#include #include #include "ISlowControlDatabase.hxx" #include "TString.h" /// Test program to access the ECal slow control parameters /// from the TFBs and PSUs int main(int argc,char **argv){ // The following is unix time (in seconds). int utime = 1264377600; // Show the tables first // ISlowControlDatabase::Get().showTables(); double temp1 = 0; double temp2 = 0; int hv1 = 0; int hv2 = 0; ISlowControlDatabase::Get().GetTable(utime,"scfe09_em10_011"); temp1 = ISlowControlDatabase::Get().QueryShowField(utime,"scfe09_em10_011","em10_011_tempexternal0"); temp2 = ISlowControlDatabase::Get().QueryShowField(utime,"scfe09_em10_011","em10_011_tempinternal"); std::cout << "TFB DsECal Ext Temperatures Ext/Int: " << temp1 <<" "<