#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os, sys, os.path, glob try: pkgpath = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: pkgpath = ".." # First, remove old files. old_files = glob.glob('oa_pg_gamma_00001234-5678*') for i in old_files: os.remove(i) # Next simulate DsECAL muons (use example cfg file). examplefile = os.getenv("ICEDUSTCONTROLROOT") + "/examples/comet_particle_gun.cfg" status = os.system("RunIcedustControl -c %s" % (examplefile)) if status != 0: sys.exit(status) # Check that we have an output oaAnalysis file and that this file has # a tree with the right number of entries. script = os.getenv("ICEDUSTCONTROLROOT") + "/validate.d/checkOAAnalTree.C" valid = False for file in glob.glob('oa_pg_gamma_00001234-5678*_anal_000_bsd*.root'): print "found file " + file valid = True return_code = os.system("root -b -q -l file:"+file+" " + script) if return_code != 0: print 'Failed quick check of oaAnalysis tree. Return code = ' +str(return_code) print "FAIL" sys.exit(return_code) if valid == False: print "Did not find output oaAnalysis file of form oa_pg_gamma_00001234-5678*" print "FAIL" sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)