// AK20110616 Modified from G4beamline v2.03 BLFieldMap.hh // /* This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #ifndef MYBLFIELDMAP_HH #define MYBLFIELDMAP_HH #include #include "IElementField.hxx" namespace COMET { /** class IBLFieldMap implements a general field map, both B and E. * * Initially this class simply reads an input file to define the map. * Eventually it will also generate a map automatically from a BLCoil, * and from an arbitrary collection of magnets (to improve tracking * efficiency for a large number of overlapping solenoids). * * Field components are interpolated in the map; the values used are: * Bx = (interpolated value)*normB*(element_current/current_param) * Ex = (interpolated value)*normE*(element_gradient/gradient_param) * [other components are similar] * where element_current and element_gradient are from the element * definition command in the input file, and normB, normE, curren_param, * and gradient_param come from the input file. The presence of both norm * and current/gradient in the input file is to accommodate diverse * sources of input files and units. * * Outside the map the fields are zero, so if the map is truncated you * should ensure that no particles are tracked outside the map in that * region. This happens, for instance, for a beam solenoid truncated * in radius to the inside of the coil -- particles which enter the * coil will see a zero field, so the coil should be set to kill them; * particles outside the map along z but inside the bore will also see * a zero field, but that is usually OK as long as the map extends far * enough along Z to include the nonzero field region. * * * Input File format: * Blank lines, and lines beginning with # or * are comments. Lines * beginning with * are printed to stdout. Units are mm for coordinates, * Tesla for B, and MegaVolts/meter for E; use normB and normE if the * data points use different units. * * The input file starts with a set of commands to define the parameters * of the map, followed by blocks of lines containing the values of the * field components. The field component names depend on the type of map * (grid: Bx,By,Bz,Ex,Ey,Ez; cylinder: Br,Bz,Er,Ez). * Each command has a specific list of arguments to define parameters * of the map. * * BEWARE: the parsing is not exhaustive. For instance, invalid arguments * are silently ignored (which means you must verify the spelling and * capitalization of argument names). Correct inputs will yield correct * results, but invalid inputs may not be detected and may yield * seemingly-correct but unintended results. * * The first command is usually a param command, which has the following * arguments: * maxline The maximum number of characters per line (default=1023) * current The current corresponding to this map (default=1.0) * gradient The gradient corresponding to the map (default=1.0) * normE A normalization factor for E components (default=1.0) * normB A normalization factor for B components (default=1.0) * * Two types of maps are implemented: grid and cylinder. * * grid maps are a 3-D grid, with each block of data being a single * X-Y plane; within a block the lines are Y and the columns of each line * are values along X. * The grid command has the following arguments: * X0 The X value for the first value in each line * Y0 The Y value for the first line in each block * Z0 The Z value for the first block of each field component * nX The number of columns per line * nY The number of lines per block * nZ The number of blocks per field component * dX The X increment between values in each line * dY The Y increment between lines * dZ The Z increment between blocks * tolerance The tolerance for pointwise data (default=0.01 mm) * After the grid command, the following optional commands can be given: * extendX flip=... * extendY flip=... * extendZ flip=... * These commands permit a half-map to be extended to the full map * around X=0, Y=0, or Z=0 respectively. The optional flip argument is a * comma-separated list of field components whose signs will be inverted * for negative values of the coordinate. For example, "extendZ flip=Bx,Ex" * means the map from Z=0 to Z=(nZ-1)*dZ is extended symmetrically around * Z=0 to negative Z values, flipping the signs of Bx and Ex when Z<0. * This could be followed by "extendX flip=Bx,Ex", and the field flips * will be the products of both commands. * * cylinder maps are a 2-D map with rotational symmetry around the Z axis. * Each field component has a single block with lines being Z and the * columns being R. * The cylinder command has the following arguments: * Z0 The Z value for the first line in each block * nR The number of columns per line * nZ The number of lines per block * dR The R increment between colums * dZ The Z increment between lines * tolerance The tolerance for pointwise data (default=0.01 mm) * After the cylinder command, the following optional commands can be * given: * extendZ flip=... * This command behaves the same as for the grid map. * * After the commands, each block consists of a line containing the * name of the field component, followed by the lines of the block. * The values within a line can be separated by whitespace or a ',' * followed by optional whitespace. * Field components that are not given are set to 0.0 everywhere. * Missing values will be considered to be 0.0. * For grid maps the first block is for Z=Z0, and successive blocks * increment Z by dZ; the first line in a block is for Y=Y0 and the * first column in each line is for X=X0. * For cylinder maps, the first line in each block is for Z=Z0 and the * first column in each line is for R=0. * * Instead of the blocked input format, a pointwise data format can be * used. This is introduced by a line containing the command "data", * followed by the individual points of the map, one per line. * for a grid field, each line contains values for * X,Y,Z,Bx,By,Bz,Ex,Ey,Ez separated by either a comma and optional * whitespece or by whitespace. for a cylinder field each line contains * values for R,Z,Br,Bz,Er,Ez. The order of the points does not matter; * omitted grid points will be 0.0, and for duplicates the last entry * wins. If there is no E field, the Ex,Ey,Ez or Er,Ez entries should * be omitted on every line. NOTE: every line's X,Y,Z or R,Z must be * on a grid point as specified by the arguments to the grid or cylinder * commands, to within the tolerance specified; if not, an error message * is printed and the input line is ignored. * * For time=dependent fields, the "time" command is used: * time [period=12] * period, if given, is in nanoseconds, and causes the interval [0,period) * to be extended forever (before and after the values given). Because of * the interpolation used, at least two points beyond the interval * boundaries should be provided; there need not be a point at either * boundary (but usually there are). * Following the time command are lines containing 2 or 3 doubles: * t B E * where t is the time (nanoseconds), and B and E are factors for the * fields. If E is omitted, the value for B is used. These values will * be interpolated in time with a cubic spline that can handle either * uniform or non-uniform spacing of points along t. * The time command can come either before or after the cylinder or grid * commands, but not within either of their sequences. * Note a cubic spline is used to interpolate between points, and that * can cause over/under-shoot near an abrupt change. Combined with period= * this gives an excellent representation of sinewave/cosinewave. * * Note that time dependence can currently only be specified via the * time command in an input file (i.e. not programmable method exists). * * * Example block input file: * * this is an example IBLFieldMap input file, suitable for a solenoid * # grid interval is 1 cm. * # The region of validity is -390<=Z<=390 and 0<=R<=90 * param normB=1.0 current=1.0 * cylinder Z0=0.0 nR=10 nZ=40 dR=10.0 dZ=10.0 * extendZ flip=Br * Bz * ... 40 lines of 10 values, Z=0 thru Z=390 * Br * ... 40 lines of 10 values, Z=0 thru Z=390 * --EOF-- * * Example pointwise input file: * * this is an example IBLFieldMap input file, suitable for a solenoid * # grid interval is 1 cm. * # The region of validity is -390<=Z<=390 and 0<=R<=90 * param normB=1.0 current=1.0 * cylinder Z0=0.0 nR=10 nZ=40 dR=10.0 dZ=10.0 * extendZ flip=Br * data * ... 400 lines of 4 values, giving R,Z,Br,Bz * --EOF-- * **/ class IBLFieldMap { public: /// default constructor. IBLFieldMap(); /// destructor. virtual ~IBLFieldMap(); /// readFile() reads a file to initialize the map. /// Returns true if OK, false on error. bool readFile(std::string filename); /// writeFile() writes the map to a file. /// Returns true if OK, false on error. bool writeFile(std::string filename, std::string comment=""); /// getFieldValue() gets the map's field to the field[] array. /// local[] must be LOCAL coordinates; local[3] (time) is ignored /// unless there is a time dependence specified. /// (elements using IBLFieldMap perform the global->local conversion) void getFieldValue(const Double_t local[4], Double_t field[6], Double_t current=1.0, Double_t gradient=1.0); /// getBoundingPoint() returns the i-th bounding point of the map. void getBoundingPoint(int i, Double_t point[4]); /// getBoundingBox() sets aBox to the bounding box of the map. void getBoundingBox(BoundingBox_t& aBox); /// hasB() returns true if this map has a nonzero B field. bool hasB(); /// hasE() returns true if this map has a nonzero E field. bool hasE(); /// createGridMap() will create a 3-d map from a pre-defined field. /// returns false if error. bool createGridMap(Double_t X0, Double_t Y0, Double_t Z0, Double_t dX, Double_t dY, Double_t dZ, int nX, int nY, int nZ, class IFieldManager *field); /// createCylinderMap() will create a 2-d map from a pre-defined /// cylindrically-symmetric field. NOTE: cylindrical symmetry is /// ASSUMED; the field in the Y=0,X>=0 half-plane is used (Bx->Br...). /// returns false if error. bool createCylinderMap(Double_t Z0, Double_t dR, Double_t dZ, int nR, int nZ, class IFieldManager *field); /// createTimeDependence() will apply the time dependence given. /// n is the # elements in the arrays; t[] is the time value for /// each point, b[] is the factor for B, and e[] is the factor for E. /// returns false if error. bool createTimeDependence(int n, Double_t t[], Double_t b[], Double_t e[]=0, Double_t period=-1.0); /// getTimeFactor() returns the time factors for B and E at time t. /// returns false if error. bool getTimeFactor(Double_t t, Double_t *b, Double_t *e); private: Int_t maxline; Double_t current; Double_t gradient; Double_t normB; Double_t normE; class FieldMapImpl *impl; class TimeImpl *time; // friend class FieldMapPlacement; }; } #endif // MYBLFIELDMAP_HH