#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <unistd.h> #include <fstream> #include <cometEventLoop.hxx> #include "ICOMETEvent.hxx" #include "COMETGeomId.hxx" #include <TROOT.h> #include <TStyle.h> #include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TMath.h> #include "IReconFGDHacked.hxx" /// Uses FGD isolated reconstruction to determine internal alignment parameters /// Convention of layer numbers is 0, 2, 4, ...28 for FGD1X layers, 1, 3, 5, ... 29 for FGD1Y, 30, 32, ...42 for FGD2X, 31...43 for FGD2Y class IRunFGDIntAlignLoop: public COMET::ICOMETEventLoopFunction { protected: IReconFGDHacked *fgd_recon; public: IRunFGDIntAlignLoop(); virtual ~IRunFGDIntAlignLoop() {} bool operator () (COMET::ICOMETEvent& event); void BeginFile(COMET::IVInputFile* input); bool SetOption(std::string option, std::string value=""); void Initialize(); void Finalize(COMET::ICOMETOutput* output); private: TFile *out; TTree *tree; const char* outputRootFileName; // Automatically acquire values from supplied geometry files with -G option double fgd1XInt; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer0; double fgd1YInt; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer1; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer2; double fgd2XInt; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer30; double fgd2YInt; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer31; COMET::IGeometryId fgdLayer32; double fgd1SepDist; double fgd2SepDist; double pos[44][10]; double chg[44][10]; double nodPos[44]; double sumWgtPos[44]; double sumChg[44]; double wgtDiffSq[44]; double wgtAvgPos[44]; // Parameters to be saved double res[44]; int layerHitCnt[44]; bool fgd1Xgood; bool fgd1Ygood; bool fgd2Xgood; bool fgd2Ygood; int evtno; int evtHitCnt; double fgd1TrackAngleX; double fgd1TrackAngleY; double fgd2TrackAngleX; double fgd2TrackAngleY; // Components of hits/nodes double nodX; double hitX; double nodY; double hitY; double nodZ; double hitZ; double charge; int hitItrPos; int layerNum; void FillArray(int start, int end, bool goodTrack) { layerNum = start; if (goodTrack) for (int i = start; i < end; i+=2) { wgtAvgPos[i] = sumWgtPos[i]/sumChg[i]; res[layerNum] = nodPos[i] - wgtAvgPos[i]; //if(res[layerNum] > 10) //std::cout<<"Event "<<evtno<<", layer "<<layerNum<<" residual: "<<res[layerNum]<<std::endl; layerNum+=2; } else for (int i = start; i < end; i+=2) { res[layerNum] = 9999; layerNum+=2; } } }; /// Setup the parameters for rejection criteria. void IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::Initialize() { // Specify the output file name outputRootFileName = COMET::IOARuntimeParameters::Get().GetParameterS("oaAlignTools.FGDIntAlignOutput").c_str(); // Make/call output file and TTree inside. out = new TFile(outputRootFileName); if(out->IsOpen()) { out->Close(); out = new TFile(outputRootFileName, "update"); tree = (TTree*)out->Get("fgdintaligntree"); tree->SetBranchAddress("layer", &layerNum); tree->SetBranchAddress("event hit count", &evtHitCnt); tree->SetBranchAddress("residual", res); tree->SetBranchAddress("layer hit count", layerHitCnt); tree->SetBranchAddress("FGD1X track angle", &fgd1TrackAngleX); tree->SetBranchAddress("FGD1Y track angle", &fgd1TrackAngleY); tree->SetBranchAddress("FGD2X track angle", &fgd2TrackAngleX); tree->SetBranchAddress("FGD2Y track angle", &fgd2TrackAngleY); } else { out = new TFile(outputRootFileName, "recreate"); tree = new TTree("fgdintaligntree", "FGD internal alignment"); tree->Branch("layer", &layerNum, "layerNum/I"); tree->Branch("event hit count", &evtHitCnt, "evtHitCnt/I"); tree->Branch("residual", res, "res[layerNum]/D"); tree->Branch("layer hit count", layerHitCnt, "layerHitCnt[layerNum]/I"); tree->Branch("FGD1X track angle", &fgd1TrackAngleX, "fgd1TrackAngleX/D"); tree->Branch("FGD1Y track angle", &fgd1TrackAngleY, "fgd1TrackAngleY/D"); tree->Branch("FGD2X track angle", &fgd2TrackAngleX, "fgd2TrackAngleX/D"); tree->Branch("FGD2Y track angle", &fgd2TrackAngleY, "fgd2TrackAngleY/D"); } } /// Write the TTree onto the file. void IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::Finalize(COMET::ICOMETOutput* output) { delete fgd_recon; out->Write(); out->Close(); } IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::IRunFGDIntAlignLoop() { // Set the default output level //COMET::ICOMETLog::SetLogLevel("tpcAlign",COMET::ICOMETLog::QuietLevel); } // I have never used this... can I get rid of it? bool IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::SetOption(std::string option, std::string value) { if (option == "v") { int value2 = atoi(value.c_str()); if (value2 == 1) COMET::ICOMETLog::SetLogLevel("tpcAlign",COMET::ICOMETLog::LogLevel); else if (value2 == 2) COMET::ICOMETLog::SetLogLevel("tpcAlign",COMET::ICOMETLog::InfoLevel); else if (value2 >= 3) COMET::ICOMETLog::SetLogLevel("tpcAlign",COMET::ICOMETLog::VerboseLevel); } else return false; return true; } /// Access geometry for module spacing and FGD intercepts void IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::BeginFile(COMET::IVInputFile*) { fgd_recon = new IReconFGDHacked(); } /// Main part of the program. Calls FGD Iso-recon and computes residuals /// by comparing hit positions with node positions on the fitted tracks. /// Charge on the hits is used as weight to perform weighted averaging of the /// hit position. Rejection criteria are all applied here. bool IRunFGDIntAlignLoop::operator () (COMET::ICOMETEvent& event) { COMET::IOADatabase::Get().Geometry(); fgdLayer0 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(0, 0, 0); fgdLayer1 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(0, 0, 1); fgdLayer2 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(0, 1, 0); fgdLayer30 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(1, 0, 0); fgdLayer31 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(1, 0, 1); fgdLayer32 = COMET::GeomId::FGD::Layer(1, 1, 0); fgd1SepDist = fgdLayer2.GetPosition().Z()-fgdLayer0.GetPosition().Z(); fgd2SepDist = fgdLayer32.GetPosition().Z()-fgdLayer30.GetPosition().Z(); fgd1XInt = fgdLayer0.GetPosition().Z(); fgd1YInt = fgdLayer1.GetPosition().Z(); fgd2XInt = fgdLayer30.GetPosition().Z(); fgd2YInt = fgdLayer31.GetPosition().Z(); evtno = event.GetEventId(); evtHitCnt = 0; fgd1Xgood = true; fgd1Ygood = true; fgd2Xgood = true; fgd2Ygood = true; layerNum = 0; fgd1TrackAngleX = 9999; fgd1TrackAngleY = 9999; fgd2TrackAngleX = 9999; fgd2TrackAngleY = 9999; if (evtno%100 == 0) std::cout<<"Processing event " << evtno <<std::endl; // ReconFGD's main algorithm without TPC matching COMET::IHandle<COMET::IHitSelection> fgd = event.GetHitSelection("fgd"); if(fgd) { for (COMET::IHitSelection::const_iterator hit = fgd->begin(); hit != fgd->end(); ++hit) { //if ((*hit)->IsXHit()) // std::cout<<"This is X-hit!"<<" "<<(*hit)->GetPosition().Z()<<std::endl; //else // std::cout<<"This is Y-hit!"<<" "<<(*hit)->GetPosition().Z()<<std::endl; evtHitCnt++; } } IFGDTruthInfo::Get().SetEventInfo(event); COMET::IHandle<COMET::IAlgorithmResult> FgdResult = COMET::IHandle<COMET::IAlgorithmResult>(); //FgdResult = event.GetFit("ReconFGD"); FgdResult = fgd_recon->HackedProcess(fgd); // if(FgdResult) //event.AddFit(FgdResult, "ReconFGD"); if (!FgdResult) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++) { sumWgtPos[i] = 0; sumChg[i] = 0; res[i] = 0; layerHitCnt[i] = 0; wgtDiffSq[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { pos[i][j] = 0; chg[i][j] = 0; } } // Get 2 sets of tracks from the FGD algorithm result. COMET::IHandle<COMET::IReconObjectContainer> xzReconTracks = (FgdResult)->GetResultsContainer("xzFgdReconTracks"); COMET::IHandle<COMET::IReconObjectContainer> yzReconTracks = (FgdResult)->GetResultsContainer("yzFgdReconTracks"); // Only let containers with 2 or less tracks - 1 for FGD1, 1 for FGD2 at maximum if (xzReconTracks && xzReconTracks->size() <= 2) for(COMET::IReconObjectContainer::iterator tr = xzReconTracks->begin(); tr != xzReconTracks->end(); tr++) { int xLayer; double increment; COMET::IHandle<COMET::IReconTrack> xzTrack = *tr; COMET::IHandle<COMET::IHitSelection> xzHits = xzTrack->GetHits(); double trackPosX = xzTrack->GetPosition().X(); double trackPosZ = xzTrack->GetPosition().Z(); double trackSlope = xzTrack->GetDirection().X()/xzTrack->GetDirection().Z(); if (trackPosZ > 1000) { fgd2TrackAngleX = atan(trackSlope)*180/TMath::Pi(); xLayer = 7; layerNum = 30; hitZ = fgd2XInt; increment = fgd2SepDist; } else { fgd1TrackAngleX = atan(trackSlope)*180/TMath::Pi(); xLayer = 15; layerNum = 0; hitZ = fgd1XInt; increment = fgd1SepDist; } for (int i = 0; i < xLayer; i++) { for(COMET::IHitSelection::iterator hit = xzHits->begin(); hit != xzHits->end(); hit++) { if (fabs((*hit)->GetPosition().Z()-hitZ) < 1) { pos[layerNum][layerHitCnt[layerNum]] = (*hit)->GetPosition().X(); chg[layerNum][layerHitCnt[layerNum]] = (*hit)->GetCharge(); layerHitCnt[layerNum]++; xzHits->RemoveHit(*hit); hit--; } } nodPos[layerNum] = trackPosX + trackSlope * (hitZ - trackPosZ); //std::cout<<layerNum<<" "<<nodPos[layerNum]<<std::endl; layerNum+=2; hitZ+=increment; } } // Only let containers with 2 or less tracks - 1 for FGD1, 1 for FGD2 at maximum if (yzReconTracks && yzReconTracks->size() <= 2) for(COMET::IReconObjectContainer::iterator tr = yzReconTracks->begin(); tr != yzReconTracks->end(); tr++) { int yLayer; double increment; COMET::IHandle<COMET::IReconTrack> yzTrack = *tr; COMET::IHandle<COMET::IHitSelection> yzHits = yzTrack->GetHits(); double trackPosY = yzTrack->GetPosition().Y(); double trackPosZ = yzTrack->GetPosition().Z(); double trackSlope = yzTrack->GetDirection().Y()/yzTrack->GetDirection().Z(); if (trackPosZ > 1000) { fgd2TrackAngleY = atan(trackSlope)*180/TMath::Pi(); yLayer = 7; layerNum = 31; hitZ = fgd2YInt; increment = fgd2SepDist; } else { fgd1TrackAngleY = atan(trackSlope)*180/TMath::Pi(); yLayer = 15; layerNum = 1; hitZ = fgd1YInt; increment = fgd1SepDist; } for (int i = 0; i < yLayer; i++) { for(COMET::IHitSelection::iterator hit = yzHits->begin(); hit != yzHits->end(); hit++) { if (fabs((*hit)->GetPosition().Z()-hitZ) < 1) { pos[layerNum][layerHitCnt[layerNum]] = (*hit)->GetPosition().Y(); chg[layerNum][layerHitCnt[layerNum]] = (*hit)->GetCharge(); layerHitCnt[layerNum]++; yzHits->RemoveHit(*hit); hit--; } } nodPos[layerNum] = trackPosY + trackSlope * (hitZ - trackPosZ); layerNum+=2; hitZ+=increment; } } for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++) { double tempPos = 0; for (int j = 0; j < layerHitCnt[i]; j++) { if (j == 0 || fabs(pos[i][j] - tempPos) < 10.0) { tempPos = pos[i][j]; sumWgtPos[i]+=pos[i][j]*chg[i][j]; sumChg[i]+=chg[i][j]; } else { if (i < 30 && i%2 == 0) fgd1Xgood = false; else if (i < 30) fgd1Ygood = false; else if (i%2 == 0) fgd2Xgood = false; else fgd2Ygood = false; } } } FillArray(0, 30, fgd1Xgood); FillArray(1, 30, fgd1Ygood); FillArray(30, 44, fgd2Xgood); FillArray(31, 44, fgd2Ygood); tree->Fill(); return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { IRunFGDIntAlignLoop userCode; cometEventLoop(argc,argv,userCode); }