# A simple configuration file to run cosmic ray events. # Carefully look at the setting to ensure they are appropriate. # In particular you need to provide a tracker file that contains the details # of the cosmics events. # In the future this should run the cosmic ray parent Monte Carlo as well. # Also note the random number seeds for SimG4 and SimDetectorResponse are set. # To get help for a command use RunIcedustControl --command="" [software] cmtpath = environment cmtroot = environment cometver = v7r21 [configuration] module_list = cosmic SimG4 SimDetectorResponse CalibGlobalMC SimCosmicTrigger ReconGlobal oaAnalysis [filenaming] run_number = 0 [SimG4] num_events = 10 mc_type = Cosmic random_seed = 108 [geometry] baseline = 2010-02 [cosmics] kinfile = cosmic_ray_sample.kin randomize_kinfile = false [electronics] random_seed = 65