////////////////////////////     ROOT API     ////////////////////////////

#include <memory>
#include <cassert>

#include "TCollection.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TSQLColumnInfo.h"
#include "TSQLStatement.h"
#include "TSQLServer.h"
#include "TSQLTableInfo.h"
#include "TString.h"

#include "DbiDetector.hxx"
#include "DbiSimFlag.hxx"
#include "IDbiDBProxy.hxx"
#include "IDbiCascader.hxx"
#include "IDbiFieldType.hxx"
#include "IDbiInRowStream.hxx"
#include "IDbiServices.hxx"
#include "IDbiString.hxx"
#include "IDbiStatement.hxx"
#include "IDbiTableMetaData.hxx"
#include "IDbiTimerManager.hxx"
#include "IDbiValidityRec.hxx"
#include <ICOMETLog.hxx>
#include <IMsgFormat.h>
using std::endl;
#include "IVldContext.hxx"

#include "UtilString.hxx"


//   Typedefs
//   ********

//   Definition of static data members
//   *********************************

//    Definition of all member functions (static or otherwise)
//    *******************************************************
//    -  ordered: ctors, dtor, operators then in alphabetical order.


COMET::IDbiDBProxy::IDbiDBProxy(COMET::IDbiCascader& cascader,
                       const string& tableName,
                       const COMET::IDbiTableMetaData* metaData,
                       const COMET::IDbiTableMetaData* metaValid,
                       const COMET::IDbiTableProxy* tableProxy) :
//  Purpose:  Constructor
//  Arguments:
//  cascader   in   Reference to one and only cascader
//  tableName  in   Table name.
//  metaData   in   Meta data for main table.
//  metaValid  in   Meta data for validity.
//  tableProxy in   Owning COMET::IDbiTableProxy.



COMET::IDbiDBProxy::~IDbiDBProxy() {
//  Purpose: Destructor

  COMETTrace( "Destroying COMET::IDbiDBProxy "
               << fTableName << " at " << this
        << "  ");


void COMET::IDbiDBProxy::FindTimeBoundaries(const COMET::IVldContext& vc,
                                    const IDbi::Task& task,
                                    UInt_t dbNo,
                                    const COMET::IDbiValidityRec& lowestPriorityVrec,
            Bool_t resolveByCreationDate,
                                    COMET::IVldTimeStamp& start,
                                    COMET::IVldTimeStamp& end) const {
//  Purpose: Find next time boundaries beyond standard time gate.
//  Arguments:
//    vc                    in    The Validity Context for the query.
//    task                  in    The task of the query.
//    dbNo                  in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//    lowestPriorityVrec    in    Lowest priority VLD in the time gate
//    resolveByCreationDate in  The method for resolving VLDs:
//                                 if true use CREATIONDATE (MINOS scheme)
//                                 if false use EPOCH,TIMESTART,INSERTDATE (T2K scheme)
//    start                 out   Lower time boundary or COMET::IVldTimeStamp(0,0) if none
//    end                   out   Upper time boundary or COMET::IVldTimeStamp(0x7FFFFFFF,0) if none
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Find the next time boundary (either TIMESTART or TIMEEND)
//    outside the current time gate that is potentionally of higher priority.
//  Explanation:-
//  ===========
//  In oder to keep the number of VLDs to a manageable level when doing a
//  Standard Context query, a time gate around the context is imposed and
//  any VLD rejected if it does not overlap the query. However, this
//  implies that the maximum validity of the query result set is also
//  limited by the time gate and hence the interface will again have to
//  query the database when a context outside the time gate is
//  requested. This function attempts to open up the validity of the
//  result set by looking for the nearest start or end of a VLD outside
//  the time gate that is of higher priority. In MINOS, priority is just
//  CREATIONDATE, so the function just looks for VLDs with a higher
//  CREATIONDATE.  For T2K the priority scheme is more complicated:
//  EPOCH,TIMESTART,INSERTDATE and it is not possible to construct a SQL
//  query that only considers higher priority VLDs so the function makes a
//  simplification and only rejects VLDs with a lower EPOCH number.  The
//  consequence of this is that it may accept VLDs that are of a lower
//  priority than the current one and hence the result set validity does
//  not get opened up to its full extent.  All this means is that the
//  interface will have to make another query earlier that it need do but
//  at least it will not miss a VLD boundary and should still keep the current
//  results longer than it would have if this function had not been
//  called.

  COMETVerbose( "FindTimeBoundaries for table " <<  fTableName
          << " context " << vc
          << " task " << task
          << " Lowest priority VLD creation date: " <<  lowestPriorityVrec.GetCreationDate()
          << " and EPOCH: " << lowestPriorityVrec.GetEpoch()
          << " resolve by: " << ( resolveByCreationDate ? "CREATIONDATE" : "EPOCH")
          << " database " << dbNo << "  ");

//  Set the limits wide open
  start = COMET::IVldTimeStamp(0,0);
  end   = COMET::IVldTimeStamp(0x7FFFFFFF,0);

//  Construct a Time Gate on the current date.

  const COMET::IVldTimeStamp curVTS = vc.GetTimeStamp();
  Int_t timeGate = IDbi::GetTimeGate(this->GetTableName());
  time_t vcSec = curVTS.GetSec() - timeGate;
  COMET::IVldTimeStamp startGate(vcSec,0);
  vcSec += 2*timeGate;
  COMET::IVldTimeStamp endGate(vcSec,0);
  string startGateString(IDbi::MakeDateTimeString(startGate));
  string endGateString(IDbi::MakeDateTimeString(endGate));

// Extract information for COMET::IVldContext.

  COMET::DbiDetector::Detector_t    detType(vc.GetDetector());
  COMET::DbiSimFlag::SimFlag_t       simFlg(vc.GetSimFlag());

// Use an auto_ptr to manage ownership of COMET::IDbiStatement and TSQLStatement
  auto_ptr<COMET::IDbiStatement> stmtDb(fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo));

  for (int i_limit =1; i_limit <= 4; ++i_limit ) {
    COMET::IDbiString sql("select ");
    if ( i_limit == 1 ) sql  << "min(TIMESTART) from " << fTableName
                             << "VLD where TIMESTART > '" << endGateString << "' ";
    if ( i_limit == 2 ) sql  << "min(TIMEEND) from " << fTableName
                             << "VLD where TIMEEND > '" << endGateString  << "' ";
    if ( i_limit == 3 ) sql  << "max(TIMESTART) from " << fTableName
                             << "VLD where TIMESTART < '" << startGateString << "' ";
    if ( i_limit == 4 ) sql  << "max(TIMEEND) from " << fTableName
                             << "VLD where TIMEEND < '" << startGateString  << "' ";
    sql << " and DetectorMask & " << static_cast<unsigned int>(detType)
        << " and SimMask & " << static_cast<unsigned int>(simFlg)
  << " and  Task = " << task;
    if ( resolveByCreationDate )
         sql << " and CREATIONDATE >= '" << IDbi::MakeDateTimeString(lowestPriorityVrec.GetCreationDate()) << "'";
    else sql << " and EPOCH >= " << lowestPriorityVrec.GetEpoch();
    COMETVerbose( "  FindTimeBoundaries query no. " << i_limit
        << " SQL:" <<sql.c_str() << "  ");

    auto_ptr<TSQLStatement> stmt(stmtDb->ExecuteQuery(sql.c_str()));
    stmtDb->PrintExceptions(COMET::ICOMETLog::DebugLevel );

//  If the query returns data, convert to a time stamp and trim the limits
    TString date;
    if ( ! stmt.get() || ! stmt->NextResultRow() || stmt->IsNull(0) ) continue;
    date = stmt->GetString(0);
    if ( date.IsNull() ) continue;
    COMET::IVldTimeStamp ts(IDbi::MakeTimeStamp(date.Data()));
    COMETVerbose( "  FindTimeBoundaries query result: " << ts << "  ");
    if ( i_limit <= 2 && ts < end   ) end   = ts;
    if ( i_limit >= 3 && ts > start ) start = ts;


  COMETVerbose( "FindTimeBoundaries for table " <<  fTableName
      << " found " << start << " .. " << end << "  ");


UInt_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::GetNumDb() const {
//  Purpose:  Return the number of databases in the cascade.

  return fCascader.GetNumDb();


Bool_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::HasEpoch() const {
  return fMetaValid->HasEpoch();

COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QueryAllValidities (UInt_t dbNo,UInt_t seqNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply all validities query to database..
//  Arguments:
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//    seqNo        in    Just this SEQNO if >0 or all if 0 [default: 0]
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Ask for every row in associated validity range table and return
//    query results qualifying selection by fSqlCondition if defined.

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  This function is provided to support database maintenance
//  rather than standard COMET::IDbi related I/O

// Generate SQL for validity table.

  COMET::IDbiString sql;

  sql << "select * from " << fTableName << "VLD";
  if ( fSqlCondition != "" ) sql << " where " << fSqlCondition;
  if ( seqNo > 0 ) {
    if ( fSqlCondition == "" ) sql << " where ";
    else                       sql << " and ";
    sql << "seqno = " << seqNo;
  sql  << ";" << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                         << " query: " << sql.GetString() << "  ");

//  Apply query and return result..

  COMET::IDbiStatement* stmtDb = fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo);
  return new COMET::IDbiInRowStream(stmtDb,sql,fMetaValid,fTableProxy,dbNo);



COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QuerySeqNo(UInt_t seqNo, UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply sequence query to database..
//  Arguments:
//    seqNo        in    The sequence number for the query.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Apply sequence query to table and return query results

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  None..

// Generate SQL.

  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql << "select * from " << fTableName << " where "
      << "    SEQNO= " << seqNo;

  if ( COMET::IDbiServices::OrderContextQuery() ) sql << " order by ROW_COUNTER";

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                         << " SeqNo query: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query and return result..

  COMET::IDbiStatement* stmtDb = fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo);
  return new COMET::IDbiInRowStream(stmtDb,sql,fMetaData,fTableProxy,dbNo);



COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QuerySeqNos(SeqList_t& seqNos,
                                       UInt_t dbNo,
                                       const string& sqlData,
                                       const string& fillOpts) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply query for a list of sequence numbers to database..
//  Arguments:
//    seqNos       in    The vector of sequence numbers for the query.
//                       Should be in acsending order, see Program Notes
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//    sqlData      in    Optional SQL extension to secondary query.
//    fillOpts     in    Optional fill options (available to COMET::IDbiTableRow
//                       objects when filling.
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Apply sequence query to table and return query results

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  Where possible the SQL query is kept to a minimm by using
//  `BETWEEN' comparison to bracket ranges of numbers.

// Generate SQL.

  if ( seqNos.size() == 0 ) return 0;

  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql << "select * from " << fTableName << " where ";

  if ( sqlData != "" ) sql << "( ";
  Bool_t first = kTRUE;
  SeqList_t::const_iterator itr1 = seqNos.begin();

  while ( itr1 != seqNos.end() ) {
    UInt_t seq1 = *itr1;
    UInt_t seq2 = seq1;
    SeqList_t::const_iterator itr2 = itr1;
    while ( itr2 != seqNos.end() && seq2 == *itr2 ) {
    if ( first ) {
      first = kFALSE;
    else {
      sql << "or ";
    if ( seq2 > seq1 + 1) {
      sql << "SEQNO between " << seq1 << " and " << seq2-1 << ' ';
      itr1 = itr2;
    else {
      sql << "SEQNO = " << seq1 << ' ';

  if ( sqlData != "" ) sql << ")  and " << "(" << sqlData << ")" << " ";

  sql << "order by SEQNO";

  if ( COMET::IDbiServices::OrderContextQuery() ) sql << ",ROW_COUNTER";

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                         << " SeqNos query: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query and return result..

  COMET::IDbiStatement* stmtDb = fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo);
  return new COMET::IDbiInRowStream(stmtDb,sql,fMetaData,fTableProxy,dbNo,fillOpts);



COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QueryValidity (const COMET::IVldContext& vc,
                                          const IDbi::Task& task,
                                          UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply validity query to database..
//  Arguments:
//    vc           in    The Validity Context for the query.
//    task         in    The task of the query.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Apply query to associated validity range table and return query
//    results qualifying selection by fSqlCondition if defined.

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  Rather than search over the full table this function places
//  a time gate round the context time and then trims any validity
//  range returned to this gate.  See FindTimeBoundaries to get a
//  more accurate validity range.

//  Construct a search window on the current date.

  const COMET::IVldTimeStamp curVTS = vc.GetTimeStamp();
  Int_t timeGate = IDbi::GetTimeGate(this->GetTableName());
  time_t vcSec = curVTS.GetSec() - timeGate;
  COMET::IVldTimeStamp startGate(vcSec,0);
  vcSec += 2*timeGate;
  COMET::IVldTimeStamp endGate(vcSec,0);

// Extract information for COMET::IVldContext.

  string startGateString(IDbi::MakeDateTimeString(startGate));
  string endGateString(IDbi::MakeDateTimeString(endGate));
  COMET::DbiDetector::Detector_t    detType(vc.GetDetector());
  COMET::DbiSimFlag::SimFlag_t       simFlg(vc.GetSimFlag());

// Generate SQL for context.

  COMET::IDbiString context;
  context << "    TimeStart <= '" << endGateString << "' "
          << "and TimeEnd    > '" << startGateString << "' "
          << "and DetectorMask & " << static_cast<unsigned int>(detType)
          << " and SimMask & " << static_cast<unsigned int>(simFlg);

//  Apply query and return result..

  return this->QueryValidity(context.GetString(),task,dbNo);


COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QueryValidity (const string& context,
                                          const IDbi::Task& task,
                                          UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply validity query to database..
//  Arguments:
//    context      in    The Validity Context (see COMET::IDbiSqlContext)
//    task         in    The task of the query.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Apply query to associated validity range table and return query
//    results qualifying selection by fSqlCondition if defined.

// Generate SQL for validity table.

  COMET::IDbiString sql;

// In the MINOS  scheme queries are  ordered by creation date (the later the better)
// but if the table has an EPOCH column then the T2K scheme is used (EPOCH,TIMESTART,INSERTDATE)

  string orderByName("CREATIONDATE desc");
  if ( this->HasEpoch() ) orderByName = "EPOCH desc,TIMESTART desc,INSERTDATE desc";
  sql << "select * from " << fTableName << "VLD"
      << " where " ;
  if ( fSqlCondition != ""
      ) sql << fSqlCondition << " and ";
  sql << context;
  if ( task != IDbi::kAnyTask
       ) sql << " and  Task = " << task
             << " order by " << orderByName << ";" << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                         << " query: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query and return result..

  COMET::IDbiStatement* stmtDb = fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo);
  return new COMET::IDbiInRowStream(stmtDb,sql,fMetaValid,fTableProxy,dbNo);


COMET::IDbiInRowStream*  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::QueryValidity (UInt_t seqNo,
                                          UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Apply validity query to database..
//  Arguments:
//    seqNo        in    The SEQNO of the validity rec.
//  Return:    New COMET::IDbiResultSet object.
//             NB  Caller is responsible for deleting..
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Apply query to associated validity range table and return query
//    results qualifying selection by fSqlCondition if defined.

// Generate SQL for validity table.

  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql << "select * from " << fTableName << "VLD where ";
  if ( fSqlCondition != "" ) sql << fSqlCondition << " and ";
  sql << "SEQNO = " << seqNo << ";";

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                         << " SEQNO query: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query and return result..

  COMET::IDbiStatement* stmtDb = fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo);
  return new COMET::IDbiInRowStream(stmtDb,sql,fMetaValid,fTableProxy,dbNo);



Bool_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::RemoveSeqNo(UInt_t seqNo,
                               UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Remove sequence number in main and auxiliary tables.
//  Arguments:
//    seqNo        in    The sequence number to be removed.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    kTRUE if output successful,otherwise kFALSE.
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Remove sequence number in main and auxiliary tables.

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  None.

// Generate SQL to remove SeqNo in main table.
  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql  << "delete from  " << fTableName
       << " where SEQNO = " << seqNo << ";"
       << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                        << " RemoveSeqNo SQL: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query.
  auto_ptr<COMET::IDbiStatement> stmtDb(fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo));
  if ( ! stmtDb.get() ) return false;
  if ( ! stmtDb->ExecuteUpdate(sql.c_str()) || stmtDb->PrintExceptions() ) {
       COMETSevere( "SQL: " << sql.c_str()
         << " Failed. " << "  ");
    return false;

// Generate SQL to remove SeqNo in validity table.
  sql << "delete from  " << fTableName
      << "VLD where SEQNO = " << seqNo << ";"
      << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                        << " RemoveSeqNo SQL: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query.
  if (  ! stmtDb->ExecuteUpdate(sql.c_str()) ||  stmtDb->PrintExceptions() ) {
       COMETSevere( "SQL: " << sql.c_str()
         << " Failed. " << "  ");
    return false;

  return true;



Bool_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::ReplaceInsertDate(const COMET::IVldTimeStamp& ts,
                                     UInt_t SeqNo,
                                     UInt_t dbNo) const{
//  Purpose:  Replace insertion date for row in auxiliary table.
//  Arguments:
//    ts           in    Time stamp for new insertion date.
//    SeqNo        in    The sequence number of the row to be replaced.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    kTRUE if output successful,otherwise kFALSE.
//  Contact:   N. West

// Generate SQL.
  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql << "update  " << fTableName
      << "VLD set INSERTDATE = \'" << ts.AsString("s")
      << "\' where SEQNO = " << SeqNo << ";"
      << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                        << " ReplaceInsertDate SQL: "
                        << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query.
  auto_ptr<COMET::IDbiStatement> stmtDb(fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo));
  if ( ! stmtDb.get() ) return false;
  if (! stmtDb->ExecuteUpdate(sql.c_str()) || stmtDb->PrintExceptions() ) {
       COMETSevere( "SQL: " << sql.c_str()
         << " Failed. " << "  ");
    return false;

  return true;


Bool_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::ReplaceSeqNo(UInt_t oldSeqNo,
                                UInt_t newSeqNo,
                                UInt_t dbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Replace sequence number in main and auxiliary tables.
//  Arguments:
//    oldSeqNo     in    The old sequence number.
//    nwSeqNo      in    The new sequence number.
//    dbNo         in    Database number in cascade (starting at 0).
//  Return:    kTRUE if output successful,otherwise kFALSE.
//  Contact:   N. West
//  Specification:-
//  =============
//  o Replace sequence number in main and auxiliary tables.

//  Program Notes:-
//  =============

//  None.

  if ( ! fCascader.GetConnection(dbNo) ) {
    COMETWarn(  "Cannot renumber " << oldSeqNo
       << " no connection to cascade entry " << dbNo << "  ");
    return false;

// Generate SQL to replace SeqNo in validity table.
  COMET::IDbiString sql;
  sql << "update  " << fTableName
      << "VLD set SEQNO = " << newSeqNo
      << " where SEQNO = " << oldSeqNo << ";"
      << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                        << " ReplaceSeqNo SQL: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query.
  auto_ptr<COMET::IDbiStatement> stmtDb(fCascader.CreateStatement(dbNo));
  if ( ! stmtDb.get() ) return false;
  if ( ! stmtDb->ExecuteUpdate(sql.c_str()) || stmtDb->PrintExceptions() ) {
       COMETSevere( "SQL: " << sql.c_str()
         << " Failed. " << "  ");
    return false;

// Generate SQL to replace SeqNo in main table.
  sql  << "update  " << fTableName
       << " set SEQNO = " << newSeqNo
       << " where SEQNO = " << oldSeqNo << ";"
       << '\0';

  COMETVerbose( "Database: " << dbNo
                        << " ReplaceSeqNo SQL: " << sql.c_str() << "  ");

//  Apply query.
  if ( ! stmtDb->ExecuteUpdate(sql.c_str()) || stmtDb->PrintExceptions() ) {
       COMETSevere( "SQL: " << sql.c_str()
         << " Failed. " << "  ");
    return false;

  return true;



void  COMET::IDbiDBProxy::StoreMetaData(COMET::IDbiTableMetaData& metaData) const {
//  Purpose:  Store table meta data.
//  Arguments:
//    metaData   in    Empty COMET::IDbiTableMetaData object apart from table name.

  const char* tableName = metaData.TableName().c_str();
  COMETVerbose( "Get meta-data for table: " << tableName << "  ");

//  Check each Db in turn until table found and store table meta data.

  for ( UInt_t dbNo = 0; dbNo < fCascader.GetNumDb(); dbNo++ ) {
    COMET::IDbiConnection* connection = fCascader.GetConnection(dbNo);
    TSQLServer* server = connection->GetServer();
    if ( ! server ) continue;
    TSQLTableInfo* meta = server->GetTableInfo(tableName);
    if ( ! meta ) {
    COMETVerbose( "Meta-data query succeeded on cascade entry " << dbNo << "  ");

    // Clear out any existing data, although there should not be any.

    const TList* cols =  meta->GetColumns();
    TIter colItr(cols);
    int col = 0;
    while ( TSQLColumnInfo* colInfo = dynamic_cast<TSQLColumnInfo*>(colItr.Next()) ) {

      string name(colInfo->GetName());
      name = COMET::UtilString::ToUpper(name);

      COMET::IDbiFieldType fldType(colInfo->GetSQLType(),

      // For now continue to check for unsigned (even though not supported)
      if ( !colInfo->IsSigned() ) fldType.SetUnsigned();


      COMETVerbose(  "Column "         << col << " " << name
     << " SQL type "      << colInfo->GetSQLType()
     << " SQL type name " << colInfo->GetTypeName()
     << " DBI type "      << fldType.AsString()
     << " data size: "    << fldType.GetSize()
     << " col size: "     << colInfo->GetLength() << "  ");

    delete meta;


Bool_t COMET::IDbiDBProxy::TableExists(Int_t selectDbNo) const {
//  Purpose:  Return true if table exists on selected cascade entry
//            or any entry if selectDbNo=-1 (default)

  return fCascader.TableExists(fTableName,selectDbNo);
