# Config file for MC4 pre production # # This file runs all sections, with no cuts on particle energy [software] #cmtpath = environment #cmtroot = environment #packages_version=v3r1p3 #externals_version=v3r3 [configuration] module_list = SimG4 output_directory=%(OUTPUT_DIR) inputfile=%(INPUT_FILE) [filenaming] run_number = %(SH_RUN_NUMBER) subrun = %(SH_SUBRUN) version_number = %(SH_VERSION_NUMBER) [fieldmap] source = %(ICEDUST_FIELDMAPS) [SimG4] random_seed = %(SH_RANDOM_SEED) num_events = %(SH_NUM_EVENTS) primary_mode = RooTrackHist primary_particle = proton # Save all trajectories traj_saveall = False # Add the fake geantino to each event fake_geantino = False # Allow events with no primaries to be simulated empty_event = False # Profile every 10th event profile_events=10 # Setup the rootracker file init_rootracker = True # Custom commands for geometry custom_PreInit= # Readout settings /comet/Torus1/Readout Readout = flux tracker-first:entry /comet/DetectorSolenoid/Readout Readout = flux tracker-first:entry /comet/ProdTgtSec/Readout ProdTgtSecMonitorB:Readout = none /comet/ProdTgtSec/ProdTgtSecShields/Readout MonitorA:Readout = none # Rotate the target /comet/ProdTgtSec/Rotation ProductionTarget:Rotation = (axis=(0.16583, 0.98605, 0.01449), angle=-10.12538*degree) [geometry] # Run with the Phase-I world world=Phase-I-CyDet