// AK20100820 Modified from G4beamline v2.03 BLCoil.cc /* This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html See also the DISCLAIMER for the routine getSheetField() near the end of this file. */ #include #include #include #include "IBLCoil.hxx" #include "IBLFuncs.hxx" #include "IBLTime.hxx" #include #include "gsl/gsl_sf_ellint.h" namespace COMET { std::map IBLCoil::mapCoil; IBLCoil::IBLCoil() { // provide initial values for fields name = ""; innerRadius = 0.0; outerRadius = 0.0; length = 0.0; nSheets = 0; material = "Cu"; tolerance = 0.002; maxR = 0.0; minZ = 0.0; maxZ = 0.0; dR = 0.0; dZ = 0.0; nR = 0; nZ = 0; filename = ""; mapFile = ""; mapBr = 0; mapBz = 0; sheetR0 = 0.0; sheetDR = 0.0; norm = 0.0; goodMap = false; reflectZ = true; currentOfMap = 1.0; } IBLCoil::~IBLCoil() { if(mapBr) delete[] mapBr; mapBr = 0; if(mapBz) delete[] mapBz; mapBz = 0; } IBLCoil::IBLCoil(const IBLCoil& r) { name = ""; innerRadius = r.innerRadius; outerRadius = r.outerRadius; length = r.length; nSheets = r.nSheets; material = r.material; tolerance = r.tolerance; maxR = r.maxR; minZ = r.minZ; maxZ = r.maxZ; dR = r.dR; dZ = r.dZ; nR = r.nR; nZ = r.nZ; filename = r.filename; mapFile = r.mapFile; mapBr = 0; mapBz = 0; sheetR0 = r.sheetR0; sheetDR = r.sheetDR; norm = 0.0; goodMap = false; reflectZ = r.reflectZ; currentOfMap = r.currentOfMap; } void IBLCoil::printCoil() { printf("coil %-7s ",name.c_str()); printf("innerRadius=%.1f ",innerRadius); printf("outerRadius=%.1f ",outerRadius); printf("length=%.1f ",length); printf("material=%s ",material.c_str()); printf("\n\t\t"); if(mapFile == "") { printf("tolerance=%.3f ",tolerance); printf("nSheets=%d ",nSheets); printf("\n\t\t"); printf("maxR=%.1f ",maxR); printf("maxZ=%.1f ",maxZ); printf("dR=%.1f ",dR); printf("dZ=%.1f ",dZ); printf("filename=%s ",filename.c_str()); printf("\n"); } else { printf("mapFile=%s\n",mapFile.c_str()); } } IBLCoil *IBLCoil::find(std::string name) { if(mapCoil.count(name) > 0) return mapCoil[name]; return 0; } void IBLCoil::addField(const Double_t point[4], Double_t field[6], Double_t currentAmpPerMm2) const { Double_t z = point[2]; Double_t r = sqrt(point[0]*point[0] + point[1]*point[1]); // test for nan if(r != r) { printf("r is nan!! r=%.3f point=%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",r,point[0],point[1],point[2],point[3]); } if(goodMap) { assert(mapBr != 0 && mapBz != 0 && dR > 0.0 && dZ > 0.0); assert(nR > 0 && nZ > 0); if(z < minZ+0.002*unit::mm || z > maxZ-0.002*unit::mm || r > maxR-0.002*unit::mm) return; Double_t sign = 1.0; if(reflectZ) { // map covers only z >= 0 if(z < 0.0) { sign = -sign; z = -z; } } else { z -= minZ; } // 2-d linear average of the 4 surrounding points int i = (int)(r/dR); int j = (int)(z/dZ); if(i >= 0 && i < nR-1 && j >= 0 && j < nZ-1) { ; } else { printf("\ni=%d j=%d nR=%d nZ=%d r=%.3f z=%.3f dR=%.3f dZ=%.3f\n",i,j,nR,nZ,r,z,dR,dZ); printf("z=%.6f maxZ=%.6f r=%.6f maxR=%.5f\n",z,maxZ,r,maxR); fflush(stdout); } assert(i >= 0 && i < nR-1 && j >= 0 && j < nZ-1); float fr = 1.0 - (r - i*dR) / dR; assert(fr >= 0.0 && fr <= 1.0); float fz = 1.0 - (z - j*dZ) / dZ; assert(fz >= 0.0 && fz <= 1.0); Double_t Bz = mapBz[j*nR+i]*fr*fz + mapBz[j*nR+i+1]*(1.0-fr)*fz + mapBz[(j+1)*nR+i]*fr*(1.0-fz) + mapBz[(j+1)*nR+i+1]*(1.0-fr)*(1.0-fz); Double_t Br = mapBr[j*nR+i]*fr*fz + mapBr[j*nR+i+1]*(1.0-fr)*fz + mapBr[(j+1)*nR+i]*fr*(1.0-fz) + mapBr[(j+1)*nR+i+1]*(1.0-fr)*(1.0-fz); Double_t phi = atan2(point[1], point[0]); currentAmpPerMm2 /= currentOfMap; field[0] += sign * currentAmpPerMm2 * Br * cos(phi); field[1] += sign * currentAmpPerMm2 * Br * sin(phi); field[2] += currentAmpPerMm2 * Bz; return; } // Computation for no map if(nSheets > 0 && sheetDR > 0.0 && sheetR0 > 0.0); else printf("%s: nSheets=%d sheetR0=%.3f sheetDR=%.3f innerRadius=%.3f outerRadius=%.3f length=%.3f\n",name.c_str(),nSheets,sheetR0,sheetDR,innerRadius,outerRadius,length); assert(nSheets > 0 && sheetDR > 0.0 && sheetR0 > 0.0); Double_t Br=0.0, Bz=0.0; Double_t rSheet = sheetR0; Double_t currentAmpPerMm = currentAmpPerMm2 * sheetDR; for(int i=0; i tolerance) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap error > tolerance\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if(fabs(fh.innerRadius-innerRadius) > 0.001*unit::mm) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong innerRadius\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if(fabs(fh.outerRadius-outerRadius) > 0.001*unit::mm) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong outerRadius\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if(fabs(fh.length-length) > 0.001*unit::mm) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong length\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if((dR > 0.001*unit::mm && fabs(fh.dR-dR) > 0.001*unit::mm)) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong dR\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if((dZ > 0.001*unit::mm && fabs(fh.dZ-dZ) > 0.001*unit::mm)) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong dZ\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } if((fh.nR-1)*fh.dR < maxR || (fh.nZ-1)*fh.dZ < maxZ) { printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap wrong maxR or maxZ\n"); if(in) fclose(in); in = 0; } } // setup data from file and read the maps from file if(in) { Double_t orgMaxZ = maxZ; Double_t orgMaxR = maxR; Int_t orgNsheets = nSheets; nR = fh.nR; nZ = fh.nZ; dR = fh.dR; dZ = fh.dZ; nSheets = fh.nSheets; sheetDR=(outerRadius-innerRadius)/nSheets; sheetR0=innerRadius + sheetDR/2.0; norm = 0.0; maxR = (nR-1)*dR; maxZ = (nZ-1)*dZ; minZ = -maxZ; if(mapBr) delete[] mapBr; if(mapBz) delete[] mapBz; mapBr = new float[nZ*nR]; mapBz = new float[nZ*nR]; if(!mapBr || !mapBz) { COMETError("coil: Out of memory"); abort(); } if(fread(mapBr,sizeof(float),nR*nZ,in) != (size_t)nR*nZ || fread(mapBz,sizeof(float),nR*nZ,in) != (size_t)nR*nZ) { fclose(in); in = 0; printf("IBLCoil::generateFieldMap cannot read data\n"); // restore invalid data that came from file maxZ = orgMaxZ; minZ = -maxZ; reflectZ = true; maxR = orgMaxR; nSheets = orgNsheets; } } // if file is correct, use it. if(in) { fclose(in); in = 0; goodMap = true; printf("coilmap %-7s read file '%s' " "dR=%.1f dZ=%.1f\n",name.c_str(),filename.c_str(),dR,dZ); minZ = -maxZ; reflectZ = true; currentOfMap = 1.0; return; } // file is not correct - generate map if(maxR <= 0.0) determineMaxR(); if(maxZ <= 0.0) determineMaxZ(); if(nSheets <= 0) { determineNsheets(); } else { sheetDR = (outerRadius-innerRadius) / nSheets; sheetR0 = innerRadius + sheetDR/2.0; } // initial estimate of dR,dZ,nR,nZ if(dR <= 0.0) dR = maxR/10; nR = (int)floor(maxR/dR) + 2; //@@ for now, assume dZ = dR.... if(dZ <= 0.0) dZ = dR; nZ = (int)floor(maxZ/dZ) + 2; // loop until we achieve the required tolerance. Limit to 8 doublings. const int MAX_ITER=8; int iter; Double_t err = 1.0; for(iter=0; iter= MAX_ITER) { COMETError("coilmap: Failed to achieve required accuracy"); abort(); } printf("coilmap %-7s nR=%d nZ=%d dR=%.1f dZ=%.1f " "error=%.6f\n",name.c_str(),nR,nZ,dR,dZ,err); // fill the maps //@@ for simplicity, ignore all previous computations goodMap = false; time_t start = IBLTime::time(); for(int i=0; i= 0 && k < nZ*nR); Double_t Br,Bz; getUnitField(r,z,Br,Bz); mapBr[k] = Br; mapBz[k] = Bz; } // printf("coilmap %-7s %d%% %ld seconds\r", // name.c_str(),(100*(i+1))/nR,(long)(IBLTime::time()-start)); // fflush(stdout); } printf("coilmap %-7s DONE %ld seconds\n", name.c_str(),(long)(IBLTime::time()-start)); fflush(stdout); // write the map if(filename != "") { #ifdef WIN32 FILE *out = fopen(filename.c_str(),"wb"); #else FILE *out = fopen(filename.c_str(),"w"); #endif if(out) { fh.magic = MAGIC; fh.nR = nR; fh.nZ = nZ; fh.nSheets = nSheets; fh.innerRadius = innerRadius; fh.outerRadius = outerRadius; fh.length = length; fh.dR = dR; fh.dZ = dZ; fh.error = err; if(fwrite(&fh,sizeof(fh),1,out) != 1 || fwrite(mapBr,sizeof(float),nR*nZ,out) != (size_t)nR*nZ || fwrite(mapBz,sizeof(float),nR*nZ,out) != (size_t)nR*nZ) { printf("coilmap %-7s ERROR " "writing file '%s'\n", name.c_str(),filename.c_str()); } fclose(out); printf("coilmap %-7s wrote file '%s' %lu bytes\n", name.c_str(),filename.c_str(), (long)(sizeof(fh)+sizeof(float)*2*nR*nZ)); } } goodMap = true; minZ = -maxZ; reflectZ = true; currentOfMap = 1.0; } void IBLCoil::readMapFile() { FILE *in = fopen(mapFile.c_str(),"r"); if(!in) { COMETError("Cannot open mapFile " << mapFile); return; } char line[512]; // read first line (parameters of the map) // units are millimeters, Tesla, and Amperes/mm^2. do { if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),in)) { COMETError("Error reading header from mapFile " << mapFile); return; } } while(line[0] == '#'); MyBLArgumentVector argv; MyBLArgumentMap argm; if(BLFuncs.parseArgs(line,argv,argm)) { COMETError("Error parsing header in mapFile " << mapFile); return; } // sample parameter line: // z0=0.0 dz=2.0 nz=1501 dr=5.0 nr=13 reflectZ=1 current=-101.1 Double_t z0 = atof(argm["z0"].c_str())*unit::mm; dZ = atof(argm["dz"].c_str())*unit::mm; nZ = atoi(argm["nz"].c_str()); dR = atof(argm["dr"].c_str())*unit::mm; nR = atoi(argm["nr"].c_str()); reflectZ = (atoi(argm["reflectZ"].c_str()) != 0); currentOfMap = atof(argm["current"].c_str()); maxR = (nR-1)*dR; maxZ = z0 + (nZ-1)*dZ; if(reflectZ) { minZ = -maxZ; if(z0 != 0.0) { COMETError("z0 is not 0.0 in mapFile " << mapFile); return; } } else { minZ = z0; } if(argv.size() > 0 || nZ <= 0 || nR <= 0 || maxR <= 0.0 || maxZ <= 0.0 || currentOfMap == 0.0) { COMETError("Error in map parameters in mapFile " << mapFile); return; } if(mapBr) delete[] mapBr; if(mapBz) delete[] mapBz; mapBr = new float[nZ*nR]; mapBz = new float[nZ*nR]; if(!mapBr || !mapBz) { COMETError("coil: Out of memory"); abort(); } // read the map -- there are two maps, Bz and Br, each introduced // by a line with its name in column 1. Each map consists of nZ // lines of nR floats. int i=-1; float *map=0; while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),in)) { if(line[0] == '#') continue; if(strncmp(line,"Bz",2) == 0) { if(i != -1 && i != nZ) { COMETError("nZ does not match Bz map in mapFile " << mapFile); return; } i = 0; map = mapBz; continue; } else if(strncmp(line,"Br",2) == 0) { if(i != -1 && i != nZ) { COMETError("nZ does not match Br map in mapFile" << mapFile); return; } i = 0; map = mapBr; continue; } if(i < 0 || i >= nZ || !map) { COMETError("Error reading map from mapFile " << mapFile); return; } char *p = line; for(int j=0; j= 0\n"); return; } IBLCoil best("temp",innerRadius,outerRadius,length,99,0.0,maxR,maxZ); Double_t Br,Bz; getUnitField(r,z,Br,Bz); int ii = (int)(r/dR); int jj = (int)(z/dZ); if(ii+1 >= nR || jj+1 >= nZ) { printf("out of range\n"); return; } printf("r=%.3f z=%.3f Bz=%.6f T Br=%.6f T Berr=%.6f T\n", r,z,Bz/unit::tesla,Bz/unit::tesla, computeError(r,z,best,false)/norm/unit::tesla); Double_t bzmin=Bz, bzmax=Bz, bzavg=0.0; Double_t brmin=Br, brmax=Br, bravg=0.0; for(int i=ii; i<=ii+1; ++i) { for(int j=jj; j<=jj+1; ++j) { if(bzmin > mapBz[j*nR+i]) bzmin = mapBz[j*nR+i]; if(bzmax < mapBz[j*nR+i]) bzmax = mapBz[j*nR+i]; if(brmin > mapBr[j*nR+i]) brmin = mapBr[j*nR+i]; if(brmax < mapBr[j*nR+i]) brmax = mapBr[j*nR+i]; bzavg += mapBz[j*nR+i]/4.0; bravg += mapBr[j*nR+i]/4.0; printf("Grid: r=%.3f z=%.3f Bz=%.6f T Br=%.6f T\n", dR*i,dZ*j,mapBz[j*nR+i]/unit::tesla,mapBr[j*nR+i]/unit::tesla); } } printf("BzVariation=%.4f BrVariation=%.4f (fractions of avg)\n", (bzmax-bzmin)/bzavg,(brmax-brmin)/bravg); } void IBLCoil::getUnitField(Double_t r, Double_t z, Double_t& Br, Double_t& Bz) { Double_t point[4]; point[0] = point[1] = point[2] = point[3] = 0.0; Double_t f[6]; f[0]=f[1]=f[2]=f[3]=f[4]=f[5]=f[6]=0.0; point[0] = r; point[2] = z; addField(point,f,1.0); Br = f[0]; Bz = f[2]; } void IBLCoil::determineMaxR() { Double_t Br,Bz; IBLCoil best("temp",innerRadius,outerRadius,length,99,0.0, 10.0*outerRadius,100.0*outerRadius); if(norm == 0.0) { best.getUnitField(0.0,0.0,Br,Bz); norm = 1.0/Bz; } // step out in maxR until 0.5*tolerance is achieved for(maxR=outerRadius+2.0*innerRadius; maxR<=outerRadius+32.0*innerRadius; maxR+=innerRadius) { best.getUnitField(maxR,0.0,Br,Bz); Bz = fabs(Bz); if(Bz*norm < 0.5*tolerance) break; } if(maxR <= outerRadius+32.0*innerRadius) { printf("IBLCoil::determineMaxR '%s' maxR=%.1f err=%.6f\n", name.c_str(),maxR,Bz*norm); } else { COMETError("coilmap determineMaxR: Failed to achieve required accuracy"); abort(); } } void IBLCoil::determineMaxZ() { Double_t Br,Bz; IBLCoil best("temp",innerRadius,outerRadius,length,99,0.0,maxR, 100.0*outerRadius); if(norm == 0.0) { best.getUnitField(0.0,0.0,Br,Bz); norm = 1.0/Bz; } // step out in maxZ until 0.5*tolerance is achieved for(maxZ=length/2.0+4.0*innerRadius; maxZ<=length/2.0+32.0*innerRadius; maxZ+=innerRadius) { best.getUnitField(0.0,maxZ,Br,Bz); if(Bz*norm < 0.5*tolerance) break; } if(maxZ <= length/2.0+32.0*innerRadius) { printf("IBLCoil::determineMaxZ '%s' maxZ=%.1f err=%.6f\n", name.c_str(),maxZ,Bz*norm); } else { COMETError("coilmap determineMaxZ: Failed to achieve required accuracy"); abort(); } } void IBLCoil::determineNsheets() { IBLCoil best("temp",innerRadius,outerRadius,length,99,0.0,maxR,maxZ); Double_t exclude = 0.1 * innerRadius; Double_t err = 0.0; const int MAX_SHEETS=40; for(nSheets=2; nSheets<=MAX_SHEETS; nSheets+=2) { sheetDR = (outerRadius-innerRadius) / nSheets; sheetR0 = innerRadius + sheetDR/2.0; err = 0.0; for(int i=0; i<50; ++i) { Double_t r = innerRadius - exclude; Double_t z = CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flat() * length/2.0; if(r >= maxR) r = maxR; Double_t e = computeError(r,z,best,false); if(e > err) err = e; r = innerRadius + (outerRadius-innerRadius)*CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flat(); if(r >= maxR) continue; z = length/2.0 + exclude; e = computeError(r,z,best,false); if(e > err) err = e; if(err > tolerance/4.0) break; } if(err <= tolerance/4.0) break; } if(nSheets <= MAX_SHEETS) { printf("IBLCoil::determineNsheets '%s' nSheets=%d err=%.6f\n", name.c_str(),nSheets,err); } else { COMETError("coilmap determineNsheets: Failed to achieve required accuracy"); abort(); } } Double_t IBLCoil::estimateMapError() { IBLCoil best("temp",innerRadius,outerRadius,length,99,0.0,maxR,maxZ); // generate 1000 random positions, "close" // to the coil in z, but exclude the coil (and nearby). Double_t exclude = 0.1 * innerRadius; Double_t err = 0.0; Double_t genZ = length; if(length/2.0+exclude+10.0*unit::mm > genZ) genZ = length/2.0+exclude+10.0*unit::mm; for(int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { Double_t r, z; do { r = CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flat() * maxR; z = CLHEP::HepRandom::getTheEngine()->flat() * genZ; } while(z < length/2+exclude && r > innerRadius-exclude && r < outerRadius+exclude); Double_t e = computeError(r,z,best,true); if(e > err) err = e; if(err > tolerance) { break; } // if(i%10 == 0) // printf("IBLCoil::estimateMapError nR=%d nZ=%d %d%%\r", // nR,nZ,(100*i)/1000), fflush(stdout); } return err; } Double_t IBLCoil::computeError(Double_t r, Double_t z, IBLCoil &best, Bool_t makeMap) { Double_t Br,Bz; if(z < -maxZ || z > maxZ || r > maxR) return 0.0; Bool_t originalGoodMap = goodMap; if(norm == 0.0) { best.getUnitField(0.0,0.0,Br,Bz); norm = 1.0/Bz; } if(makeMap) { // generate fieldMap for the 4 surrounding grid points assert(mapBz != 0 && mapBr != 0 && nR > 0 && nZ > 0); assert(z >= 0.0); goodMap = false; int i = (int)(r/dR); int j = (int)(z/dZ); assert(i >= 0 && i < nR-1 && j >= 0 && j < nZ-1); getUnitField(i*dR,j*dZ,Br,Bz); mapBz[j*nR+i] = Bz; mapBr[j*nR+i] = Br; getUnitField((i+1)*dR,j*dZ,Br,Bz); mapBz[j*nR+(i+1)] = Bz; mapBr[j*nR+(i+1)] = Br; getUnitField(i*dR,(j+1)*dZ,Br,Bz); mapBz[(j+1)*nR+i] = Bz; mapBr[(j+1)*nR+i] = Br; getUnitField((i+1)*dR,(j+1)*dZ,Br,Bz); mapBz[(j+1)*nR+(i+1)] = Bz; mapBr[(j+1)*nR+(i+1)] = Br; goodMap = true; } Double_t bestBr,bestBz; best.getUnitField(r,z,bestBr,bestBz); getUnitField(r,z,Br,Bz); Double_t eBr = fabs(Br-bestBr)*norm; Double_t eBz = fabs(Bz-bestBz)*norm; goodMap = originalGoodMap; return (eBr>eBz ? eBr : eBz); } // Originally this came from BTSheet.cc: // ******************************************************************** // * DISCLAIMER * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. * // * * // * This code implementation is the intellectual property of * // * FERMILAB. * // * By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work * // * based on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this * // * statement, and all its terms. * // ******************************************************************** // // // BTSheet.cc // // Created: V.Daniel Elvira (4/19/00) // // // The BTSheet Class inherits from G4MagneticField. The class objects are // field maps generated by an infinitelly thin solenoidal current sheets. // The class data members are all the parameters necessary to generate // analytically a magnetic field in r,z space (there is phi symmetry). // No geometric volumes or materials are associated with BTSheets. // // Modified: Tom Roberts (2003/02/28) // // Changed from an object with obfuscated interface to a simple function. // Field value verified to be correct within 0.2% for a long solenoid and // for a pair of Helmholtz coils (at the geometric center of each). // // Modified: Tom Roberts 3/28/2003 // SpecialFunctions/EllipticIntegrals.h => gsl/gsl_sf_ellint.h // This should be transparent, as SpecialFunctions/EllipticIntegrals // seems to be an interface to the gsl functions. I verified SINGLE accuracy // makes less than 0.0000001 difference in the values, except when ellpi // gets large (>1000); in all cases 6 digit accuracy is maintained. But I // switched to DOUBLE accuracy because the time increase was only ~30% and // this is only a small part of the program total execution time. void IBLCoil::getSheetField(Double_t r, Double_t z, Double_t& Br, Double_t& Bz, Double_t sheetR, Double_t sheetLen, Double_t currentAmpPerMm) const { // TJR: within this routine the sheet extends from z=0 to z=sheetLen, // externally it is centered at z=0. z += sheetLen/2.0; //printf("IBLCoil::getSheetField r=%.6g z=%.6g sheetR=%.6g sheetLen=%.6g\n",r,z,sheetR,sheetLen); fflush(stdout); Double_t k; Double_t rposition = r/unit::meter; Double_t zposition = z/unit::meter; sheetR = sheetR/unit::meter; Double_t len = sheetLen/unit::meter; Double_t cur = currentAmpPerMm; // Left-end of sheet Double_t rho = rposition; z = -zposition; Double_t r1 = sqrt( pow(sheetR + rho,2) + z*z ); k = 2.0 / r1 * sqrt( sheetR * rho ); Double_t c2 = -4.0 * sheetR*rho / pow(sheetR+rho,2); Double_t f1 = z * sheetR / ((sheetR + rho) * r1); Double_t f2 = (sheetR - rho) / (2.0 * sheetR); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_E k=%.6g\n",k); fflush(stdout); Double_t elle = gsl_sf_ellint_E(M_PI/2.0,k,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_F k=%.6g\n",k); fflush(stdout); Double_t ellf = gsl_sf_ellint_F(M_PI/2.0,k,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_P k=%.6g c2=%.6g\n",k,c2); fflush(stdout); Double_t ellpi = gsl_sf_ellint_P(M_PI/2.0,k,c2,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); Double_t bz1 = f1 * ( ellf + f2 * ( ellpi - ellf ) ); Double_t br1; if( rho != 0.0 ) { f1 = r1 / (4.*rho); br1 = f1 * ( 2. * ( ellf - elle ) - k * k * ellf ); } else { br1 = 0.0; } Double_t bz = -bz1; Double_t br = -br1; // Right-end of sheet z = z + len; r1 = sqrt( pow(sheetR + rho,2) + z*z ); k = 2.0 / r1 * sqrt( sheetR * rho ); c2 = -4.0 * sheetR * rho / pow(sheetR + rho,2); f1 = z * sheetR / ( (sheetR + rho) * r1); f2 = (sheetR - rho) / (2.0 * sheetR); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_E k=%.6g\n",k); fflush(stdout); elle = gsl_sf_ellint_E(M_PI/2.0,k,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_F k=%.6g\n",k); fflush(stdout); ellf = gsl_sf_ellint_F(M_PI/2.0,k,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); //printf("gsl_sf_ellint_P k=%.6g c2=%.6g\n",k,c2); fflush(stdout); ellpi = gsl_sf_ellint_P(M_PI/2.0,k,c2,GSL_PREC_DOUBLE); bz1 = f1 * ( ellf + f2 * ( ellpi - ellf ) ); if ( rho != 0.0 ) { f1 = r1 / (4.0 * rho); br1 = f1 * ( 2.0 * ( ellf - elle ) - k * k * ellf ); } else { br1 = 0.0; } bz = bz + bz1; // note change of sign br = br + br1; Double_t permfactor = 4.0e-7; Br = permfactor * cur * br; Bz = permfactor * cur * bz; } }