* $Id: IDbiOutRowStream.hxx,v 1.1 2011/01/18 05:49:20 finch Exp $
* \class COMET::IDbiOutRowStream
* \brief
* Concept Output stream for the values of a single table row
* with type checking and deferred sequence number asignment.
* \brief
* Purpose This is a helper class COMET::for IDbiSqlValPacket. Its
* primary purpose is to provide an << operator with built-type
* checking to simplify the writing of IDbiTableRow subclasses.
* Contact: A.Finch@lancaster.ac.uk
#include "IDbi.hxx"
#include "IDbiRowStream.hxx"
namespace COMET {
class IDbiTableMetaData;
namespace COMET {
class IVldTimeStamp;
namespace COMET {
class IDbiValidityRec;
namespace COMET {
class IDbiOutRowStream : public IDbiRowStream
friend class IDbiConfigSet; //To allow it to use private Store method
// Constructors and destructors.
IDbiOutRowStream(const IDbiTableMetaData* metaData);
virtual ~IDbiOutRowStream();
// State testing member functions
Bool_t HasGoodData() const { return ! fBadData && IsComplete(); }
const string& GetCSV() const { return fCSV; }
Bool_t IsComplete() const { return CurColNum() == NumCols()+1; }
// State changing member functions
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Bool_t src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Char_t src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(const Char_t* src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Short_t src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(UShort_t src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Int_t src);
COMET::IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(UInt_t src);
/* IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Long_t& src); */
/* IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(ULong_t& src); */
IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Float_t src);
IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(Double_t src);
IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(const string& src);
IDbiOutRowStream& operator<<(const COMET::IVldTimeStamp& src);
void Clear() { fBadData = kFALSE; fCSV.erase(); ClearCurCol();}
// State testing member functions
// State changing member functions
void Store(const string& str);
Bool_t StoreDefaultIfInvalid(IDbi::DataTypes type);
// Data members
/// Set KTRUE if streamed bad data
Bool_t fBadData;
/// Comma separated list of values.
string fCSV;
ClassDef(IDbiOutRowStream,0) //Output stream for single table row