#ifndef TBasketTrackSandMuonControlSample_h
#define TBasketTrackSandMuonControlSample_h

#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include <IControlSampleBase.hxx>

// Class to select sand muon events based on Basket tracks.  Selection criteria is either
// 1. There is one/only-one P0D track and only one TPC2 track.
// 2. There is one/only-one TPC1 track and only one TPC3 track.
// Originally from Anthony Hillariet; added to oaControlSample by T. Lindner
class IBasketTrackSandMuonControlSample : public IControlSampleBase {

  bool IsEventSelectedInternal(COMET::ICOMETEvent& event) ;
  void InitHistograms();

