# A simple configuration file to run Particle Gun Monte Carlo in comet # In this case protons are fired onto the production target # To get help for a command use RunIcedustControl --command="" [configuration] # The modules we'll be running module_list = SimG4 [filenaming] # Some metadata about the run for manual runs run_number = 1 subrun = 0 [geometry] # Run with the SingleComponent world with an individual component # world = SingleComponent # This cannot be changed if you want to use a SingleWorld component # component = SingleProductionTarget # Name of your geometry # macro = SingleTarget.macro # Name of the self-contained macro in ~/SimG4/geometry_macros/ world = SingleComponent component = SingleProductionTarget macro = SingleTarget.macro [fieldmap] # Here we're running without a magnetic field! source = none [SimG4] # Fire 'num_events' protons on the production target num_events = 10 # We'll be shooting protons with a specific position-momentum distribution from TDR14 primary_mode = ProtonBeam_TDR14 # Random number generator seed random_seed = 2 # Save all trajectories traj_saveall=false