//////////////////////////// ROOT API ////////////////////////////
* \class COMET::IDbiInRowStream
* \brief
* Concept Input stream with type checking.
* \brief
* Purpose This is an interface to TSQLResultSet. Its primary
* purpose is to provide an >> operator with built-type checking to
* simplify the writing of IDbiTableRow subclasses.
* Contact: A.Finch@lancaster.ac.uk
#include "TString.h"
#include "IDbi.hxx"
#include "IDbiRowStream.hxx"
namespace COMET {
class IDbiString;
class IDbiStatement;
class IDbiTableMetaData;
class IDbiTableProxy;
class TSQLStatement;
namespace COMET {
class IVldTimeStamp;
namespace COMET {
class IDbiInRowStream : public IDbiRowStream
// Constructors and destructors.
/// Purpose: Default constructor
/// Arguments:
/// stmtDb in COMET::IDbiStatement to be used for query. May be zero.
/// sql in The query to be applied to the statement.
/// metaData in Meta data for query.
/// tableProxy in Source COMET::IDbiTableProxy.
/// dbNo in Cascade no. of source.
/// Return: n/a
/// Contact: N. West
/// Specification:-
/// =============
/// o Create ResultSet for query.
IDbiInRowStream(IDbiStatement* stmtDb,
const IDbiString& sql,
const IDbiTableMetaData* metaData,
const IDbiTableProxy* tableProxy,
UInt_t dbNo,
const string& fillOpts = "");
virtual ~IDbiInRowStream();
// State testing member functions
Bool_t CurColExists() const;
string CurColString() const;
string CurColValue() const { LoadCurValue(); return fValString;}
UInt_t CurRowNum() const { return fCurRow;}
UInt_t GetDbNo() const { return fDbNo; }
string GetFillOpts() const { return fFillOpts;}
const IDbiTableProxy* GetTableProxy() const { return fTableProxy; }
/// IsBeforeFirst not needed for ROOT API, but leave a dummy
/// for now so as not to disturb IDbiInRowStream API.
Bool_t IsBeforeFirst() const { return false; };
Bool_t IsExhausted() const { return fExhausted; }
void RowAsCsv(string& row) const;
// State changing member functions
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Bool_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Char_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Short_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(UShort_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Int_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(UInt_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Long_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(ULong_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Float_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(Double_t& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(string& dest);
COMET::IDbiInRowStream& operator>>(COMET::IVldTimeStamp& dest);
Bool_t FetchRow();
string& AsString(IDbi::DataTypes type);
Bool_t LoadCurValue() const;
TString GetStringFromTSQL(Int_t col) const;
// Data members
/// Current row in query (0...)
Int_t fCurRow;
/// Cascade no. of source
UInt_t fDbNo;
/// Owned IDbiStatement. May be 0.
/// It's only use is to create a TSQLStatement in the ctor but it is not
/// destroyed until the dtor to prevent a premature attempt to close the
/// connection.
IDbiStatement* fStatement;
/// Pointer to owned statement, may be 0.
TSQLStatement* fTSQLStatement;
/// True is result set missing or exhausted.
Bool_t fExhausted;
/// IDbiTableProxy that produced this set.
const IDbiTableProxy* fTableProxy;
/// Buffer for assembling value
mutable string fValString;
/// Optional fill options.
string fFillOpts;
ClassDef(IDbiInRowStream,0) //ResultSet from Query to database table