#ifndef TFgdTrackSandMuonControlSample_h #define TFgdTrackSandMuonControlSample_h #include "TGraph.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include #include // Class to select events based on FGD tracks. Selection criteria is // that there must be one (and only one) iso-recon reconstructed track // in each FGD (using all FGD hits). class IFgdTrackSandMuonControlSample : public IControlSampleBase { public: IFgdTrackSandMuonControlSample(); ~IFgdTrackSandMuonControlSample(){} private: bool IsEventSelectedInternal(COMET::ICOMETEvent& event) ; void InitHistograms(); Double_t fTotPOT; Double_t fPrevPOT; Int_t fNSelected; TGraph* gEventsPOT; TH1F *hNFgd1Tracks, *hNFgd2Tracks; TH1F *hNTpc1Tracks, *hNTpc2Tracks, *hNTpc3Tracks; TH1F* hPOTDiff; }; #endif