# Docker file written for ICEDUST docker-in-docker continuous integration # testing # Define the base container to build from #MC6 reduced image FROM gitlab-registry.in2p3.fr/comet/icedust_externals_source_lfs:c7-base_from_externals_MC6_tmva MAINTAINER Per Jonsson "per.jonsson@imperial.ac.uk" # Set the location of the build directory and packages directory ARG BUILD_IN=/build_input ENV BUILD_IN=/build_input ARG ICEDUST_PACKAGES=/cvmfs_copy/ICEDUST/ICEDUST_packages ENV ICEDUST_PACKAGES=/cvmfs_copy/ICEDUST/ICEDUST_packages # Copy the git files from the build context (on host) to the empty build input # directory (inside container) COPY ./ ${BUILD_IN} # Copy over any changes to the build scripts before we run them COPY IcedustTest/docker/ $ICEDUST_PACKAGES/IcedustTest/docker/ # By default compile the code ARG NC=0 # Run the build script RUN $ICEDUST_PACKAGES/IcedustTest/docker/docker_build_script.sh # Shoul download and add these files separately, size of docker file is too large ## Add optimised Phase-I field map #RUN mkdir ICEDUST_fieldmaps && cd ICEDUST_fieldmaps && git archive --format=tar.gz --remote=ssh://git@gitlab.in2p3.fr/comet/ICEDUST_fieldmaps.git master -- 150630_Phase-I_opt > fieldmap.tar.gz && tar -xf fieldmap.tar.gz && rm fieldmap.tar.gz # ## Add proton beam file #RUN cd /cvmfs_copy/ICEDUST && git clone -n git@gitlab.in2p3.fr:comet/ICEDUST_proton_beam.git --depth 1 && cd ICEDUST_proton_beam && git checkout HEAD 170712_ProtonBeamHistogram.root