} = $mean_depth; $depth{$prev_ref}{'total'} = $total_depth; $depth{$prev_ref}{'cover'} = $total_position; } $total_depth = $depth; # init total depth $total_position = 1; # init total position } else { $total_depth+=$depth; $total_position++; } $prev_ref = $ref; } $mean_depth = 1.0*$total_depth/$total_position; $depth{$prev_ref}{'mean'} = $mean_depth; $depth{$prev_ref}{'total'} = $total_depth; $depth{$prev_ref}{'cover'} = $total_position; close(IN); return %depth; } =head2 blast_table_to_sam -- convert blast table information to sam format =cut sub blast_table_to_sam { my $blast_table = shift; # put all hit name and length to hash my %name_len; chomp($blast_table); my @a = split(/\n/, $blast_table); foreach my $line (@a) { next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); my ($hit_name, $hit_len) = ($ta[2], $ta[3]); defined $name_len{$hit_name} or $name_len{$hit_name} = $hit_len; } my $output_sam = ''; # generate header foreach my $key (keys(%name_len)) { $output_sam.="\@SQ\tSN:".$key."\tLN:".$name_len{$key}."\n"; } my ($qlen, $slen, $q, $s, $qbeg, $qend, @sam, @cigar, @cmaux); @sam = (); @sam[4,6,7,8,10] = (255, '*', 0, 0, '*'); # fixed number in sam output foreach my $line (@a) { next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @cols= split(/\t/,$line); $sam[0] = $cols[0]; # query ID = read ID if($cols[8] eq "-1"){ $sam[1] = 0x10; } else{ $sam[1] = 0x00; } # strand $sam[2] = $cols[2]; # hit ID = ref ID $qlen = $cols[1]; $qend = $cols[10]; $sam[3] = $cols[11]; # hit start = pos @cigar = (); @cmaux = (0, 0); my @q_seqs= split(/,/,$cols[14]); # query seq my @s_seqs= split(/,/,$cols[15]); # hit seq my $l = scalar(@q_seqs); # $sam[9] = ''; # init query seq for (my $i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i) { $q_seqs[$i] =~ /Query\:\s(\d+)\s*(\S+)\s(\d+)/; $q = $2; my $x = $q; $x =~ s/-//g; $sam[9] .= $x; # connect query seq from blast result $s_seqs[$i] =~ /Sbjct\:\s(\d+)\s*(\S+)\s(\d+)/; $s = $2; aln2cm(\@cigar, \$q, \$s, \@cmaux); # get cigar from query and hit seq } # additional info my ($as, $ev) = (int($cols[7] + .499), $cols[6]); $ev = "1$ev" if ($ev =~ /^e/); @sam[11,12] = ("AS:i:$as", "EV:Z:$ev"); my $sam_info = blast_print_sam(\@sam, \@cigar, \@cmaux, $qlen - $qend); $output_sam .= $sam_info; } return $output_sam; } sub blast_print_sam { my ($sam, $cigar, $cmaux, $qrest) = @_; push(@$cigar, $cmaux->[1] . substr("MID", $cmaux->[0], 1)); push(@$cigar, $qrest . 'H') if ($qrest); if ($sam->[1] & 0x10) { @$cigar = reverse(@$cigar); $sam->[9] = reverse($sam->[9]); $sam->[9] =~ tr/atgcrymkswATGCRYMKSW/tacgyrkmswTACGYRKMSW/; } $sam->[9] = '*' if (!$sam->[9]); $sam->[5] = join('', @$cigar); my $sam_info = join("\t", @$sam)."\n"; return $sam_info; } sub aln2cm { my ($cigar, $q, $s, $cmaux) = @_; my $l = length($$q); for (my $i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i) { my $op; # set $op if (substr($$q, $i, 1) eq '-') { $op = 2; } # Query '-' should be "D" elsif (substr($$s, $i, 1) eq '-') { $op = 1; } # Hit '-' should be "I" else { $op = 0; } # Otherwise "M" # for CIGAR if ($cmaux->[0] == $op) { ++$cmaux->[1]; # MID count } else { push(@$cigar, $cmaux->[1] . substr("MID", $cmaux->[0], 1)); $cmaux->[0] = $op; $cmaux->[1] = 1; } } } =head2 plot_select -- plot the select contigs which sRNA enriched in 21-22nt =cut sub plot_select { my ($select_ctg, $label_ctg, $ctg_depth, $contig_best_blast, $virus_info, $map_sRNA_len_stat, $output_dir, $output_prefix) = @_; my $output_file = "$output_dir/$output_prefix.html"; my $output_file_blast = "$output_dir/$output_prefix\_blast.html"; my ($out_table, $out_table_blast); $out_table_blast = qq'

Undetermined contigs

* potential novel virus contigs are highlighted in green

'; $out_table = $out_table_blast."\n"; $out_table_blast.= qq' '; $out_table_blast.= qq' '; $out_table.= qq' '; for (18 .. 33) { $out_table_blast.= qq'\n'; $out_table.= qq'\n'; } $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= ""; $out_table_blast.= "\n"; $out_table.= ""; $out_table.= ""; $out_table.= ""; $out_table.= "\n"; my ($tr_style, $td_style); my $contig_tr; my $ud_num = 0; my $ud_num_blast = 0; foreach my $cid (sort {$$select_ctg{$b}<=>$$select_ctg{$a}} keys %$select_ctg) { $contig_tr = ''; my $ctg_len = $$select_ctg{$cid}; my $depth = $$ctg_depth{$cid}{'depth'}; my $norm_depth = $$ctg_depth{$cid}{'norm'}; if (defined $$label_ctg{$cid}) { $tr_style = 'bgcolor=#b3ffd9'; $td_style = ''; } else { $tr_style = ''; $td_style = ''; } $contig_tr.= ""; my $total = 0; my $siRNA = 0; for(18 .. 33) { my $n = 0; $n = $$map_sRNA_len_stat{$cid}{$_} if defined $$map_sRNA_len_stat{$cid}{$_}; $total = $total + $n; $contig_tr.= ""; if ($_ == 21 || $_ == 22) { $siRNA = $siRNA + $n; } } my $ratio; if ($total == 0) { $ratio = 'NA'; } else { $ratio = sprintf("%.2f", $siRNA/$total*100); } $contig_tr.= ""; $contig_tr.= ""; $contig_tr.= ""; # add virus information if (defined $$contig_best_blast{$cid}) { my @vm = split(/\t/, $$contig_best_blast{$cid}); my $vid = $vm[0]; my $vlen = $vm[1]; my $blast_type = $vm[2]; my $evalue = $vm[3]; my $param = 1; $param = 3 if $blast_type =~ m/blastx/ig; my $cov = sprintf('%.2f', $ctg_len/($vlen*$param)); my $genus = $$virus_info{$vid}{'genus'}; my $desc = $$virus_info{$vid}{'desc'}; $contig_tr.= qq'\n'; $out_table_blast.=$contig_tr."\n"; $ud_num_blast++; } else { #$out_table.= "\n"; $out_table.=$contig_tr."\n"; $ud_num++; } } $out_table_blast.= qq'
Contig siRNA size distribution
BLAST hit in virus database
ID Length
ID Length$_$_21-22 (%)DepthDepth (Norm)Acc#GenusDescriptionE valueBLAST
21-22 (%)DepthDepth (Norm)
$cid"; # $out_table.= "*" if defined $$label_ctg{$cid}; $contig_tr.= "$ctg_len$n$ratio$depth$norm_depth$vid$genus$desc$evalue$blast_type
'; $out_table.= qq''; # output table to file save_file($out_table, $output_file) if $ud_num > 0; save_file($out_table_blast, $output_file_blast) if $ud_num_blast > 0; } =head2 plot_result -- plot the result =cut sub plot_result { my ($known_identified, $known_contig_blast_table, $output, $type) = @_; # parse blast result to get contig_length and match length # push contig and match info to hash # key 1: contig # reference virus ID # key 2: length # match # iden my %contig_match; chomp($known_contig_blast_table); my @bs = split(/\n/, $known_contig_blast_table); foreach my $bs (@bs) { my @line = split(/\t/, $bs); if ($line[13] =~ m/(\d+)\/(\d+)\(\d+%\)/) { $contig_match{$line[0]."#".$line[2]}{'match'} = $1; $contig_match{$line[0]."#".$line[2]}{'length'} = $2; $contig_match{$line[0]."#".$line[2]}{'iden'} = $1/$2; } else { die "[ERR]CONTIG $bs\n"; } } my $OUTPUT_DIR = "$output/$type"."_references"; mkdir $OUTPUT_DIR unless -e $OUTPUT_DIR; my $output_file = "$output/$type.html"; my %all_hits; my %out; my %index; my $out_table = ''; my $line_number=0; # save contig and virus to hash # key: contig ID # value: virus accession ID my %contig_virus; chomp($known_identified); my @a = split(/\n/, $known_identified); foreach my $line (@a) { next if $line =~ m/^#/; $line_number++; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); # 0 [col1] - virus seq ID # 1 [col2] - virus seq length # 2 [col3] - virus seq cover length # 3 [col4] - coverage (cover_length/seq_length: col3/col2) # 4 [col5] - contigs # 5 [col6] - contig number # 6 [col7] - raw depth (read depth, from pileup file) # 7 [col8] - normalized depth # 8 [col9] - genus # 9 [col10]- desc die "[ERR]Num of cols: $line\n" unless scalar @ta == 10; my ($ref, $len, $cov_base, $coverage, $contig, $contig_num, $raw_depth, $norm_depth, $genus, $desc) = @ta; my ($match, $len_c, $max_iden, $min_iden) = (0, 0, 0, 100); my @c = split(/,/, $ta[4]); foreach my $cid (@c) { my $key = $cid."#".$ref; $match += $contig_match{$key}{'match'}; $len_c += $contig_match{$key}{'length'}; my $iden_c = $contig_match{$key}{'iden'}; $max_iden = $iden_c if $iden_c > $max_iden; $min_iden = $iden_c if $iden_c < $min_iden; } my $iden = sprintf("%.2f", $match/$len_c*100); $max_iden = sprintf("%.2f", $max_iden*100); $min_iden = sprintf("%.2f", $min_iden*100); $iden = 100 if $iden == 100; $max_iden = 100 if $max_iden == 100; $min_iden = 100 if $min_iden == 100; $all_hits{$ref} = 1; $index{$ref} = $line_number; my $link = $type."_references/".$ref.".html"; $coverage = sprintf("%.3f", $coverage) * 100; $raw_depth = sprintf("%.1f", $raw_depth); $norm_depth = sprintf("%.1f", $norm_depth); $out_table .= qq' $ref $len $cov_base ($coverage) $contig_num $raw_depth $norm_depth $iden $max_iden $min_iden $genus $desc '; } $out_table = qq'

Reference Length Coverage (%) #contig Depth Depth (Norm) %Identity %Iden Max %Iden Min Genus Description
'; # output table to file save_file($out_table, $output_file); # put blast information to hash # key: hit ID # value: line of contig blast to array chomp($known_contig_blast_table); my @b = split(/\n/, $known_contig_blast_table); foreach my $line (@b) { next if $line =~ m/^#/; my @ta = split(/\t/, $line); die "[ERR]Undef hit: $ta[2]\n" unless defined $all_hits{$ta[2]}; push(@{$out{$ta[2]}}, $line); } foreach my $hit (sort { $index{$a} <=> $index{$b} } keys %out) { my @lines = @{$out{$hit}}; my $out_hit = $OUTPUT_DIR."/$hit.html"; open(OUT1, ">$out_hit") or print "you forgot to make $OUTPUT_DIR"; print OUT1 qq'

'; draw_img(\$hit, \@lines, \*OUT1, $OUTPUT_DIR); print OUT1 qq'

'; my $table_info = output_aligments(\@lines); print OUT1 $table_info; close(OUT1); # code for checking # foreach my $each_line (@lines){ print $each_line."\n"; } } } # subroutine sub draw_img { my ($hit_id, $align_info, $out, $OUTPUT_DIR) = @_; my @cols = split(/\t/, @$align_info[0]); my $full_length = $cols[3]; my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new( -length => $full_length, -width => 610, -pad_left => 25, -pad_right => 25, ); my $full_length_seq = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new( -start => 1, -end => $full_length, -display_name => "$$hit_id", ); $panel->add_track( $full_length_seq, -glyph => 'arrow', -tick => 2, -fgcolor => 'black', -double => 1, ); $panel->add_track( $full_length_seq, -glyph => 'generic', -bgcolor => 'blue', -label => 1, -link => "$$hit_id", -target => '_blank' ); my $track = $panel->add_track( -glyph => 'graded_segments', -label => 1, -bgcolor => 'red', -sort_order => 'high_score', -min_score => 80, -max_score => 100, # identity for score -key => 'domains', -link => '#$id', -description => sub { my $feature = shift; return unless $feature->has_tag('description'); my ($description) = $feature->each_tag_value('description'); "$description"; }, ); # update for multiple HSP # 1. add fist record to $last_query_id and hsp my @align_info = @$align_info; my $first_hsp = shift @align_info; my @fmm = split(/\t/, $first_hsp); my $last_query_id = $fmm[0]; my @hsp = (); push(@hsp, [$fmm[11], $fmm[12], $fmm[5]]); # 2. scan other hsp from 2nd foreach my $each_hsp (@align_info) { my @mm = split(/\t/, $each_hsp); my $query_id = $mm[0]; my $score = $mm[5]; my $start = $mm[11]; my $end = $mm[12]; if ($query_id ne $last_query_id) { # add hit feature my $feature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -seq_id => $last_query_id, #-name => $last_query_id, #-score => $mm[5], # identify for score #-start => $mm[11], #-end => $mm[12], -primary_id => $last_query_id, ); # add hsp foreach my $sub (@hsp) { my $subfeature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $sub->[0], -end => $sub->[1], -score => $sub->[2] ); $feature->add_sub_SeqFeature($subfeature,'EXPAND'); } $track->add_feature($feature); # clean and add hsp @hsp = (); push(@hsp, [$start, $end, $score]); $last_query_id = $query_id; } else { push(@hsp, [$start, $end, $score]); } } # 3. add last hsp if (@hsp > 0 && $last_query_id) { # add hit feature my $feature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -seq_id => $last_query_id, #-name => $last_query_id, #-score => $mm[5], # identify for score #-start => $mm[11], #-end => $mm[12], -primary_id => $last_query_id, ); # add hsp foreach my $sub (@hsp) { my $subfeature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -start => $sub->[0], -end => $sub->[1], -score => $sub->[2] ); $feature->add_sub_SeqFeature($subfeature,'EXPAND'); } $track->add_feature($feature); } my ($url,$map,$mapname) = $panel->image_and_map( -root => $OUTPUT_DIR, -url=> "$$hit_id", ); print $out qq(),"\n"; print $out $map; } sub output_aligments { my $align_info = shift; # produce domains alignment for one protein my $break_length = 95; # table title my $out_table = qq' '; my $k = 0; foreach my $each_contig (@$align_info) { $k++; my @cols = split(/\t/, $each_contig); #print $each_contig."\n"; my @aligned_query = split(/,/, $cols[14]); my @aligned_hit = split(/,/, $cols[15]); my @aligned_string = split(/,/, $cols[16]); my $i=0; my $align; foreach my $each_seg (@aligned_query) { #print $each_seg."\n"; $align.="$each_seg
"; $align.="$aligned_string[$i]
"; $align.="$aligned_hit[$i]

"; $i++; } $out_table .= qq' '; } $out_table.= qq'
Order Query ID Query Start Query End Subjct Start Subjct End Identity E value Strand
$k $cols[0] $cols[9] $cols[10] $cols[11] $cols[12] $cols[13] $cols[6] $cols[8]
'; return $out_table; } =head2 srna_range -- only get selected size of sRNA reads for next analysis =cut sub srna_range { my ($read_length, $input, $output) = @_; my $usage = qq' srna_range(read_length, input, output); * example of set read_length parameters: 21-23:25:27:32-34 reads with length 21,22,23,25,27,32,33,34 were selected '; print $usage and exit unless (defined $read_length && defined $input && defined $output); my @m = split(/:/, $read_length); my @length; foreach my $m (@m) { if ($m =~ m/-/) { my @a = split(/-/, $m, 2); for($a[0] .. $a[1]) { push(@length, $_); } } else { push(@length, $m); } } my %length; foreach my $len (@length) { die "[ERR]select length $len\n" unless $len > 0; $length{$len} = 1; } my $format; my $seq_num = 0; my $out = IO::File->new(">".$output) || die $!; my $in = IO::File->new($input) || die $!; while(<$in>) { my $id1 = $_; chomp($id1); my $seq = <$in>; chomp($seq); if ($id1 =~ m/^>/) { $format = 'fasta'; } elsif ($id1 =~ m/^@/) { $format = 'fastq'; } my $out_seq = $id1."\n".$seq."\n"; if ($format eq 'fastq') { $out_seq.= <$in>; $out_seq.= <$in>; } my $len = length($seq); if (defined $length{$len}) { print $out $out_seq; $seq_num++; } } $in->close; $out->close; print "[ERR]no sRNA sequence in $input\n" and exit if ($seq_num == 0); print "[Warning]very limited sRNAs in $input\n" if ($seq_num < 1000); } 1;