* $Id: IDbiConfigStream.hxx,v 1.1 2011/01/18 05:49:19 finch Exp $
* \class COMET::IDbiConfigStream
* \brief
* Concept I/O of configuration data and equivalent IDbiRegistry objs.
* \brief
* Purpose Used to fill/store IDbiRegistry objects.
* Contact: A.Finch@lancaster.ac.uk
#include "IDbi.hxx"
#include "IDbiConfigSet.hxx"
#include "IDbiResultSetHandle.hxx"
#include "IDbiRegistry.hxx"
#include "IVldContext.hxx"
namespace COMET {
class IDbiConfigStream;
class IDbiFieldType;
namespace COMET{
class IDbiRegistry;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const COMET::IDbiConfigStream& cfStream);
namespace COMET {
class IDbiConfigStream
static COMET::IVldContext fgDefaultContext;
// Constructors and destructors.
IDbiConfigStream(const std::string& SoftwName,
const std::string& ConfigName="default",
COMET::IVldContext vc = IDbiConfigStream::fgDefaultContext,
IDbi::Task task=0,
const std::string& tableName="SOFTWARE_CONFIGURATION");
virtual ~IDbiConfigStream();
// State testing member functions
const COMET::IDbiConfigStream& operator>>(IDbiRegistry* reg);
const IDbiConfigSet* GetConfigSet() const { return fCFSet; }
// State changing member functions
COMET::IDbiConfigStream& operator<<(const IDbiRegistry* reg);
Bool_t IsEmpty() { return fCFSet == 0; }
IDbiValidityRec& GetValidityRec() { return fVRec; }
Bool_t Write(UInt_t dbNo = 0,
const std::string& logComment = "",
Bool_t localTest = false);
IDbiConfigStream(const IDbiConfigStream&); // Not implimented
// Data members
/// Pointer to the associated configuration set. May point either
/// to a row of fCFSetTable (or 0) or, after operator <<, to fCFSetModified
const IDbiConfigSet*
/// Pointer to ConfigSet table
/// Local COMET::IDbiConfigSet (empty until/unless filled using operator <<).
IDbiConfigSet fCFSetModified;
/// Associated validity rec (used when writing back to the database).
IDbiValidityRec fVRec;
/// Name of the configuration set
std::string fConfigName;
/// Name of the software system to be configured
std::string fSoftwName;
ClassDef(IDbiConfigStream,0) // Input/output stream of configuration data