# IcedustControl configuration file for MC5 production runs [configuration] # The modules we'll be running module_list = SimG4 inputfile = %(INPUT_FILE) output_directory=%(OUTPUT_DIR) [filenaming] # Some metadata about the run run_number = %(SH_RUN_NUMBER) subrun = %(SH_SUBRUN) [fieldmap] source = %(ICEDUST_FIELDMAPS) [geometry] # Run with the Phase-I world with the sampling monitors world = Phase-I-Sampling [SimG4] # RNG seed random_seed = %(SH_RANDOM_SEED) # Number of events num_events = %(SH_NUM_EVENTS) # We'll be shooting protons with a specific position-momentum distribution primary_mode = RooTrackHist primary_particle = proton # Save only trajectories that cause hits traj_saveall = False # Save all points for those trajectories traj_hit_saveNthPoint = 1 # Do not add the fake geantino to each event fake_geantino = False # RooTracker output file init_rootracker = True custom_preinit = /comet/ProdTgtSec/Rotation ProductionTarget:Rotation = (axis=(1,0,0), angle=-2.674*degree)*(axis=(0,1,0), angle=-9.748*degree)