// $Id: IDbiLogEntry.cxx,v 1.1 2011/01/18 05:49:20 finch Exp $ #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "IDbi.hxx" #include "IDbiCascader.hxx" #include "IDbiLogEntry.hxx" #include "IDbiOutRowStream.hxx" #include "IDbiResultSetHandle.hxx" #include "IDbiInRowStream.hxx" #include "IDbiTableProxy.hxx" #include "IDbiDatabaseManager.hxx" #include "IDbiValidityRec.hxx" #include #include using std::endl; ClassImp(COMET::IDbiLogEntry) // Definition of static data members // ********************************* // Instantiate associated Result Pointer and writer classes. // ******************************************************** #include "IDbiResultSetHandle.tpl" template class COMET::IDbiResultSetHandle; #include "IDbiWriter.tpl" template class COMET::IDbiWriter; // Definition of all member functions (static or otherwise) // ******************************************************* // // - ordered: ctors, dtor, operators then in alphabetical order. //..................................................................... COMET::IDbiLogEntry::IDbiLogEntry(const string& tableName, /* = "" */ const string& reason, /* = "" */ Int_t detMask, /* = full mask */ Int_t simMask, /* = full mask */ IDbi::Task task, /* = 0 */ Int_t logSeqNoMin, /* = 0 */ Int_t logSeqNoMax, /* = 0 */ Int_t logNumSeqNo): /* = 0 */ fDbNo(0), fSeqNo(0), fLogTableName(tableName), fLogDetMask(detMask), fLogSimMask(simMask), fLogTask(task), fLogSeqNoMin(logSeqNoMin), fLogSeqNoMax(logSeqNoMax), fLogNumSeqNo(logNumSeqNo), fUserName("unknown user"), fProcessName(gProgName), fHostName(gSystem->HostName()) { // // // Purpose: Constructor if ( fLogSeqNoMax == 0 ) fLogSeqNoMax = logSeqNoMin; if ( fLogNumSeqNo == 0 && logSeqNoMin != 0 ) fLogNumSeqNo = fLogSeqNoMax - fLogSeqNoMin +1; this->SetServerName(); this->SetReason(reason); // Try to get username from the environment. const char* userName = gSystem->Getenv("USER"); if ( ! userName ) userName = gSystem->Getenv("USERNAME"); if ( ! userName ) userName = gSystem->Getenv("LOGNAME"); if ( userName ) fUserName = userName; } //..................................................................... COMET::IDbiLogEntry::~IDbiLogEntry() { // // // Purpose: Destructor } //..................................................................... std::ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const COMET::IDbiLogEntry& logEntry) { // // // Purpose: Output Log Entry to message stream. // // Arguments: // s in Message stream // logEntry in Configuration set to be output // // Return: Message stream // // Contact: N. West // // Specification:- // ============= // // o Output configuration set to message stream. // Program Notes:- // ============= // None. s << "COMET::IDbiLogEntry: Table " << logEntry.GetLogTableName(); if ( logEntry.GetLogSeqNoMin() == logEntry.GetLogSeqNoMax() ) s << " SEQNO: " << logEntry.GetLogSeqNoMin(); else s << " SEQNO min: " << logEntry.GetLogSeqNoMin() << " SEQNO max: " << logEntry.GetLogSeqNoMax() << " No. SEQNOs: " << logEntry.GetLogNumSeqNo(); s << " DetectorMask: " << logEntry.GetDetectorMask() << " SimMask: " << logEntry.GetSimMask() << " Task: " << logEntry.GetTask() << "\n Updated on " << logEntry.GetUpdateTime().AsString("s") << " by " << logEntry.GetUserName() << " running " << logEntry.GetProcessName() << " on " << logEntry.GetHostName() << " connected to " << logEntry.GetServerName() << "\n Reason for update:-\n " << logEntry.GetReason() << endl; return s; } //..................................................................... void COMET::IDbiLogEntry::Fill(COMET::IDbiInRowStream& rs, const COMET::IDbiValidityRec* vrec) { // // // Purpose: Fill oject from Result Set rs >> fLogTableName >> fLogSeqNoMin >> fLogSeqNoMax >> fLogNumSeqNo >> fUserName >> fProcessName >> fHostName >> fServerName >> fReason; fLogDetMask = fLogSimMask = fLogTask = 0; if ( vrec ) { fLogDetMask = vrec->GetVldRange().GetDetectorMask(); fLogSimMask = vrec->GetVldRange().GetSimMask(); fLogTask = vrec->GetTask(); fUpdateTime = vrec->GetVldRange().GetTimeStart(); } } //..................................................................... void COMET::IDbiLogEntry::Recreate(const string& tableName, /* = "" */ const string& reason, /* = "" */ Int_t detMask, /* = full mask */ Int_t simMask, /* = full mask */ IDbi::Task task, /* = 0 */ Int_t logSeqNoMin, /* = 0 */ Int_t logSeqNoMax, /* = 0 */ Int_t logNumSeqNo) /* = 0 */ { // // // Purpose: Recreate, unless new state consistent with old. if ( fSeqNo > 0 && ( tableName == "" || tableName == fLogTableName ) && ( detMask == COMET::DbiDetector::FullMask() || detMask == fLogDetMask ) && ( simMask == COMET::DbiSimFlag::FullMask() || simMask == fLogSimMask ) && ( task == 0 || task == fLogTask ) && ( logSeqNoMin == 0 || logSeqNoMin == fLogSeqNoMin) && ( logSeqNoMax == 0 || logSeqNoMax == fLogSeqNoMax ) && ( logNumSeqNo == 0 || logNumSeqNo == fLogNumSeqNo ) ) { if ( reason != "" ) this->SetReason(reason); return; } fDbNo = 0; fSeqNo =0; fLogTableName = tableName; fLogDetMask = detMask; fLogSimMask = simMask; fLogTask = task; fLogSeqNoMin = logSeqNoMin; fLogSeqNoMax = logSeqNoMax; fLogNumSeqNo = logNumSeqNo; this->SetReason(reason); } //..................................................................... void COMET::IDbiLogEntry::SetReason(const string& reason) { // // // Purpose: Set reason. // String can be "@file-containing-reason" in which case // contents of file is used to define the reason excluding // any line begining:- // // FIXUP-FILE: // or BROADCAST: // // This allows DMauto fix-up files to provide log entries as well // as updates. fReason = reason; // If fReason starts '@' treat remainder as file name // to be read into fReason. if ( fReason.size() && fReason[0] == '@' ) { string fileName(fReason,1); fReason.clear(); ifstream reasonFile(fileName.c_str()); if ( ! reasonFile.is_open() ) { COMETSevere( "Cannot read \"Reason File\" " << fileName << " "); } else { string line; while ( ! reasonFile.eof() ) { getline(reasonFile,line); if ( line.substr(0,11) == "FIXUP-FILE:" || line.substr(0,10) == "BROADCAST:" ) { continue; } if ( fReason.size() ) fReason += '\n'; fReason += line; } reasonFile.close(); } } } //..................................................................... void COMET::IDbiLogEntry::SetServerName() { // // // Purpose: Set DB Server name from cascade number. string urlStr = COMET::IDbiDatabaseManager::Instance().GetCascader().GetURL(fDbNo); TUrl url(urlStr.c_str()); fServerName = url.GetHost(); } //..................................................................... void COMET::IDbiLogEntry::Store(COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& ors, const COMET::IDbiValidityRec* /* vrec */) const { // // // Purpose: Stream object to output row stream ors << fLogTableName << fLogSeqNoMin << fLogSeqNoMax << fLogNumSeqNo << fUserName << fProcessName << fHostName << fServerName << fReason; } //..................................................................... Bool_t COMET::IDbiLogEntry::Write(UInt_t dbNo, Int_t logSeqNo) /* =0 */ { // // // Purpose: Write, or rewrite this entry, adding logSeqNo to range of // update SEQNOs if non-zero. if ( logSeqNo > 0 ) { if ( fLogNumSeqNo == 0 ) { fLogSeqNoMin = logSeqNo; fLogSeqNoMax = logSeqNo; } if ( logSeqNo < fLogSeqNoMin ) fLogSeqNoMin = logSeqNo; if ( logSeqNo > fLogSeqNoMax ) fLogSeqNoMax = logSeqNo; ++fLogNumSeqNo; } if ( ! this->HasReason() || fLogNumSeqNo == 0) { COMETSevere( "Cannot write LogEntry - no reason and/or no SEQNOs defined " << " "); return kFALSE; } if ( fSeqNo != 0 && dbNo != fDbNo ) { COMETSevere( "Cannot write LogEntry - attempting to switch from database" << fDbNo << " to " << dbNo << " "); return kFALSE; } fDbNo = dbNo; COMET::IDbiTableProxy& tblProxy = COMET::IDbiDatabaseManager::Instance() .GetTableProxy("DBILOGENTRY",this); bool replace = true; // Allocate SEQNO before first write. if ( fSeqNo == 0 ) { replace = false; int seqNo = tblProxy.GetCascader().AllocateSeqNo("DBILOGENTRY",0,fDbNo); if ( seqNo <= 0 ) { COMETSevere( "Cannot get sequence number for table DBILOGENTRY" << " "); return kFALSE; } fSeqNo = seqNo; } // Construct a COMET::IDbiValidityRec. COMET::IVldRange vr(fLogDetMask,fLogSimMask,fUpdateTime,fUpdateTime,"COMET::IDbiLogEntry"); COMET::IDbiValidityRec vrec(vr,fLogTask,-1,0); // Now build and output COMET::IDbiSqlValPacket. COMET::IDbiSqlValPacket packet; packet.Recreate("DBILOGENTRY", vrec.GetVldRange(), -1, vrec.GetTask(), vrec.GetCreationDate()); packet.AddDataRow(tblProxy,0,*this); packet.SetSeqNo(fSeqNo); return packet.Store(fDbNo,replace); ; } /* Template for New Member Function //..................................................................... COMET::IDbiLogEntry:: { // // // Purpose: // // Arguments: // xxxxxxxxx in yyyyyy // // Return: // // Contact: N. West // // Specification:- // ============= // // o // Program Notes:- // ============= // None. } */