********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* Global CALIBRATION PARAMETERS ********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* Switches to determine which sub-detectors to calibrate (for real and simulated data). < CalibGlobal.RunTpcCalib = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunFgdCalib = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunEcalCalib = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunP0DCalib = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunSmrdCalib = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunIngridCalib = 1 > Switches to determine which sub-detectors to calibrate (for simulated data only!). < CalibGlobal.RunTpcCalibForMC = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunFgdCalibForMC = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunEcalCalibForMC = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunP0DCalibForMC = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunSmrdCalibForMC = 1 > < CalibGlobal.RunIngridCalibForMC = 1 > For real data you only need to worry about the first set of flags; for simulated data both the first and second set of flags must be true in order for sub-detector to be calibrated. This is the inverse fraction of events for which we want to save digits; ie, if SaveDigitIFraction is 100, then we will save the digits for 1 in 100 events. < CalibGlobal.SaveDigitIFraction = 100 > ********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* TRIPt CALIBRATION PARAMETERS ********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* Thresholds on the output charge. Only hits exceeding the threshold are written out < CalibGlobal.OutputThrshold.Ecal = 5.5 > < CalibGlobal.OutputThrshold.P0D = 0.0 > < CalibGlobal.OutputThrshold.Smrd = 0.0 > < CalibGlobal.OutputThrshold.Ingrid = 0.0 > ********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* TPC *ONLY* CALIBRATION PARAMETERS ********************************************* ///////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************* ********************************************* TPC calibration general ********************************************* < CalibGlobal.UseWaveForm = 1 > Turn on/off WaveForm use ------------------ Select which equalization/correction methods to activate ------------------ < CalibGlobal.GainCalibration = 1 > < CalibGlobal.SelectGainEqualMethod = 1 > 0 : TestBench only 1 : Neutrino events (relative) 2 : Laser (relative) 3 : None < CalibGlobal.SelectPadEqualization = 1 > : TestBench only < CalibGlobal.SelectElecEqualization = 1 > : From Jerome ----------------- The charge read by the electronics is devided by the MM gain and converted into number of electrons. This is then the number of electrons arriving to the mesh. A default value is used, equal to the mean measured gain at the CERN TestBench for TPC0/RP0/MM0, corrected to "NewSTP": T == 293K, P == 1013mbar ----------------- < CalibGlobal.DefaultMMGain = 1847.56 > ----------------- The mean ADC/DAC value for all FEC card from Jerome's calibration files. ----------------- < CalibGlobal.DefaultADCToDacUnit = 6.4 > ----------------- The MM gain can be corrected for pressure/temperature variations : g = g0 + (T/p - T0/p0)*slope g0 is the unknown gain at Tokai, g is the gain at "NewSTP" T is the current temperature near the pad, p the current pressure and slope is the conversion factor. We assume g as a function of T/p is rising *linearly* in our region of interest. The slope comes from the monitoring chamber data (J.Steinmann, RWTH, Aaachen) The pressure correction can then be obtained from the density correction ----------------- < CalibGlobal.DensityCorrection = 1 > < CalibGlobal.DensityCorrectiondedx = 1 > < CalibGlobal.DensityCorrectionSlope = 27500 > < CalibGlobal.StandardTemperature = 293.15 > //Kelvin < CalibGlobal.StandardPressure = 1013.25 > //mbar ----------------- Global Timing Corrections ----------------- < CalibGlobal.GlobalTimingCorrection = 1 > Turn on/off global time correction from ODB < CalibGlobal.ManualTimeOffsetCorrection = 0 > Turn on/off manual time correction < CalibGlobal.ManualTimeOffset = 2420 > Correction in ns < CalibGlobal.AfterTfbCorrectionData = 520.0 ns > Empirical AFTER-TFB timing correction. SimDetectorResponse.TRIPT.SpillOffset = 2420 ns spill w.r.t. first cycle. SimDetectorResponse.TRIPT.TFBStartClockOffset = 260. ns < CalibGlobal.AfterTfbCorrectionMC = -2680.0 ns > AFTER-TFB timing correction for MC. Should be equal to the sum of the 2 above constants. Need to keep an eye on them in SimDetectorResponse.parameters! < CalibGlobal.FibreDecayConstant = 12.2 > Unit ns. Used for correction of fibre timewalk for ECAL and P0D. ----------------- Some conditions for the hit to be saved (to remove noise) ----------------- < CalibGlobal.ThresholdCharge = 10 > < CalibGlobal.ThresholdPeakCharge = 5 > Only for wave form mode < CalibGlobal.MaxNumberTimeBins = 511 > Only for wave form mode < CalibGlobal.MinTimeBin = 0 > < CalibGlobal.MaxTimeBin = 511 > ----------------- Some features of the After electronics ----------------- < CalibGlobal.AfterTPC.NTimeBins = 511 > < CalibGlobal.AfterTPC.SamplingTime = 40.0 ns > < CalibGlobal.AfterTPC.ShapingTime = 200.0 ns > ********************************************* TPC Pedestals ********************************************* < CalibGlobal.Pedestals.MeanPedestal = 250 > ********************************************* TPC files ********************************************* < CalibGlobal.MMMappingFile = tpc_mm_mapping.dat > < CalibGlobal.ElecMappingFile = FECSerialPositionMap.dat > < CalibGlobal.DCCFEMMappingFile = tpc_dcc_fem_mapping.dat > < CalibGlobal.UseDBforMap = 0 > < CalibGlobal.UseDBtoEqualize = 0 > **************************************************** Switches not in use anymore, kept here provisionally (Reading them has been de-activated) **************************************************** CalibGlobal.GainEqualization = 1 CalibGlobal.ElecCalibration = 1