* $Id: IDbiAsciiTablePreparer.hxx,v 1.1 2011/01/18 05:49:19 finch Exp $
* \class COMET::IDbiAsciiTablePreparer
* \brief
* Concept A helper class to prepare an ASCII database table file
* for importing
* Purpose To simplifly the construction of a temporary (process specific)
* ASCII database.
* Acknowledgments The code is essentially a translation of
* RDBC/TSQLImporterClient by Valeriy Onuchin 21/03/2001
* Contact: A.Finch@lancaster.ac.uk
#include "TUrl.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "IDbiExceptionLog.hxx"
namespace COMET {
class IDbiAsciiTablePreparer
IDbiAsciiTablePreparer(const TString& url);
virtual ~IDbiAsciiTablePreparer();
const IDbiExceptionLog& GetExceptionLog() const { return fExceptionLog; }
TString GetLocal() const { return fLocalFile.IsNull() ? 0 : "LOCAL"; }
TString GetTableName() const { return fTableName; }
TString GetColumns() const { return fColumns; }
TString GetLocalFile() const { return fLocalFile; }
Int_t GetSkipLines() const { return fSkipLines; }
Int_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; }
Bool_t IsValid() const { return ((fStatus >= 200)&&(fStatus < 300)); }
virtual Int_t Init();
virtual void GET(const TString& url);
virtual void Clean();
/// local file will be deleted (downloaded file)
Bool_t fMustDeleteLocalFile;
/// Log of exceptions generated.
/// Cleared by Open Close and (implicitly) by CreatePreparedStatement, GetServer
IDbiExceptionLog fExceptionLog;
/// url
TUrl* fUrl;
/// local file
TString fLocalFile;
/// table name
TString fTableName;
/// column names & types
TString fColumns;
/// status (corresponds HTTP Status Codes)
Int_t fStatus;
/// number of lines to skip
Int_t fSkipLines;
ClassDef(IDbiAsciiTablePreparer,0)// Class used to prepare a table for a temporary ASCII database
// from /usr/include/apache/httpd.h
#define HTTP_OK 200
#define HTTP_BAD_REQUEST 400
#define HTTP_FORBIDDEN 403
#define HTTP_NOT_FOUND 404