* Parameters for alignment software < oaApplyAlign.ApplyAlignment = 1 > Defines whether to apply default alignment. Setting this to 0 will be useful if you want to test some other alignment and don't want the default alignment applied. < oaApplyAlign.ApplyTrackerSurvey = 1 > Defines whether to apply tracker survey alignment < oaApplyAlign.ApplyFGDIntAlign = 1 > Defines whether to apply FGD internal alignment < oaApplyAlign.ApplyMMSurvey = 1 > Defines whether to apply MM alignment < oaApplyAlign.ApplyP0DIntAlign = 1 > Defines whether to apply P0D internal alignment < oaApplyAlign.TestFlag = 0 > Flag for describing test configuration. Flag = 0 means default normal configuration. Changing this flag allows us to change hash for non-standard configurations.