#ifndef TReconCluster_hxx_seen #define TReconCluster_hxx_seen #include #include #include "IHandle.hxx" #include "IReconBase.hxx" #include "IClusterState.hxx" #include "EoaCore.hxx" namespace COMET { class IReconCluster; OA_EXCEPTION(EReconCluster,EoaCore); OA_EXCEPTION(EMomentsSize,EReconCluster); } /// Represent an extended energy deposition centered at a position (i.e. a /// spheroidal blob of energy). This type of energy deposit is described by /// the amount of energy, and the central position of the deposit /// (deposit,position,time) in an COMET::IClusterState object. The specific hits /// associated with the cluster are available through the GetHits method. The /// moments of the distribution can be retrieved using the GetMoments() /// method. /// /// A IReconCluster object is a relatively heavy object. Small collecions of /// hits (e.g. pairs of hits in a single P0D plane, or very local TPC charge /// depositions) should be saved using a IComboHit. See COMET::TChargeCluster2D /// as an example. /// /// The COMET::IReconCluster class is intended to describe the geometry of the /// energy deposition in a detector, and not make the association with a /// particular particle identification. Assignment of particle types to the /// detector measurements is done in the COMET::TReconParticle class. class COMET::IReconCluster: public COMET::IReconBase { public: typedef TMatrixTSym MomentMatrix; IReconCluster(); /// copy constructor IReconCluster(const COMET::IReconCluster& cluster); virtual ~IReconCluster(); /// Get the energy deposited in the cluster. double GetEDeposit() const; /// Get the cluster position. TLorentzVector GetPosition() const; /// Get the track starting position uncertainty. TLorentzVector GetPositionVariance() const; /// Get the number of (non-free) spacial dimensions int GetDimensions() const; /// Check if this cluster has X information. bool IsXCluster() const; /// Check if this cluster has Y information. bool IsYCluster() const; /// Check if this cluster has Z information. bool IsZCluster() const; /// Get the moments of the charge distribution. const MomentMatrix& GetMoments() const; /// Set the moments of the charge distribution. void SetMoments(double xx, double yy, double zz, double xy, double xz, double yz); /// Set the moments of the charge distribution. The input matrix is /// assumed to be symmetric and only the upper half of the elements are /// accessed. void SetMoments(const TMatrixT& moments); /// @{ Fill the COMET::IReconCluster and COMET::IClusterState objects from a /// COMET::IHitSelection. The position is set to average hit position (the /// hit position uncertainty is used), and the energy deposit is the sum /// of the hit charges. void FillFromHits(const char* name, const COMET::IHitSelection& hits) { FillFromHits(name, hits.begin(), hits.end()); } void FillFromHits(const char* name, COMET::IHitSelection::const_iterator b, COMET::IHitSelection::const_iterator e); /// @} /// List the results of in the cluster. virtual void ls(Option_t* opt = "") const; private: /// The moments for this cluster. MomentMatrix fMoments; ClassDef(IReconCluster,1); }; #endif